# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH. Licensed under # either of: # - Apache License, version 2.0 # - MIT license # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. SHELL := bash # the shell used internally by Make # used inside the included makefiles BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR := vendor/nimbus-build-system # we don't want an error here, so we can handle things later, in the ".DEFAULT" target -include $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/makefiles/variables.mk .PHONY: \ all \ bottles \ bottles-dummy \ bottles-macos \ check-pkg-target-linux \ check-pkg-target-macos \ check-pkg-target-windows \ clean \ deps \ nim_status_client \ nim_windows_launcher \ pkg \ pkg-linux \ pkg-macos \ pkg-windows \ run \ run-linux \ run-macos \ run-windows \ status-go \ update ifeq ($(NIM_PARAMS),) # "variables.mk" was not included, so we update the submodules. GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE := git submodule update --init --recursive .DEFAULT: +@ echo -e "Git submodules not found. Running '$(GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE)'.\n"; \ $(GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE); \ echo # Now that the included *.mk files appeared, and are newer than this file, Make will restart itself: # https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Remaking-Makefiles # # After restarting, it will execute its original goal, so we don't have to start a child Make here # with "$(MAKE) $(MAKECMDGOALS)". Isn't hidden control flow great? else # "variables.mk" was included. Business as usual until the end of this file. all: nim_status_client # must be included after the default target -include $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/makefiles/targets.mk ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # is Windows_NT on XP, 2000, 7, Vista, 10... detected_OS := Windows else detected_OS := $(strip $(shell uname)) endif ifeq ($(detected_OS),Darwin) BOTTLES_TARGET := bottles-macos CFLAGS := -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 export CFLAGS CGO_CFLAGS := -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 export CGO_CFLAGS LIBSTATUS_EXT := dylib MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET := 10.13 export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET PKG_TARGET := pkg-macos RUN_TARGET := run-macos else ifeq ($(detected_OS),Windows) BOTTLES_TARGET := bottles-dummy LIBSTATUS_EXT := dll PKG_TARGET := pkg-windows QRCODEGEN_MAKE_PARAMS := CC=gcc RUN_TARGET := run-windows SIGNTOOL ?= C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\bin\\10.0.17763.0\\x64\\signtool.exe VCINSTALLDIR ?= C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\BuildTools\\VC\\ export VCINSTALLDIR else BOTTLES_TARGET := bottles-dummy LIBSTATUS_EXT := so PKG_TARGET := pkg-linux RUN_TARGET := run-linux endif check-pkg-target-linux: ifneq ($(detected_OS),Linux) $(error The pkg-linux target must be run on Linux) endif check-pkg-target-macos: ifneq ($(detected_OS),Darwin) $(error The pkg-macos target must be run on macOS) endif check-pkg-target-windows: ifneq ($(detected_OS),Windows) $(error The pkg-windows target must be run on Windows) endif bottles: $(BOTTLES_TARGET) bottles-dummy: ; BOTTLE_OPENSSL := bottles/openssl/INSTALL_RECEIPT.json $(BOTTLE_OPENSSL): echo -e "\e[92mFetching:\e[39m bottles for macOS" rm -rf bottles/Downloads/openssl* bottles/openssl* mkdir -p bottles/Downloads cd bottles/Downloads && \ wget -O openssl.tar.gz "https://bintray.com/homebrew/bottles/download_file?file_path=openssl%401.1-1.1.1g.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz" && \ tar xzf openssl* && \ mv openssl@1.1/1.1.1g ../openssl BOTTLE_PCRE := bottles/pcre/INSTALL_RECEIPT.json $(BOTTLE_PCRE): rm -rf bottles/Downloads/pcre* bottles/pcre* mkdir -p bottles/Downloads cd bottles/Downloads && \ wget -O pcre.tar.gz "https://bintray.com/homebrew/bottles/download_file?file_path=pcre-8.44.