pragma Singleton import QtQuick 2.14 import utils 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import "stores" as WalletStores QtObject { function colorizedChainPrefix(prefix) { if (!prefix) return "" const prefixes = prefix.split(":").filter(Boolean) let prefixStr = "" const lastPrefixEndsWithColumn = prefix.endsWith(":") const defaultColor = Theme.palette.baseColor1 for (let i in prefixes) { const pref = prefixes[i] let col = WalletStores.RootStore.colorForChainShortName(pref) if (!col) col = defaultColor prefixStr += Utils.richColorText(pref, col) // Avoid adding ":" if it was not there for the last prefix, // because when user manually edits the address, it breaks editing if (!(i == (prefixes.length - 1) && !lastPrefixEndsWithColumn)) { prefixStr += Utils.richColorText(":", Theme.palette.baseColor1) } } return prefixStr } function calculateConfirmationTimestamp(chainLayer, timestamp) { if (chainLayer === 1) { return timestamp + 12 * 4 // A block on layer1 is every 12s } return timestamp } function calculateFinalisationTimestamp(chainLayer, timestamp) { if (chainLayer === 1) { return timestamp + 12 * 64 // A block on layer1 is every 12s } return timestamp + Constants.time.secondsIn7Days } }