import QtQml 2.15 import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import shared.controls 1.0 import utils 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import "../controls" Item { id: root property var assetsModel property var collectiblesModel property string currentCurrencySymbol property bool onlyAssets: true implicitWidth: holdingItemSelector.implicitWidth implicitHeight: holdingItemSelector.implicitHeight property var searchAssetSymbolByAddressFn: function (address) { return "" } property var getNetworkIcon: function(chainId){ return "" } signal itemHovered(string holdingId, var holdingType) signal itemSelected(string holdingId, var holdingType) property alias selectedItem: holdingItemSelector.selectedItem property alias hoveredItem: holdingItemSelector.hoveredItem function setSelectedItem(item, holdingType) { d.browsingHoldingType = holdingType holdingItemSelector.selectedItem = null d.currentHoldingType = holdingType holdingItemSelector.selectedItem = item } function setHoveredItem(item, holdingType) { d.browsingHoldingType = holdingType holdingItemSelector.hoveredItem = null d.currentHoldingType = holdingType holdingItemSelector.hoveredItem = item } QtObject { id: d // Internal management properties and signals: readonly property var holdingTypes: onlyAssets ? [Constants.HoldingType.Asset] : [Constants.HoldingType.Asset, Constants.HoldingType.Collectible] readonly property var tabsModel: onlyAssets ? [qsTr("Assets")] : [qsTr("Assets"), qsTr("Collectibles")] readonly property var updateSearchText: Backpressure.debounce(root, 1000, function(inputText) { searchText = inputText }) function isAsset(type) { return type === Constants.HoldingType.Asset } property int browsingHoldingType: Constants.HoldingType.Asset readonly property bool isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset: isAsset(browsingHoldingType) readonly property bool isBrowsingCollection: !isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset && !!collectiblesModel && collectiblesModel.currentCollectionUid !== "" property string currentBrowsingCollectionName property var currentHoldingType: Constants.HoldingType.Unknown property string searchText readonly property string assetSymbolByAddress: isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset ? "": root.searchAssetSymbolByAddressFn(searchText) readonly property string uppercaseSearchText: searchText.toUpperCase() property var assetTextFn: function (asset) { return !!asset && asset.symbol ? asset.symbol : "" } property var assetIconSourceFn: function (asset) { return !!asset && asset.symbol ? Style.png("tokens/%1".arg(asset.symbol)) : "" } property var assetComboBoxModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.assetsModel filters: [ ExpressionFilter { expression: { d.uppercaseSearchText; // Force re-evaluation when searchText changes return visibleForNetworkWithPositiveBalance && ( d.uppercaseSearchText === "" || symbol.startsWith(d.uppercaseSearchText) || name.toUpperCase().startsWith(d.uppercaseSearchText) | (d.assetSymbolByAddress !== "" && symbol.startsWith(d.assetSymbolByAddress)) ) } } ] } property var collectibleTextFn: function (item) { if (!!item) { return !!item.collectionName ? item.collectionName + ": " + : } return "" } property var collectibleIconSourceFn: function (item) { return !!item && item.iconUrl ? item.iconUrl : "" } property var collectibleComboBoxModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.collectiblesModel filters: [ ExpressionFilter { expression: { return d.uppercaseSearchText === "" || name.toUpperCase().startsWith(d.uppercaseSearchText) } } ] sorters: RoleSorter { roleName: "isCollection" sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder } } readonly property string searchPlaceholderText: { if (isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset) { return qsTr("Search for token or enter token address") } else if (isBrowsingCollection) { return qsTr("Search %1").arg(d.currentBrowsingCollectionName ?? qsTr("collectibles in collection")) } else { return qsTr("Search collectibles") } } // By design values: readonly property int padding: 16 readonly property int headerTopMargin: 5 readonly property int tabBarTopMargin: 20 readonly property int tabBarHeight: 35 readonly property int bottomInset: 20 readonly property int assetContentIconSize: 21 readonly property int collectibleContentIconSize: 28 readonly property int assetContentTextSize: 28 readonly property int