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz" && \ tar xzf pcre* && \ mv pcre/8.44 ../pcre bottles-macos: | $(BOTTLE_OPENSSL) $(BOTTLE_PCRE) rm -rf bottles/Downloads deps: | deps-common bottles update: | update-common # Qt5 dirs (we can't indent with tabs here) ifneq ($(detected_OS),Windows) QT5_PCFILEDIR := $(shell pkg-config --variable=pcfiledir Qt5Core 2>/dev/null) QT5_LIBDIR := $(shell pkg-config --variable=libdir Qt5Core 2>/dev/null) ifeq ($(QT5_PCFILEDIR),) ifeq ($(QTDIR),) $(error Cannot find your Qt5 installation. Please run "$(MAKE) QTDIR=/path/to/your/Qt5/installation/prefix ...") else QT5_PCFILEDIR := $(QTDIR)/lib/pkgconfig QT5_LIBDIR := $(QTDIR)/lib # some manually installed Qt5 instances have wrong paths in their *.pc files, so we pass the right one to the linker here ifeq ($(detected_OS),Darwin) NIM_PARAMS += -L:"-framework Foundation -framework Security -framework IOKit -framework CoreServices" # Fix for failures due to 'can't allocate code signature data for' NIM_PARAMS += --passL:"-headerpad_max_install_names" NIM_PARAMS += --passL:"-F$(QT5_LIBDIR)" export QT5_LIBDIR else NIM_PARAMS += --passL:"-L$(QT5_LIBDIR)" endif endif endif DOTHERSIDE := vendor/DOtherSide/build/lib/libDOtherSideStatic.a DOTHERSIDE_CMAKE_PARAMS := -DENABLE_DYNAMIC_LIBS=OFF -DENABLE_STATIC_LIBS=ON DOTHERSIDE_BUILD_CMD := $(MAKE) VERBOSE=$(V) $(HANDLE_OUTPUT) # order matters here, due to "-Wl,-as-needed" NIM_PARAMS += --passL:"$(DOTHERSIDE)" --passL:"$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(QT5_PCFILEDIR)" pkg-config --libs Qt5Core Qt5Qml Qt5Gui Qt5Quick Qt5QuickControls2 Qt5Widgets Qt5Svg)" else DOTHERSIDE := vendor/DOtherSide/build/lib/Release/DOtherSide.dll DOTHERSIDE_CMAKE_PARAMS := -T"v141" -A x64 -DENABLE_DYNAMIC_LIBS=ON -DENABLE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF DOTHERSIDE_BUILD_CMD := cmake --build . --config Release $(HANDLE_OUTPUT) NIM_PARAMS += -L:$(DOTHERSIDE) NIM_EXTRA_PARAMS := --passL:"-lsetupapi -lhid" endif # TODO: control debug/release builds with a Make var # We need `-d:debug` to get Nim's default stack traces. NIM_PARAMS += --outdir:./bin -d:debug # Enable debugging symbols in DOtherSide, in case we need GDB backtraces from it. CFLAGS += -g CXXFLAGS += -g $(DOTHERSIDE): | deps echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "DOtherSide" + cd vendor/DOtherSide && \ mkdir -p build && \ cd build && \ rm -f CMakeCache.txt && \ cmake $(DOTHERSIDE_CMAKE_PARAMS)\ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DENABLE_DOCS=OFF \ -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF \ .. $(HANDLE_OUTPUT) && \ $(DOTHERSIDE_BUILD_CMD) STATUSGO := vendor/status-go/build/bin/libstatus.$(LIBSTATUS_EXT) STATUSGO_LIBDIR := $(shell pwd)/$(shell dirname "$(STATUSGO)") export STATUSGO_LIBDIR status-go: $(STATUSGO) $(STATUSGO): | deps echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "status-go" + cd vendor/status-go && \ $(MAKE) statusgo-shared-library $(HANDLE_OUTPUT) QRCODEGEN := vendor/QR-Code-generator/c/libqrcodegen.a $(QRCODEGEN): | deps echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "QR-Code-generator" + cd vendor/QR-Code-generator/c && \ $(MAKE) $(QRCODEGEN_MAKE_PARAMS) rcc: echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "resources.rcc" rm -f ./resources.rcc rm -f ./ui/resources.qrc ./ui/generate-rcc.sh rcc --binary ui/resources.qrc -o ./resources.rcc nim_status_client: | $(DOTHERSIDE) $(STATUSGO) $(QRCODEGEN) rcc deps echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "$@" && \ $(ENV_SCRIPT) nim c $(NIM_PARAMS) --passL:"-L$(STATUSGO_LIBDIR)" --passL:"-lstatus" $(NIM_EXTRA_PARAMS) --passL:"$(QRCODEGEN)" --passL:"-lm" src/nim_status_client.nim && \ [[ $$? = 0 ]] && \ (([[ $(detected_OS) = Darwin ]] && \ install_name_tool -change \ libstatus.dylib \ @rpath/libstatus.dylib \ bin/nim_status_client) || true) _APPIMAGE_TOOL := appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage APPIMAGE_TOOL := tmp/linux/tools/$(_APPIMAGE_TOOL) $(APPIMAGE_TOOL): echo -e "\e[92mFetching:\e[39m appimagetool" rm -rf tmp/linux mkdir -p tmp/linux/tools wget https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/$(_APPIMAGE_TOOL) mv $(_APPIMAGE_TOOL) tmp/linux/tools/ chmod +x $(APPIMAGE_TOOL) STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE ?