import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import AppLayouts.Chat.helpers 1.0 StatusDropdown { id: root property var store property string assetKey: "" property real assetAmount: 0 property string collectibleKey: "" property real collectibleAmount: 1 property bool collectiblesSpecificAmount: false property int ensType: EnsPanel.EnsType.Any property string ensDomainName: "" signal addAsset(string key, real amount) signal addCollectible(string key, real amount) signal addEns(bool any, string customDomain) signal updateAsset(string key, real amount) signal updateCollectible(string key, real amount) signal updateEns(bool any, string customDomain) signal removeClicked function reset() { d.currentHoldingType = HoldingTypes.Type.Asset d.assetAmountText = "" d.collectibleAmountText = "" root.assetKey = "" root.collectibleKey = "" root.assetAmount = 0 root.collectibleAmount = 1 root.collectiblesSpecificAmount = false root.ensType = EnsPanel.EnsType.Any root.ensDomainName = "" statesStack.clear() } width: d.defaultWidth padding: d.padding // force keeping within the bounds of the enclosing window margins: 0 onClosed: root.reset() enum FlowType { Add, Update } function openFlow(flowType) { switch (flowType) { case HoldingsDropdown.FlowType.Add: statesStack.push(d.addState) break case HoldingsDropdown.FlowType.Update: statesStack.push(d.updateState) break default: console.warn("Unknown flow type.") return } open() } function setActiveTab(holdingType) { d.currentHoldingType = holdingType } QtObject { id: d // Internal management properties and signals: readonly property bool assetsReady: root.assetAmount > 0 && root.assetKey readonly property bool collectiblesReady: root.collectibleAmount > 0 && root.collectibleKey readonly property bool ensReady: root.ensType === EnsPanel.EnsType.Any || d.ensDomainNameValid readonly property string addState: "ADD" readonly property string updateState: "UPDATE" readonly property string extendedState: "EXTENDED" property int holdingsTabMode: HoldingsTabs.Mode.Add property int extendedDropdownType: ExtendedDropdownContent.Type.Assets property string assetAmountText: "" property string collectibleAmountText: "" property int currentHoldingType: HoldingTypes.Type.Asset property bool ensDomainNameValid: false signal addClicked signal updateClicked // By design values: readonly property int padding: 8 readonly property int defaultWidth: 289 readonly property int extendedContentHeight: 380 readonly property int tabsAddModeBaseHeight: 232 - padding * 2 readonly property int tabsAddModeExtendedHeight: 277 - padding * 2 readonly property int tabsUpdateModeBaseHeight: 284 - padding * 2 readonly property int tabsUpdateModeExtendedHeight: tabsUpdateModeBaseHeight + (tabsAddModeExtendedHeight - tabsAddModeBaseHeight) readonly property int backButtonWidth: 56 readonly property int backButtonHeight: 24 readonly property int backButtonToContentSpace: 8 readonly property string defaultAssetNameText: qsTr("Choose asset") readonly property string defaultCollectibleNameText: qsTr("Choose collectible") } QtObject { id: statesStack property alias currentState: content.state property int size: 0 property var states: [] function push(state) { states.push(state) currentState = state size++ } function pop() { states.pop() currentState = states.length ? states[states.length - 1] : "" size-- } function clear() { currentState = "" size = 0 states = [] } } contentItem: ColumnLayout { id: content spacing: d.backButtonToContentSpace StatusIconTextButton { id: backButton Layout.preferredWidth: d.backButtonWidth Layout.preferredHeight: d.backButtonHeight visible: statesStack.size > 1 spacing: 0 leftPadding: 4 statusIcon: "next" icon.width: 12 icon.height: 12 iconRotation: 180 text: qsTr("Back") } Loader { id: loader Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true } states: [ State { name: d.addState PropertyChanges {target: loader; sourceComponent: tabsView} PropertyChanges {target: root; height: undefined} // use implicit height }, State { name: d.updateState extend: d.addState PropertyChanges {target: d; holdingsTabMode: HoldingsTabs.Mode.Update} }, State { name: d.extendedState PropertyChanges {target: loader; sourceComponent: extendedView} PropertyChanges {target: root; height: d.extendedContentHeight} } ] } Component { id: tabsView HoldingsTabs { id: holdingsTabs readonly property var holdingTypes: [ HoldingTypes.Type.Asset, HoldingTypes.Type.Collectible, HoldingTypes.Type.Ens ] readonly property var labels: [qsTr("Asset"), qsTr("Collectible"), qsTr("ENS")] readonly property bool extendedHeight: d.currentHoldingType === HoldingTypes.Type.Collectible && collectiblesSpecificAmount || d.currentHoldingType === HoldingTypes.Type.Ens && root.ensType === EnsPanel.EnsType.CustomSubdomain implicitHeight: extendedHeight ? (mode === HoldingsTabs.Mode.Add ? d.tabsAddModeExtendedHeight : d.tabsUpdateModeExtendedHeight) : (mode === HoldingsTabs.Mode.Add ? d.tabsAddModeBaseHeight : d.tabsUpdateModeBaseHeight) states: [ State { name: HoldingTypes.Type.Asset PropertyChanges {target: holdingsTabs; sourceComponent: assetsLayout; addOrUpdateButtonEnabled: d.assetsReady} }, State { name: HoldingTypes.Type.Collectible PropertyChanges {target: holdingsTabs; sourceComponent: collectiblesLayout; addOrUpdateButtonEnabled: d.collectiblesReady} }, State { name: HoldingTypes.Type.Ens PropertyChanges {target: holdingsTabs; sourceComponent: ensLayout; addOrUpdateButtonEnabled: d.ensReady} } ] tabLabels: labels state: d.currentHoldingType mode: d.holdingsTabMode currentIndex: holdingTypes.indexOf(d.currentHoldingType) onCurrentIndexChanged: d.currentHoldingType = holdingTypes[currentIndex] onAddClicked: d.addClicked() onUpdateClicked: d.updateClicked() onRemoveClicked: root.removeClicked() Connections { target: backButton function onClicked() { statesStack.pop() } } } } Component { id: assetsLayout AssetsPanel { id: assetsPanel assetName: d.defaultAssetNameText amountText: d.assetAmountText onAmountTextChanged: d.assetAmountText = amountText readonly property real effectiveAmount: amountValid ? amount : 0 onEffectiveAmountChanged: root.assetAmount = effectiveAmount onPickerClicked: { d.extendedDropdownType = ExtendedDropdownContent.Type.Assets statesStack.push(d.extendedState) } readonly property string assetKey: root.assetKey onAssetKeyChanged: { const modelItem = CommunityPermissionsHelpers.getAssetByKey( store.assetsModel, assetKey) if (modelItem) { assetsPanel.assetName = modelItem.shortName assetsPanel.assetImage = modelItem.iconSource } else { assetsPanel.assetName = d.defaultAssetNameText assetsPanel.assetImage = "" } } Component.onCompleted: { if (d.assetAmountText.length === 0 && root.assetAmount) assetsPanel.setAmount(root.assetAmount) } Connections { target: d function onAddClicked() { root.addAsset(root.assetKey, root.assetAmount) } function onUpdateClicked() { root.updateAsset(root.assetKey, root.assetAmount) } } } } Component { id: collectiblesLayout CollectiblesPanel { id: collectiblesPanel collectibleName: d.defaultCollectibleNameText amountText: d.collectibleAmountText onAmountTextChanged: d.collectibleAmountText = amountText readonly property real effectiveAmount: amountValid ? amount : 0 onEffectiveAmountChanged: root.collectibleAmount = effectiveAmount specificAmount: root.collectiblesSpecificAmount onSpecificAmountChanged: root.collectiblesSpecificAmount = specificAmount onPickerClicked: { d.extendedDropdownType = ExtendedDropdownContent.Type.Collectibles statesStack.push(d.extendedState) } Component.onCompleted: { if (d.collectibleAmountText.length === 0 && root.collectibleAmount) collectiblesPanel.setAmount(root.collectibleAmount) } function getAmount() { return specificAmount ? effectiveAmount : 1 } Connections { target: d function onAddClicked() { root.addCollectible(root.collectibleKey, collectiblesPanel.getAmount()) } function onUpdateClicked() { root.updateCollectible(root.collectibleKey, collectiblesPanel.getAmount()) } } readonly property string collectibleKey: root.collectibleKey onCollectibleKeyChanged: { const modelItem = CommunityPermissionsHelpers.getCollectibleByKey( store.collectiblesModel, collectibleKey) if (modelItem) { collectiblesPanel.collectibleName = collectiblesPanel.collectibleImage = modelItem.iconSource } else { collectiblesPanel.collectibleName = d.defaultCollectibleNameText collectiblesPanel.collectibleImage = "" } } } } Component { id: ensLayout EnsPanel { ensType: root.ensType onEnsTypeChanged: root.ensType = ensType domainName: root.ensDomainName onDomainNameChanged: root.ensDomainName = domainName onDomainNameValidChanged: d.ensDomainNameValid = domainNameValid Connections { target: d function onAddClicked() { root.addEns(root.ensType === EnsPanel.EnsType.Any, root.ensDomainName) } function onUpdateClicked() { root.updateEns(root.ensType === EnsPanel.EnsType.Any, root.ensDomainName) } } } } Component { id: extendedView ExtendedDropdownContent { id: extendedDropdown store: type: d.extendedDropdownType onItemClicked: { statesStack.pop() if(d.extendedDropdownType === ExtendedDropdownContent.Type.Assets) root.assetKey = key else root.collectibleKey = key } Connections { target: backButton function onClicked() { if (extendedDropdown.canGoBack) extendedDropdown.goBack() else statesStack.pop() } } } } }