import QtQuick 2.15 import Models 1.0 import utils 1.0 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import shared.stores 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 QtObject { id: root readonly property var currencyStore: CurrenciesStore{} readonly property var senderAccounts: WalletSendAccountsModel { Component.onCompleted: selectedSenderAccount = senderAccounts.get(0) } property var accounts: senderAccounts property WalletAssetsStore walletAssetStore property QtObject tmpActivityController: QtObject { property ListModel model: ListModel{} } property var allNetworksModel: NetworksModel.allNetworks property var fromNetworksModel: NetworksModel.sendFromNetworks property var toNetworksModel: NetworksModel.sendToNetworks property var selectedSenderAccount: senderAccounts.get(0) readonly property QtObject collectiblesModel: WalletCollectiblesModel {} readonly property QtObject nestedCollectiblesModel: WalletNestedCollectiblesModel {} readonly property QtObject walletSectionSendInst: QtObject { signal transactionSent(var chainId, var txHash, var uuid, var error) signal suggestedRoutesReady(var txRoutes) } readonly property QtObject mainModuleInst: QtObject { signal resolvedENS(var resolvedPubKey, var resolvedAddress, var uuid) } property string selectedAssetKey property bool showUnPreferredChains: false property int sendType: Constants.SendType.Transfer property string selectedRecipient readonly property var savedAddressesModel: ListModel { Component.onCompleted: { for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) append({ name: "some saved addr name " + i, ens: [], address: "0x2B748A02e06B159C7C3E98F5064577B96E55A7b4", chainShortNames: "eth:arb" }) } } function splitAndFormatAddressPrefix(textAddrss, updateInStore) { return textAddrss } function resolveENS() { return "" } function getAsset(assetsList, symbol) { const idx = SQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(assetsList, "symbol", symbol) if (idx < 0) { return {} } return SQUtils.ModelUtils.get(assetsList, idx) } function getCollectible(uid) { const idx = SQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(collectiblesModel, "uid", uid) if (idx < 0) { return {} } return SQUtils.ModelUtils.get(collectiblesModel, idx) } function getSelectorCollectible(uid) { const idx = SQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(nestedCollectiblesModel, "uid", uid) if (idx < 0) { return {} } return SQUtils.ModelUtils.get(nestedCollectiblesModel, idx) } function getHolding(holdingId, holdingType) { if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) { return getAsset(processedAssetsModel, holdingId) } else if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721) { return getCollectible(holdingId) } else { return {} } } function getSelectorHolding(holdingId, holdingType) { if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) { return getAsset(processedAssetsModel, holdingId) } else if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721) { return getSelectorCollectible(holdingId) } else { return {} } } function assetToSelectorAsset(asset) { return asset } function collectibleToSelectorCollectible(collectible) { return { uid: collectible.uid, chainId: collectible.chainId, name:, iconUrl: collectible.imageUrl, collectionUid: collectible.collectionUid, collectionName: collectible.collectionName, isCollection: false } } function holdingToSelectorHolding(holding, holdingType) { if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC20) { return assetToSelectorAsset(holding) } else if (holdingType === Constants.TokenType.ERC721) { return collectibleToSelectorCollectible(holding) } else { return {} } } readonly property string currentCurrency: "USD" function getAllNetworksSupportedString() { return "OPT" } function plainText(text) { return text } function prepareTransactionsForAddress(address) { console.log("prepareTransactionsForAddress:", address) } function getTransactions() { return transactions } readonly property var transactions_: ListModel { id: transactions Component.onCompleted: { for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) append({ to: "to", loadingTransaction: false, value: { displayDecimals: true, stripTrailingZeroes: true, amount: 3.234 }, timestamp: new Date() }) } } function switchSenderAccount(index) { selectedSenderAccount = senderAccounts.get(index) } function getNetworkShortNames(chainIds) { return "" } function getShortChainIds(chainIds) { let listOfChains = chainIds.split(":") let listOfChainIds = [] for (let k =0;k 5 minutes") } } function resetStoredProperties() { root.amountToSend = "" root.sendType = Constants.SendType.Transfer root.selectedRecipient = "" root.selectedAssetKey = "" root.showUnPreferredChains = false root.fromNetworksModel.reset() root.toNetworksModel.reset() } function getNetworkName(chainId) { return SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(NetworksModel.allNetworks, "chainId", chainId, "chainName") } function formatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt(balance, symbol, decimals) { let bigIntBalance = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(balance) let decimalBalance = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.toNumber(bigIntBalance, decimals) return currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(decimalBalance, symbol) } // Property and methods below are used to apply advanced token management settings to the SendModal property bool showCommunityAssetsInSend: true property bool balanceThresholdEnabled: true property real balanceThresholdAmount // Property set from TokenLIstView and HoldingSelector to search token by name, symbol or contract address property string assetSearchString // Model prepared to provide filtered and sorted assets as per the advanced Settings in token management property var processedAssetsModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: walletAssetStore.groupedAccountAssetsModel proxyRoles: [ FastExpressionRole { name: "isCommunityAsset" expression: !!model.communityId expectedRoles: ["communityId"] }, FastExpressionRole { name: "currentBalance" expression: __getTotalBalance(model.balances, model.decimals, model.symbol, root.selectedSenderAccount) expectedRoles: ["balances", "decimals", "symbol"] }, FastExpressionRole { name: "currentCurrencyBalance" expression: { if (!!model.marketDetails) { return model.currentBalance * model.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount } return 0 } expectedRoles: ["marketDetails", "currentBalance"] } ] filters: [ FastExpressionFilter { function search(symbol, name, addressPerChain, searchString) { return ( symbol.startsWith(searchString.toUpperCase()) || name.toUpperCase().startsWith(searchString.toUpperCase()) || __searchAddressInList(addressPerChain, searchString) ) } expression: search(symbol, name, addressPerChain, root.assetSearchString) expectedRoles: ["symbol", "name", "addressPerChain"] }, ValueFilter { roleName: "isCommunityAsset" value: false enabled: !showCommunityAssetsInSend }, FastExpressionFilter { expression: { if (model.isCommunityAsset) return true return model.currentCurrencyBalance > balanceThresholdAmount } expectedRoles: ["isCommunityAsset", "currentCurrencyBalance"] enabled: balanceThresholdEnabled } ] sorters: RoleSorter { roleName: "isCommunityAsset" } } /* Internal function to search token address */ function __searchAddressInList(addressPerChain, searchString) { let addressFound = false let tokenAddresses = SQUtils.ModelUtils.modelToFlatArray(addressPerChain, "address") for (let i =0; i< tokenAddresses.length; i++){ if(tokenAddresses[i].toUpperCase().startsWith(searchString.toUpperCase())) { addressFound = true break; } } return addressFound } /* Internal function to calculate total balance */ function __getTotalBalance(balances, decimals, symbol) { let totalBalance = 0 for(let i=0; i