#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eof pipefail # Checks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ $(uname) != 'Linux' ]]; then echo 'This only works on Linux.' >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then echo 'sign-linux-tarball.sh <file_to_sign>' >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE}" ]]; then echo "Unable to import GPG key file if LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE is not set!" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_PASS}" ]]; then echo "Unable to import GPG key file if LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_PASS is not set!" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f "${LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE}" ]]; then echo "No such file exists: ${LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE}" >&2 exit 1 fi # Signing ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function clean_up { STATUS=$? if [[ "${STATUS}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n###### ERROR: See above for details." fi set +e echo -e "\n### Removing Temporary Keyring..." rm -frv "${GNUPGHOME}" exit $STATUS } # First and only argument is the file to create signature for TARGET="${1}" # Use a temporary GPG home and for the keyring. export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d $HOME/.gnupg.tmp.XXXXXX) # Remove the GPG home along with the keyring regardless of how script exits. trap clean_up EXIT # Fix for 'gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device' in Docker echo 'allow-loopback-pinentry' > "${GNUPGHOME}/gpg-agent.conf" echo 'pinentry-mode loopback' > "${GNUPGHOME}/gpg.conf" # Import the GPG key file into the temporary keyring. echo -e "\n### Importing GPG private key..." gpg2 --batch --yes --passphrase-fd 0 \ --import "${LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE}" \ <<< "${LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_PASS}" # Trust all immported keys ultimately. gpg2 --list-secret-keys --with-colons \ | awk -F: '/fpr/{printf "%s:6:\n", $10}' \ | gpg2 --import-ownertrust --batch echo -e "\n### Signing target..." gpg2 --batch --yes --passphrase-fd 0 --verbose \ --armor --detach-sign "${TARGET}" \ <<< "${LINUX_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_PASS}" echo -e "\n### Verifying signature..." gpg2 --batch --verify "${TARGET}.asc" "${TARGET}" echo -e "\n### DONE"