import QtQml 2.15 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils /* This is used so that there is an easy way to fill in the data needed to launch the Swap Modal with pre-filled requisites. */ QtObject { id: root signal formValuesChanged() property string selectedAccountAddress: "" property int selectedNetworkChainId: -1 property string fromTokensKey: "" property string fromTokenAmount: "" property string toTokenKey: root.defaultToTokenKey property string toTokenAmount: "" property double selectedSlippage: 0.5 // default token key property string defaultToTokenKey: "" // 15 seconds property int autoRefreshTime: 15000 onSelectedAccountAddressChanged: root.formValuesChanged() onSelectedNetworkChainIdChanged: root.formValuesChanged() onFromTokensKeyChanged: root.formValuesChanged() onFromTokenAmountChanged: root.formValuesChanged() onToTokenKeyChanged: root.formValuesChanged() onToTokenAmountChanged: root.formValuesChanged() function resetFormData() { selectedAccountAddress = "" selectedNetworkChainId = -1 selectedSlippage = 0.5 root.resetFromTokenValues() root.resetToTokenValues() } function resetFromTokenValues() { fromTokensKey = "" fromTokenAmount = "" } function resetToTokenValues(keepDefault = true) { if(keepDefault) { toTokenKey = root.defaultToTokenKey } else { toTokenKey = "" } toTokenAmount = "" } function isFormFilledCorrectly() { let bigIntNumber = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(root.fromTokenAmount) return !!root.selectedAccountAddress && root.selectedNetworkChainId !== -1 && !!root.fromTokensKey && !!root.toTokenKey && (!!root.fromTokenAmount && !isNaN(bigIntNumber) && SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.cmp(bigIntNumber, 0) === 1) && root.selectedSlippage > 0 } }