import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQml 2.14 import QtTest 1.0 import StatusQ 0.1 // import utils 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 import TextUtils 1.0 Item { id: root width: 600 height: 400 Component { id: componentUnderTest StatusChatInput { property var globalUtils: globalUtilsMock width: parent.width height: implicitHeight anchors.bottom: parent.bottom usersStore: QtObject { property var usersModel: ListModel {} } } } QtObject { id: testData readonly property var multiLineText: ["Typing on first row", "Typing on the second row", "Typing on the third row"] } TestCase { name: "StatusChatInputInitialization" when: windowShown property StatusChatInput controlUnderTest: null function init() { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root) } //Scenario: StatusChatInput initialisation //Given a new instance of StatusChatInput //When there is no keyboard input //Then the StatucChatInput raw text is empty //But the StatusChatInput is configured to support Rich Text function test_empty_chat_input() { verify(controlUnderTest.textInput.length == 0, `Expected 0 text length, received: ${controlUnderTest.textInput.length}`) verify(controlUnderTest.getPlainText() == "", `Expected empty string, received: ${controlUnderTest.getPlainText()}`) verify(controlUnderTest.textInput.textFormat == TextEdit.RichText, "Expected text input format to be Rich") verify(controlUnderTest.textInput.text.startsWith(" //Then the text is displayed as it is typed //And the input text is not modified by mentions processor //And the input text is not modified by emoji processor // //Example: //text //(!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~) function test_keyboard_any_ascii_input() { var expectations_after_typed_text = (typedText) => { verify(controlUnderTest.getPlainText() === typedText, `Expected text: ${typedText}, received: ${controlUnderTest.getPlainText()}`) verify(controlUnderTest.textInput.text === controlUnderTest.getTextWithPublicKeys(), `Expected text: ${controlUnderTest.textInput.text}, received: ${controlUnderTest.getTextWithPublicKeys()}`) } testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputKeyboardInputExpectedAsText, testHelper.get_all_ascii_characters(), expectations_after_typed_text); } // Scenario outline: User can navigate in chat input using keyboard // Given the user has typed text on multiple lines in StatusChatInput // """ // Typing on first row // Typing on the second row // Typing on the third row // // """ // When the user hits // The cursor will move inside the text area to the // // Examples: // |direction| // |left| // |right| // |up| // |down| // When the user hits "left" // The cursor will move inside the text area to the "left" // When the user hits "right" // The cursor will move inside the text area to the "right" // When the user hits "up" // The cursor will move "up" inside the text area, on the previous line if any // When the user hits "down" // The cursor will move "down" inside the text area, on the next line if any function test_user_can_navigate_with_keys() { var expect_row_to_be_added = (rowNb) => { const expectedText = testData.multiLineText.slice(0, rowNb).join("\n") + "\n" compare(controlUnderTest.getPlainText(), expectedText) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.lineCount, rowNb + 1) } testHelper.when_multiline_text_is_typed(statusChatInputKeyboardInputExpectedAsText, testData.multiLineText, expect_row_to_be_added, (typedRowText) => {}) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, controlUnderTest.textInput.length, "Expected cursor position at the end of text") keyClick(Qt.Key_Right) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, controlUnderTest.textInput.length, "Expected cursor not to move as we already are at the end of text") keyClick(Qt.Key_Left) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, controlUnderTest.textInput.length - 1, "Expected cursor to move left") keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, 42, "Expected cursor to be on the on the second row, two chars from the end") keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, 19, "Expected cursor to be on the on end of the first line") keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, 42, "Expected cursor to be back on the second row, two chars from the end") keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, controlUnderTest.textInput.length - 1, "Expected cursor to be back at the end of second line") keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, controlUnderTest.textInput.length, "Expected cursor to be back at the end of text") } // Scenario: User can select text using keyboard // Given the user has typed text on multiple lines in StatusChatInput // """ // Typing on first row // Typing on the second row // Typing on the third row // """ // When the user holds shift key // When the user hits // The cursor