#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eof pipefail # This script is used to fetch HomeBrew bottles for PCRE and OpenSSL. function get_gh_pkgs_token() { curl --fail -Ls -u "${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://ghcr.io/token | jq -r '.token' } function get_bottle_json() { brew info --json=v1 "${1}" | jq ' .[0].bottle.stable.files | to_entries | map(select(.key | test("(arm|linux)") | not)) | first.value' } function fetch_bottle() { if [[ -n "${BEARER_TOKEN}" ]]; then AUTH=("-H" "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}") else AUTH=("-u" "_:_") # WARNING: Unauthorized requests can be throttled. fi curl --fail -Ls "${AUTH[@]}" -o "${1}" "${2}" } if [[ $(uname) != "Darwin" ]]; then echo "This script is intended for use on macOS!" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then echo "usage: $0 " >&2 exit 1 fi BOTTLE_NAME="${1}" BOTTLE_PATH="/tmp/${BOTTLE_NAME}.tar.gz" # GitHub Packages requires authentication. GITHUB_USER="${GITHUB_USER:-_}" GITHUB_TOKEN="${GITHUB_TOKEN:-_}" if [[ "${GITHUB_USER}" == "_" ]] || [[ "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" == "_" ]]; then echo "No GITHUB_USER or GITHUB_TOKEN variable set!" >&2 echo "GitHub Packages can throttle unauthorized requests." >&2 else echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Fetching GH Pkgs Token" BEARER_TOKEN=$(get_gh_pkgs_token) fi echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Finding bottle URL" BOTTLE_JSON=$(get_bottle_json "${BOTTLE_NAME}") BOTTLE_URL=$(echo "${BOTTLE_JSON}" | jq -r .url) BOTTLE_SHA=$(echo "${BOTTLE_JSON}" | jq -r .sha256) if [[ -z "${BOTTLE_URL}" ]] || [[ -z "${BOTTLE_SHA}" ]]; then echo "Failed to identify bottle URL or SHA256!" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Fetching bottle for macOS" fetch_bottle "${BOTTLE_PATH}" "${BOTTLE_URL}" trap "rm -fr ${BOTTLE_PATH}" EXIT ERR INT QUIT echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Checking SHA256 checksum" BOTTLE_LOCAL_SHA=$(shasum -a 256 "${BOTTLE_PATH}" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${BOTTLE_LOCAL_SHA}" != "${BOTTLE_SHA}" ]]; then echo "The SHA256 of downloaded bottle did not match!" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Unpacking bottle tarball" mkdir -p "bottles/${BOTTLE_NAME}" tar xzf "${BOTTLE_PATH}" --strip-components 2 -C "bottles/${BOTTLE_NAME}"