import random import string import allure import pytest from allure import step import constants from . import marks import configs.timeouts from gui.components.onboarding.before_started_popup import BeforeStartedPopUp from gui.components.onboarding.beta_consent_popup import BetaConsentPopup from gui.components.picture_edit_popup import shift_image, PictureEditPopup from gui.components.splash_screen import SplashScreen from gui.screens.onboarding import WelcomeToStatusView, BiometricsView, KeysView, \ YourEmojihashAndIdenticonRingView pytestmark = marks @pytest.fixture def keys_screen(main_window) -> KeysView: with step('Open Generate new keys view'): BeforeStartedPopUp().get_started() welcome_screen = WelcomeToStatusView().wait_until_appears() return welcome_screen.get_keys() @allure.testcase('', 'Generate new keys') @allure.testcase('', 'Settings - Sign out & Quit'), 703010) @pytest.mark.critical # TODO '' @pytest.mark.parametrize('user_name, password, user_image, zoom, shift', [ pytest.param( ''.join((random.choice( string.ascii_letters + string.digits + random.choice('_- ')) for i in range(5, 25)) ).strip(' '), ''.join((random.choice( string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation) for _ in range(10, 28)) ), random.choice(['sample_JPEG_1920×1280.jpeg', 'file_example_PNG_3MB.png', 'file_example_JPG_2500kB.jpg']), 5, shift_image(0, 1000, 1000, 0)) ]) def test_generate_new_keys_sign_out_from_settings(aut, main_window, keys_screen, user_name: str, password, user_image: str, zoom: int, shift): with step('Click generate new keys and open profile view'): profile_view = keys_screen.generate_new_keys() assert profile_view.is_next_button_enabled is False, \ f'Next button is enabled on profile screen when it should not' with step('Type in the display name on the profile view'): profile_view.set_display_name(user_name) assert profile_view.get_display_name() == user_name, \ f'Display name is empty or was not filled in' assert not profile_view.get_error_message, \ f'Error message {profile_view.get_error_message} is present when it should not' with step('Click plus button and add user picture'): profile_view.set_profile_picture(configs.testpath.TEST_IMAGES / user_image) PictureEditPopup().set_zoom_shift_for_picture(zoom=zoom, shift=shift) assert profile_view.get_profile_image is not None, f'Profile picture was not set / applied' assert profile_view.is_next_button_enabled is True, \ f'Next button is not enabled on profile screen' with step('Open password set up view, fill in the form and click back'): create_password_view = assert not create_password_view.is_create_password_button_enabled, \ f'Create password button is enabled when it should not' confirm_password_view = create_password_view.create_password(password) confirm_password_view.back() assert create_password_view.get_password_from_first_field is not None, \ f'Password field lost its value when clicking back button' assert create_password_view.get_password_from_confirmation_field is not None, \ f'Password confirmation field lost its value when clicking back button' with step('Click create password and open password confirmation screen'): confirm_password_view = create_password_view.click_create_password() assert not confirm_password_view.is_confirm_password_button_enabled, \ f'Finalise Status password creation button is enabled when it should not' with step('Confirm password and login'): confirm_password_view.confirm_password(password) if configs.system.get_platform() == "Darwin": assert BiometricsView().is_touch_id_button_visible(), f"TouchID button is not found" BiometricsView().wait_until_appears().prefer_password() SplashScreen().wait_until_appears().wait_until_hidden() with step('Verify emojihash and identicon ring profile screen appeared and capture the details'): emoji_hash_identicon_view = YourEmojihashAndIdenticonRingView().verify_emojihash_view_present() chat_key = emoji_hash_identicon_view.get_chat_key emoji_hash_public_key = emoji_hash_identicon_view.get_emoji_hash assert emoji_hash_identicon_view.is_identicon_ring_visible, f'Identicon ring is not present when it should' with step('Click Start using Status'): next_view = if configs.system.get_platform() == "Darwin": next_view.start_using_status() SplashScreen().wait_until_appears().wait_until_hidden() if not configs.system.TEST_MODE and not configs._local.DEV_BUILD: BetaConsentPopup().confirm() with step('Verify that user avatar background color'): avatar_color = str( assert avatar_color in constants.AvatarColors.available_colors(), \ f'Avatar color should be one of the allowed colors but is {avatar_color}' with step('Open online identifier and check the data'): online_identifier = main_window.left_panel.open_online_identifier() assert online_identifier.get_user_name == user_name, \ f'Display name in online identifier is wrong, current: {online_identifier.get_user_name}, expected: {user_name}' assert online_identifier.is_identicon_ring_visible, \ f'Identicon ring is not present when it should' assert str(online_identifier.object.pubkey) is not None, \ f'Public key is not present' assert str(online_identifier.object.pubkey) == emoji_hash_public_key, f'Public keys should match when they dont' with step('Open user profile from online identifier and check the data'): profile_popup = online_identifier.open_profile_popup_from_online_identifier() profile_popup_user_name = profile_popup.user_name profile_popup_chat_key = profile_popup.copy_chat_key assert profile_popup_user_name == user_name, \ f'Display name in user profile is wrong, current: {profile_popup_user_name}, expected: {user_name}' assert profile_popup_chat_key == chat_key, \ f'Chat key in user profile is wrong, current: {profile_popup_chat_key}, expected: {chat_key}' assert profile_popup.get_emoji_hash == emoji_hash_public_key, \ f'Public keys should match when they dont' with step('Open share profile popup and check the data'): share_profile_popup = profile_popup.share_profile() profile_link = share_profile_popup.get_profile_link() emoji_hash = share_profile_popup.get_emoji_hash() assert share_profile_popup.is_profile_qr_code_visibile assert chat_key in profile_link, f'Profile link is wrong {profile_link}, it does not contain correct chat key' assert emoji_hash == emoji_hash_public_key, f'Public keys do not match' share_profile_popup.close() with step('Click left panel and open settings'): settings = main_window.left_panel.open_settings() with step('Click sign out and quit in settings'): sign_out_screen = settings.left_panel.open_sign_out_and_quit() sign_out_screen.sign_out_and_quit()