= pkg/NimStatusClient-x86_64.AppImage $(STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE): nim_status_client $(APPIMAGE_TOOL) nim-status.desktop rm -rf pkg/*.AppImage rm -rf tmp/linux/dist mkdir -p tmp/linux/dist/usr/bin mkdir -p tmp/linux/dist/usr/lib mkdir -p tmp/linux/dist/usr/qml # General Files cp bin/nim_status_client tmp/linux/dist/usr/bin cp nim-status.desktop tmp/linux/dist/. cp status.svg tmp/linux/dist/status.svg cp status.svg tmp/linux/dist/usr/. cp -R resources.rcc tmp/linux/dist/usr/. mkdir -p tmp/linux/dist/usr/i18n cp ui/i18n/* tmp/linux/dist/usr/i18n # Libraries cp -r /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/nss tmp/linux/dist/usr/lib/ cp vendor/status-go/build/bin/libstatus.so tmp/linux/dist/usr/lib/ echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "AppImage" linuxdeployqt tmp/linux/dist/nim-status.desktop -no-copy-copyright-files -qmldir=ui -qmlimport=$(QTDIR)/qml -bundle-non-qt-libs rm tmp/linux/dist/AppRun cp AppRun tmp/linux/dist/. mkdir -p pkg $(APPIMAGE_TOOL) tmp/linux/dist $(STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE) DMG_TOOL := node_modules/.bin/create-dmg $(DMG_TOOL): echo -e "\e[92mInstalling:\e[39m create-dmg" npm i MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE := tmp/macos/dist/Status.app MACOS_INNER_BUNDLE := $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/Frameworks/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Versions/Current/Helpers/QtWebEngineProcess.app STATUS_CLIENT_DMG ?= pkg/Status.dmg $(STATUS_CLIENT_DMG): nim_status_client $(DMG_TOOL) rm -rf tmp/macos pkg/*.dmg mkdir -p $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS mkdir -p $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources cp Info.plist $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/ cp bin/nim_status_client $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/ cp nim_status_client.sh $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/ chmod +x $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/nim_status_client.sh cp status-icon.icns $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources/ cp status.svg $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/ cp -R resources.rcc $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/ mkdir -p $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/i18n cp ui/i18n/* $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/i18n echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "app" macdeployqt \ $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE) \ -executable=$(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/nim_status_client \ -qmldir=ui cp Info.runner.plist $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE)/Contents/Info.plist macdeployqt \ $(MACOS_INNER_BUNDLE) \ -executable=$(MACOS_INNER_BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/QtWebEngineProcess # if MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENT is not set then the outer and inner .app # bundles are not signed ifdef MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENT scripts/sign-macos-pkg.sh $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE) $(MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENT) scripts/sign-macos-pkg.sh $(MACOS_INNER_BUNDLE) $(MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENT) \ --entitlements QtWebEngineProcess.plist endif echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "dmg" mkdir -p pkg # See: https://github.com/sindresorhus/create-dmg#dmg-icon # GraphicsMagick must be installed for create-dmg to make the custom # DMG icon based on app icon, but should otherwise work without it npx create-dmg \ --identity="NOBODY" \ $(MACOS_OUTER_BUNDLE) \ pkg || true # We ignore failure above create-dmg can't skip signing. # To work around that a dummy identity - 'NOBODY' - is specified. # This causes non-zero exit code despite DMG being created. # It is just not signed, hence the next command should succeed. mv "`ls pkg/*.dmg`" $(STATUS_CLIENT_DMG) ifdef MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENT scripts/sign-macos-pkg.sh $(STATUS_CLIENT_DMG) $(MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENT) endif NIM_WINDOWS_PREBUILT_DLLS ?= tmp/windows/tools/pcre.dll $(NIM_WINDOWS_PREBUILT_DLLS): echo -e "\e[92mFetching:\e[39m prebuilt DLLs from nim-lang.org" rm -rf tmp/windows mkdir -p tmp/windows/tools cd tmp/windows/tools && \ wget https://nim-lang.org/download/dlls.zip && \ unzip dlls.zip nim_windows_launcher: | deps $(ENV_SCRIPT) nim c -d:debug --outdir:./bin --passL:"-static-libgcc -Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive -lwinpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive" src/nim_windows_launcher.nim ifneq ($(WINDOWS_CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP_URL),) WINDOWS_CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP_PARAM := -t $(WINDOWS_CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP_URL) endif STATUS_CLIENT_ZIP ?