Feature: Status Desktop Group Chat As a group admin user I want to do some specific actions into the group chat The feature start sequence follows the global one (setup on global `bdd_hooks`): Background: Given the user starts the application with a specific data folder "../../../fixtures/mutual_contacts" When the user "tester123" logs in with password "TesTEr16843/!@00" Then the user lands on the signed in app When the user creates a group chat adding users | Athletic | | Nervous | Then the group chat is created Scenario: As an admin user I want to change group chat's name Given the user opens the edit group chat popup And the user changes the group name to "Fat&Lazy" When the user saves changes Then the chat title is "Fat&Lazy" Scenario: As an admin user I want to change group chat's color Given the user opens the edit group chat popup And the user changes the group color to "#7CDA00" When the user saves changes Then the chat color is "#7CDA00" Scenario: As an admin user I want to change group chat's image Given the user opens the edit group chat popup And the user changes the group image When the user saves changes Then the chat image is changed Scenario: As an admin user I want to leave current chat When the user leaves current chat Then the chat "Fat&Lazy" does not exist