Feature: Status Desktop Contacts Flows As a user I want to login the app and interact with contacts (add, remove, etc) Background: Sign up and open settings section Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key And the user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00" And the user lands on the signed in app And the user opens app settings screen Scenario: The user can add a contact with a chat key When the user opens the messaging settings And the user opens the contacts settings And the user sends a contact request to the chat key "zQ3shQihZMmciZWUrjvsY6kUoaqSKp9DFSjMPRkkKGty3XCKZ" with the reason "I am a fellow tester" Then the contact request for chat key "zQ3shQihZMmciZWUrjvsY6kUoaqSKp9DFSjMPRkkKGty3XCKZ" is present in the pending requests tab # TODO for future improvements: log into the other account and check that we received the request (will require some cleanup) @relyon-mailserver @mayfail # FIXME this test will fail because we no longer support public channels. Re-implement in a community channel. Issue #9252 Scenario: The user can add a contact from the chat # User 1 sends a message in the channel When the user opens the chat section And the user joins chat room "test-automation" And the user sends a chat message "I would like new friends" Then the last chat message contains "I would like new friends" # User 2 goes to the channel and sends a request from the profile popup Given the user restarts the app When the user lands on the status desktop and generates new key And the user signs up with username "tester2" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00" And the user lands on the signed in app And the user joins chat room "test-automation" # TODO remove when we have a reliable local mailserver And the user waits 2 seconds Then the last chat message contains "I would like new friends" When the user opens the user profile from the message at index 0 And the user sends a contact request with the reason "I am a fellow tester" And the user closes the popup And the user opens app settings screen And the user opens the messaging settings And the user opens the contacts settings Then a contact request is present in the sent pending requests tab # Log back in with User 1 to see if we have the request Given the user restarts the app When the user "tester123" logs in with password "TesTEr16843/!@00" And the user lands on the signed in app And the user opens app settings screen And the user opens the messaging settings And the user opens the contacts settings Then a contact request is present in the received pending requests tab