= pkg/Status.zip $(STATUS_CLIENT_ZIP): nim_status_client nim_windows_launcher $(NIM_WINDOWS_PREBUILT_DLLS) rm -rf pkg/*.zip rm -rf tmp/windows/dist mkdir -p tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin mkdir -p tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources mkdir -p tmp/windows/dist/Status/vendor cp windows-install.txt tmp/windows/dist/Status/INSTALL.txt unix2dos -k tmp/windows/dist/Status/INSTALL.txt # cp LICENSE tmp/windows/dist/Status/LICENSE.txt # unix2dos -k tmp/windows/dist/Status/LICENSE.txt cp status.ico tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources/ cp status.svg tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources/ cp resources.rcc tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources/ cp bin/nim_status_client.exe tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/Status.exe cp bin/nim_windows_launcher.exe tmp/windows/dist/Status/Status.exe rcedit \ tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/Status.exe \ --set-icon tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources/status.ico rcedit \ tmp/windows/dist/Status/Status.exe \ --set-icon tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources/status.ico cp $(DOTHERSIDE) tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/ cp $(STATUSGO) tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/ cp tmp/windows/tools/*.dll tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/ mkdir -p tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources/i18n cp ui/i18n/* tmp/windows/dist/Status/resources/i18n cp "$(shell which libgcc_s_seh-1.dll)" tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/ cp "$(shell which libwinpthread-1.dll)" tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/ echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "deployable folder" windeployqt \ --compiler-runtime \ --qmldir ui \ --release \ tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/DOtherSide.dll mv tmp/windows/dist/Status/bin/vc_redist.x64.exe tmp/windows/dist/Status/vendor/ # if WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PFX_PATH is not set then DLLs, EXEs are not signed ifdef WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PFX_PATH find ./tmp/windows/dist/Status -type f \ | /usr/bin/egrep -i "\.(dll|exe)$$" \ | /usr/bin/xargs -I{} /usr/bin/bash -c \ "if ! '$(SIGNTOOL)' verify -pa {} &>/dev/null; then echo {}; fi" \ | /usr/bin/xargs -I{} "$(SIGNTOOL)" \ sign \ -v \ -f $(WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PFX_PATH) \ $(WINDOWS_CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP_PARAM) \ {} endif echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "zip" mkdir -p pkg cd tmp/windows/dist/Status && \ 7z a ../../../../$(STATUS_CLIENT_ZIP) * pkg: $(PKG_TARGET) pkg-linux: check-pkg-target-linux $(STATUS_CLIENT_APPIMAGE) pkg-macos: check-pkg-target-macos $(STATUS_CLIENT_DMG) pkg-windows: check-pkg-target-windows $(STATUS_CLIENT_ZIP) clean: | clean-common rm -rf bin/* node_modules pkg/* tmp/* $(STATUSGO) + $(MAKE) -C vendor/DOtherSide/build --no-print-directory clean run: rcc $(RUN_TARGET) NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV ?= t run-linux: echo -e "\e[92mRunning:\e[39m bin/nim_status_client" NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV="$(NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV)" \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(QT5_LIBDIR)":"$(STATUSGO_LIBDIR)" \ ./bin/nim_status_client run-macos: echo -e "\e[92mRunning:\e[39m bin/nim_status_client" NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV="$(NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV)" \ ./bin/nim_status_client run-windows: $(NIM_WINDOWS_PREBUILT_DLLS) echo -e "\e[92mRunning:\e[39m bin/nim_status_client.exe" NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV="$(NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV)" \ PATH="$(shell pwd)"/"$(shell dirname "$(DOTHERSIDE)")":"$(STATUSGO_LIBDIR)":"$(shell pwd)"/"$(shell dirname "$(NIM_WINDOWS_PREBUILT_DLLS)")":"$(PATH)" \ ./bin/nim_status_client.exe endif # "variables.mk" was not included