will move inside the text area to the // And the selected text will be // Examples: // |direction| selectedText | // |right| "" | // |left| "\u2028" | // |up| "ow\u2028Typing on the third row\u2028" | // |down| "\u2028" | function test_user_can_select_text() { testHelper.given_multiline_text_is_typed(statusChatInputKeyboardInputExpectedAsText, testData.multiLineText) keyClick(Qt.Key_Right, Qt.ShiftModifier) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, "", "No selection expected") keyClick(Qt.Key_Left, Qt.ShiftModifier) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, "\u2028", "Expected line separator.") keyClick(Qt.Key_Up, Qt.ShiftModifier) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, "ow\u2028Typing on the third row\u2028") keyClick(Qt.Key_Down, Qt.ShiftModifier) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, "\u2028", "Expected line separator.") } // Scenario: The user can select all text in StatusChatInput // Given the user has typed text in StatusChatInput // """ // Typing on first row // Typing on the second row // Typing on the third row // """ // When the user hits select all shortcut // Then all the text is selected function test_user_can_select_all_text() { testHelper.given_multiline_text_is_typed(statusChatInputKeyboardInputExpectedAsText, testData.multiLineText) keySequence(StandardKey.SelectAll) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, testData.multiLineText.join("\u2028") + "\u2028") } // Scenario: The user can cut text in StatusChatInput // Given the user has selected all text in StatusChatInput // """ // Typing on first row // Typing on the second row // Typing on the third row // """ // When the user hits cut shortcut // Then all selected text is removed // And his clipboard contains the initially selected text function test_user_can_cut_text() { testHelper.given_multiline_text_is_typed(statusChatInputKeyboardInputExpectedAsText, testData.multiLineText) keySequence(StandardKey.SelectAll) keySequence(StandardKey.Cut) compare(controlUnderTest.getPlainText(), "") keySequence(StandardKey.Paste) compare(controlUnderTest.getPlainText(), testData.multiLineText.join("\n") + "\n") } // Given the user has contact JohnDoe // And the user types a message "Hello @JohnDoe!" // Then the user can mention his contact as @JohnDoe // And mentions suggestions openes when "@" is typed // And the mentions suggestions will contain @JohnDoe as the mention is typed // And the mentions suggestions will close once "e" is typed // And the mention is sepparated by the next input once the mention is added to TextArea // And the contact name from the mention can be replaced with "'0x0JohnDoe'" public key function test_keyboard_mentions_input() { skip("Sometimes the mentions suggestions is not visible.") testHelper.when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest, "JohnDoe", (contact) => { verify(controlUnderTest.usersStore.usersModel.count == 1, `Expected user to have 1 contact`) }) let expect_visible_suggestions_on_mention_typing = (typedText) => { if(typedText.startsWith("Hello @") && !typedText.startsWith("Hello @JohnDoe")) { verify(controlUnderTest.suggestions.visible == true, `Expected the mention suggestions to be visible`) verify(controlUnderTest.suggestions.listView.currentItem.objectName === "JohnDoe", `Expected the mention suggestions current item to be JohnDoe, received ${controlUnderTest.suggestions.listView.currentItem.objectName}`) } } testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputKeyboardInputExpectedAsText, "Hello @JohnDoe!", expect_visible_suggestions_on_mention_typing) verify(controlUnderTest.suggestions.visible == false, `Expected the mention suggestions to be closed`) compare(controlUnderTest.getPlainText(), "Hello \[\[mention\]\]@JohnDoe\[\[mention\]\] !", "Expected the mention to be inserted") var textWithPubKey = controlUnderTest.getTextWithPublicKeys() verify(textWithPubKey.includes("@0x0JohnDoe"), "Expected @pubKey to replace @contactName") } } TestCase { id: statusChatInputStandardKeySequence name: "StatusChatInputStandardKeySequence" when: windowShown property var controlUnderTest: null property TextArea standardInput: null Component { id: standardTextAreaComponent TextArea { width: 400 height: 100 textFormat: Qt.RichText selectByMouse: true } } function initTestCase() { Utils.globalUtilsInst = globalUtilsMock } // Scenario: Default TextArea keyboard shortcuts are not altered by StatusChatInput // Given a new StatusChatInput instance // And a new standard Qt TextArea instance // When the user is typing multiline text // """ // Typing on first row // Typing on the second row // Typing on the third row // """ // And is using standard key shortcutss // Then the StatusChatInput will behave as standard TextArea function init() { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root) standardInput = createTemporaryObject(standardTextAreaComponent, root) standardInput.forceActiveFocus() testHelper.given_multiline_text_is_typed(statusChatInputStandardKeySequence, testData.multiLineText) controlUnderTest.textInput.forceActiveFocus() testHelper.given_multiline_text_is_typed(statusChatInputStandardKeySequence, testData.multiLineText) } function test_standard_key_shortcuts_data() { return [ { tag: "Delete", key: StandardKey.Delete, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "Undo", key: StandardKey.Undo, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "Redo", key: StandardKey.Redo, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectAll", key: StandardKey.SelectAll, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0 , expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "Bold", key: StandardKey.Bold, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 3, expectIdenticalPlainText: false, expectIdenticalSelection: false }, { tag: "Italic", key: StandardKey.Italic, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 8, initialSelectionEnd: 10, expectIdenticalPlainText: false, expectIdenticalSelection: false }, { tag: "MoveToNextChar", key: StandardKey.MoveToNextChar, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "MoveToPreviousChar", key: StandardKey.MoveToPreviousChar, initialCursorPosition: 5, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "MoveToNextWord", key: StandardKey.MoveToNextWord, initialCursorPosition: 2, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true}, { tag: "MoveToPreviousWord", key: StandardKey.MoveToPreviousWord, initialCursorPosition: 15, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true}, { tag: "MoveToNextLine", key: StandardKey.MoveToNextLine, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true}, { tag: "MoveToPreviousLine", key: StandardKey.MoveToPreviousLine, initialCursorPosition: 30, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true}, { tag: "MoveToStartOfLine", key: StandardKey.MoveToStartOfLine, initialCursorPosition: 10, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "MoveToEndOfLine", key: StandardKey.MoveToEndOfLine, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "MoveToStartOfBlock", key: StandardKey.MoveToStartOfBlock, initialCursorPosition: 40, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "MoveToEndOfBlock", key: StandardKey.MoveToEndOfBlock, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "MoveToStartOfDocument", key: StandardKey.MoveToStartOfDocument, initialCursorPosition: 40, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "MoveToEndOfDocument", key: StandardKey.MoveToEndOfDocument, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectNextChar", key: StandardKey.SelectNextChar, initialCursorPosition: 5, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectPreviousChar", key: StandardKey.SelectPreviousChar, initialCursorPosition: 5, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectNextWord", key: StandardKey.SelectNextWord, initialCursorPosition: 2, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectPreviousWord", key: StandardKey.SelectPreviousWord, initialCursorPosition: 15, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectNextLine", key: StandardKey.SelectNextLine, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectPreviousLine", key: StandardKey.SelectPreviousLine, initialCursorPosition: 30, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectStartOfLine", key: StandardKey.SelectStartOfLine, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectEndOfLine", key: StandardKey.SelectEndOfLine, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectStartOfBlock", key: StandardKey.SelectStartOfBlock, initialCursorPosition: 40, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectEndOfBlock", key: StandardKey.SelectEndOfBlock, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectStartOfDocument", key: StandardKey.SelectStartOfDocument, initialCursorPosition: 40, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "SelectEndOfDocument", key: StandardKey.SelectEndOfDocument, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "DeleteStartOfWord", key: StandardKey.DeleteStartOfWord, initialCursorPosition: 4, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "DeleteEndOfWord", key: StandardKey.DeleteEndOfWord, initialCursorPosition: 4, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "DeleteEndOfLine", key: StandardKey.DeleteEndOfLine, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "InsertLineSeparator", key: StandardKey.InsertLineSeparator, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "Deselect", key: StandardKey.Deselect, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 10, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "DeleteCompleteLine", key: StandardKey.DeleteCompleteLine, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "Backspace", key: StandardKey.Backspace, initialCursorPosition: 5, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true }, { tag: "AddTab", key: StandardKey.AddTab, initialCursorPosition: 0, initialSelectionStart: 0, initialSelectionEnd: 0, expectIdenticalPlainText: true } ] } function test_standard_key_shortcuts(data) { standardInput.forceActiveFocus() standardInput.cursorPosition = data.initialCursorPosition, data.initialSelectionEnd) keySequence(data.key) let standardControlSelection = standardInput.selectedText let standardControlCursorPosition = standardInput.cursorPosition controlUnderTest.textInput.forceActiveFocus() controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition = data.initialCursorPosition, data.initialSelectionEnd) keySequence(data.key) let controlUnderTestSelection = controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText let controlUnderTestCursorPosition = controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition if(data.expectIdenticalPlainText) { compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.length, standardInput.length, "Expected identical text length") compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.getText(0, controlUnderTest.textInput.length), standardInput.getText(0, standardInput.length), "Expected identical text") compare(controlUnderTestCursorPosition, standardControlCursorPosition, "Expected identical cursor position") compare(controlUnderTestSelection, standardControlSelection, "Expected identical selected text") } else { //the text is expected to be different due to custom processor //Ex: bold or italic where text is wrapped in specific symbols verify(controlUnderTest.textInput.getText(0, controlUnderTest.textInput.length) !== standardInput.getText(0, standardInput.length), "Expected different text") } } } TestCase { id: statusChatInputEmojiAndMentions name: "StatusChatInputEmojiAndMentions" when: windowShown property StatusChatInput controlUnderTest: null function init() { Utils.globalUtilsInst = globalUtilsMock controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root) } // Scenario: The user can type text, mention and emoji // Given a new instance of StatusChatInput // And the user has as contact // When the user is typing // Then the text is displayed in the input field as // And the is inserted in the input field // And the is inserted in the input field // And the can be replaced with contact public key // Examples: // text | mention | expectedPlainText // “Hello John:D” | | “Hello John\uD83D\uDE04“ // “Hello @JohnDoe” | @JohnDoe | “Hello @JohnDoe ” // “Hello:D@JohnDoe“ | @JohnDoe | “Hello\uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe “ // “:DHello@JohnDoe” | @JohnDoe | “\uD83D\uDE04 Hello @JohnDoe ” // “:D:D:D:D:D:D@JohnDoe:D:D:D” | @JohnDoe | “\uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 ” // “Hello:@JohnDoe1:D@JohnDoe2:D | @JohnDoe1 @JohnDoe2 | “Hello:@JohnDoe1 \uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe2 \uD83D\uDE04 ” // “Hello:@JohnDoe1:D@JohnDoe2:D | | “Hello:@JohnDoe1\uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe2\uD83D\uDE04 ” function test_text_mention_emoji_input_data() { return [ { tag: "Hello John:D", text: "Hello John :D ", mention: [], expectedText: "Hello John \uD83D\uDE04 " }, { tag: "Hello @JohnDoe", text: "Hello @JohnDoe", mention: ["JohnDoe"], expectedText: "Hello @JohnDoe " }, { tag: "Hello:D@JohnDoe", text: "Hello :D @JohnDoe", mention: ["JohnDoe"], expectedText: "Hello \uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe " }, { tag: ":DHello@JohnDoe", text: ":D Hello@JohnDoe", mention: ["JohnDoe"], expectedText: "\uD83D\uDE04 Hello@JohnDoe " }, { tag: ":D :D :D :D :D :D @JohnDoe:D :D :D ", text: ":D :D :D :D :D :D @JohnDoe:D :D :D ", mention: ["JohnDoe"], expectedText: "\uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 \uD83D\uDE04 " }, { tag: "Hello:@JohnDoe1:D@JohnDoe2:D with contact", text: "Hello @JohnDoe1:D @JohnDoe2:D ", mention: ["JohnDoe1", "JohnDoe2"], expectedText: "Hello @JohnDoe1 \uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe2 \uD83D\uDE04 " }, { tag: "Hello:@JohnDoe1:D@JohnDoe2:D without contact", text: "Hello @JohnDoe1 :D @JohnDoe2 :D ", mention: [], expectedText: "Hello @JohnDoe1 \uD83D\uDE04 @JohnDoe2 \uD83D\uDE04 " }, ] } function test_text_mention_emoji_input(data) { skip("Unreliable test. Fails randomly") data.mention.forEach(contact => testHelper.when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest, contact, (addedContact) => {})) testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputEmojiAndMentions, data.text, (typedText) => { keyClick(Qt.Key_Shift) /*mentions will be inserted only after a key input*/}) var plainText = controlUnderTest.removeMentions(controlUnderTest.getPlainText()) compare(plainText, data.expectedText) } } TestCase { id: statusChatInputMentions name: "StatusChatInputMentions" when: windowShown property StatusChatInput controlUnderTest: null function init() { Utils.globalUtilsInst = globalUtilsMock controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root) } //Scenario: Mention behaves like a single character when moving cursor by keyboard //Given the user has contact //And typed message //And has placed cursor at mention //When the user hits //The cursor moves to //Example: //| textInput | mention | initialPosition | key | expectedPosition | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | | 6 | right | 7 | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | | 14 | left | 13 | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | JohnDoe | 6 | right | 14 | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | JohnDoe | 14 | left | 6 | function test_mention_is_skipped_by_cursor_data() { return [ {tag: "MoveRightNoMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "", initialPosition: 6, key: Qt.Key_Right, expectedPosition: 7}, {tag: "MoveLeftNoMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "", initialPosition: 14, key: Qt.Key_Left, expectedPosition: 13}, {tag: "MoveRightWithMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "JohnDoe", initialPosition: 6, key: Qt.Key_Right, expectedPosition: 14}, {tag: "MoveLeftWithMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "JohnDoe", initialPosition: 14, key: Qt.Key_Left, expectedPosition: 6} ] } function test_mention_is_skipped_by_cursor(data) { skip("Unreliable test. Failing randomly") if(data.mention !== "") { testHelper.when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest, data.mention, (contact) => {}) } testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputMentions, data.textInput, (typedText) => {}) controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition = data.initialPosition compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, data.initialPosition) keyClick(data.key) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, data.expectedPosition) } //Scenario: Mention behaves like a single character when selecting by keyboard //Given the user has contact //And typed message //And has placed cursor at mention //When the user hits holding Shift //The selected text is //Example: //| textInput | mention | initialPosition | key | expectedSelection | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | | 6 | right | @ | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | | 14 | left | e | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | JohnDoe | 6 | right | @JohnDoe | //| Hello @JohnDoe! | JohnDoe | 14 | left | @JohnDoe | function test_mention_is_selected_by_keyboard_data() { return [ {tag: "SelectRightNoMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "", initialPosition: 6, key: Qt.Key_Right, expectedSelection: "@"}, {tag: "SelectLeftNoMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "", initialPosition: 14, key: Qt.Key_Left, expectedSelection: "e"}, {tag: "SelectRightWithMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "JohnDoe", initialPosition: 6, key: Qt.Key_Right, expectedSelection: "@JohnDoe"}, {tag: "SelectLeftWithMention", textInput: "Hello @JohnDoe!", mention: "JohnDoe", initialPosition: 14, key: Qt.Key_Left, expectedSelection: "@JohnDoe"} ] } function test_mention_is_selected_by_keyboard(data) { skip("Unstable test") if(data.mention !== "") { testHelper.when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest, data.mention, (contact) => {}) } testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputMentions, data.textInput, (typedText) => {}) controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition = data.initialPosition compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition, data.initialPosition) keyClick(data.key, Qt.ShiftModifier) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, data.expectedSelection) } //Scenario: Clicking mention will select the mention //Given the user has contact JohnDoe //And has typed message Hello @JohnDoe! //When the user clicks @JohnDoe text //Then the text @JohnDoe is selected function test_mention_click_is_selecting_mention() { skip("Unreliable test. Failing randomly") testHelper.when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest, "JohnDoe", (contact) => {}) testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputMentions, "Hello @JohnDoe!", (typedText) => {}) controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition = 6 const cursorRectangle = controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorRectangle mouseClick(controlUnderTest.textInput, cursorRectangle.x + 5, controlUnderTest.textInput.height / 2) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, "@JohnDoe") } //Scenario: Mention cannot be invalidated by user actions //Given the user has contact JohnDoe //And has typed message Hello @JohnDoe! //When the user is performing //And hits enter //Then the mention is still valid //And can be replaced with publicKey //Example: //|Action| //|The space after mention is deleted and mention suggestion is closed key left| //|The