collectibleContentTextSize: 15 } HoldingItemSelector { id: holdingItemSelector width: parent.width height: parent.height defaultIconSource: Style.png("tokens/DEFAULT-TOKEN@3x") placeholderText: d.isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset ? qsTr("Select token") : qsTr("Select collectible") comboBoxDelegate: Item { property var itemModel: model // read 'model' from the delegate's context width: loader.width height: loader.height Loader { id: loader // inject model properties to the loaded item's context // common property var model: itemModel property var chainId: model.chainId property var name: // asset property var symbol: model.symbol property var totalBalance: model.totalBalance property var totalCurrencyBalance: model.totalCurrencyBalance property var decimals: model.decimals property var balances: model.balances // collectible property var uid: model.uid property var iconUrl: model.iconUrl property var collectionUid: model.collectionUid property var collectionName: model.collectionName property var isCollection: model.isCollection sourceComponent: d.isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset ? assetComboBoxDelegate : collectibleComboBoxDelegate } } comboBoxPopupHeader: headerComponent itemTextFn: d.isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset ? d.assetTextFn : d.collectibleTextFn itemIconSourceFn: d.isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset ? d.assetIconSourceFn : d.collectibleIconSourceFn comboBoxModel: d.isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset ? d.assetComboBoxModel : d.collectibleComboBoxModel contentIconSize: d.isAsset(d.currentHoldingType) ? d.assetContentIconSize : d.collectibleContentIconSize contentTextSize: d.isAsset(d.currentHoldingType) ? d.assetContentTextSize : d.collectibleContentTextSize } Component { id: headerComponent ColumnLayout { width: holdingItemSelector.comboBoxControl.popup.width Layout.topMargin: d.headerTopMargin spacing: -1 // Used to overlap rectangles from row components StatusTabBar { id: tabBar visible: !root.onlyAssets Layout.preferredHeight: d.tabBarHeight Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: d.padding Layout.rightMargin: d.padding Layout.topMargin: d.tabBarTopMargin Layout.bottomMargin: 6 currentIndex: d.holdingTypes.indexOf(d.browsingHoldingType) onCurrentIndexChanged: { if (currentIndex >= 0) { d.browsingHoldingType = d.holdingTypes[currentIndex] } } Repeater { id: tabLabelsRepeater model: d.tabsModel StatusTabButton { text: modelData width: implicitWidth } } } CollectibleBackButtonWithInfo { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: d.isBrowsingCollection count: collectiblesModel.count name: d.currentBrowsingCollectionName onBackClicked: { if (!d.isCurrentBrowsingTypeAsset) { root.collectiblesModel.currentCollectionUid = "" } } } Rectangle { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: searchInput.input.implicitHeight color: "transparent" border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2 border.width: 1 StatusInput { id: searchInput anchors.fill: parent input.showBackground: false placeholderText: d.searchPlaceholderText onTextChanged: Qt.callLater(d.updateSearchText, text) input.clearable: true input.implicitHeight: 56 input.rightComponent: StatusFlatRoundButton { "search" type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary enabled: false } } } } } Component { id: assetComboBoxDelegate TokenBalancePerChainDelegate { objectName: "AssetSelector_ItemDelegate_" + symbol width: holdingItemSelector.comboBoxControl.popup.width getNetworkIcon: root.getNetworkIcon onTokenSelected: { holdingItemSelector.selectedItem = selectedToken d.currentHoldingType = Constants.HoldingType.Asset root.itemSelected(selectedToken.symbol, Constants.HoldingType.Asset) holdingItemSelector.comboBoxControl.popup.close() } } } Component { id: collectibleComboBoxDelegate CollectibleNestedDelegate { objectName: "CollectibleSelector_ItemDelegate_" + collectionUid width: holdingItemSelector.comboBoxControl.popup.width getNetworkIcon: root.getNetworkIcon onItemSelected: { if (isCollection) { d.currentBrowsingCollectionName = collectionName root.collectiblesModel.currentCollectionUid = collectionUid } else { holdingItemSelector.selectedItem = selectedItem d.currentHoldingType = Constants.HoldingType.Collectible root.itemSelected(selectedItem.uid, Constants.HoldingType.Collectible) holdingItemSelector.comboBoxControl.popup.close() } } } } }