space after mention is deleted and mention suggestion is closed key "S"| function test_mention_cannot_be_invalidated() { skip("Test is failing. Mention is invalidated by user actions") testHelper.when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest, "JohnDoe", (contact) => {}) testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputMentions, "Hello @JohnDoe!", (typedText) => {}) controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition = 15 keyClick(Qt.Key_Backspace) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.getText(0, controlUnderTest.textInput.length), "Hello @JohnDoe!") keyClick(Qt.Key_Left) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.getText(0, controlUnderTest.textInput.length), "Hello @JohnDoe !") var plainTextWithPubKey = TextUtils.htmlToPlainText(controlUnderTest.getTextWithPublicKeys()) compare(plainTextWithPubKey, "Hello @0x0JohnDoe !") controlUnderTest.textInput.cursorPosition = 15 keyClick(Qt.Key_Backspace) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.getText(0, controlUnderTest.textInput.length), "Hello @JohnDoe!") keyClick(Qt.Key_S) plainTextWithPubKey = TextUtils.htmlToPlainText(controlUnderTest.getTextWithPublicKeys()) compare(plainTextWithPubKey, "Hello @0x0JohnDoe s!") } //Scenario: User can remove mention by replacing a larger selected text section with a letter //Given the user has contact JohnDoe //And has typed "Hello @JohnDoe!" //And has selected "lo @JohnDoe !" //And has typed "s" //Then the text is "Hells" //And the mention is removed function test_mention_is_deleted_with_large_selection() { skip("Test is failing. Mention is not selected") testHelper.when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest, "JohnDoe", (contact) => {}) testHelper.when_text_is_typed(statusChatInputMentions, "Hello @JohnDoe!", (typedText) => {}), 16) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.selectedText, "lo @JohnDoe !") keyClick(Qt.Key_S) compare(controlUnderTest.textInput.getText(0, controlUnderTest.textInput.length), "Hels") const plainTextWithPubKey = TextUtils.htmlToPlainText(controlUnderTest.getTextWithPublicKeys()) compare(plainTextWithPubKey, "Hels") } } QtObject { id: testHelper function get_all_ascii_characters() { let result = ''; for( let i = 32; i <= 126; i++ ) { result += String.fromCharCode( i ); } return result } function when_the_user_has_contact(controlUnderTest: StatusChatInput, contact: string, expectationAfterContactAdded) { controlUnderTest.usersStore.usersModel.append({ pubKey: `0x0${contact}`, onlineStatus: 1, isContact: true, isVerified: true, isAdmin: false, isUntrustworthy: false, displayName: contact, alias: `${contact}-alias`, localNickname: `${contact}-local-nickname`, ensName: `${contact}.stateofus.eth`, icon: " nzPcxEzGExhBdJGYihtAYQlO+tUZvqrPbqeudo5iJGEJjCE15a3VtodH3q2ImYgiNITTlTdG1nUZ5a92VITQxITFiJmIIjSE0htAYQrMHAAD//+wwFVpz+yqXAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", colorId: 7 }) expectationAfterContactAdded(contact) } function when_text_is_typed(testCase: TestCase, textInput: string, expectationAfterTextInput) { for (let i = 0; i < textInput.length; i++) { const typedText = textInput.slice(0,i+1) const key = textInput[i]; testCase.keyClick(key) expectationAfterTextInput(typedText) } } function when_multiline_text_is_typed(testCase: TestCase, textLines: list, expectationAfterNewLine, expectationAfterTextInput) { for(let i = 0; i < textLines.length; i++) { when_text_is_typed(testCase, textLines[i], expectationAfterTextInput) testCase.keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.ShiftModifier) expectationAfterNewLine(i+1) } } function given_multiline_text_is_typed(testCase: TestCase, textLines: list) { when_multiline_text_is_typed(testCase, textLines, (lineNb) => {}, (typedText) => {}) } } QtObject { id: globalUtilsMock function plainText(htmlText) { return TextUtils.htmlToPlainText(htmlText) } function isCompressedPubKey(publicKey) { return false } } QtObject { id: rootStoreMock property ListModel gifColumnA: ListModel {} readonly property var formationChars: (["*", "`", "~"]) property bool gifUnfurlingEnabled: true function getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField) { let i = 1 let text = "" while (true) { if (messageInputField.selectionStart - i < 0 && messageInputField.selectionEnd + i > messageInputField.length) { break } text = messageInputField.getText(messageInputField.selectionStart - i, messageInputField.selectionEnd + i) if (!formationChars.includes(text.charAt(0)) || !formationChars.includes(text.charAt(text.length - 1))) { break } i++ } return text } Component.onCompleted: { RootStore.isWalletEnabled = true RootStore.gifUnfurlingEnabled = rootStoreMock.gifUnfurlingEnabled RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars = rootStoreMock.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars RootStore.gifColumnA = rootStoreMock.gifColumnA Global.dragArea = root } } }