#!/usr/bin/env bash GIT_ROOT=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel) set -ef # urlencode <string> urlencode() { old_lc_collate=$LC_COLLATE LC_COLLATE=C local length="${#1}" for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do local c="${1:$i:1}" case $c in [a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]) printf '%s' "$c";; *) printf '%%%02X' "'$c";; esac done LC_COLLATE=$old_lc_collate } SCRIPT_FILE="$(basename "$0")" STATUS_GO_REPO="${STATUS_GO_REPO:=status-go}" STATUS_GO_OWNER="${STATUS_GO_OWNER:=status-im}" REPO_URL="https://github.com/${STATUS_GO_OWNER}/${STATUS_GO_REPO}" STATUS_GO_VERSION=$1 COMMIT_MESSAGE="chore: bump status-go" TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s) STATUS_DESKTOP_MAIN_BRANCH="master" HELP_MESSAGE=$(cat <<-END This is a tool to help creating PRs with specific status-go versions If the given name matches both a branch and a tag the tag is used. Usage: ${SCRIPT_FILE} {version} Examples: # Latest develop ${SCRIPT_FILE} --latest # Using branch name ${SCRIPT_FILE} feature-abc-xyz # Using tag name ${SCRIPT_FILE} v2.1.1 # Using commit SHA1 ${SCRIPT_FILE} 1a2b3c4d # Using PR number ${SCRIPT_FILE} PR-2134 END ) if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then echo "${HELP_MESSAGE}" exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Need to provide a status-go version!" echo echo "${HELP_MESSAGE}" exit 1 fi # If prefixed with # we assume argument is a PR number if [[ "${STATUS_GO_VERSION}" = PR-* ]]; then STATUS_GO_VERSION="refs/pull/${STATUS_GO_VERSION#"PR-"}/head" fi if [ "$1" = "--latest" ]; then STATUS_GO_VERSION="" BRANCH_NAME=bump/status-go/latest-develop/${TIMESTAMP} else # ls-remote finds only tags, branches, and pull requests, but can't find commits STATUS_GO_MATCHING_REFS=$(git ls-remote ${REPO_URL} ${STATUS_GO_VERSION}) # It's possible that there's both a branch and a tag matching the given version STATUS_GO_TAG_SHA1=$(echo "${STATUS_GO_MATCHING_REFS}" | grep 'refs/tags' | cut -f1) STATUS_GO_BRANCH_SHA1=$(echo "${STATUS_GO_MATCHING_REFS}" | grep 'refs/heads' | cut -f1) REQUIRES_MSG=https://github.com/status-im/status-go/ # Prefer tag over branch if both are found if [[ -n "${STATUS_GO_TAG_SHA1}" ]]; then STATUS_GO_COMMIT_SHA1="${STATUS_GO_TAG_SHA1}" REQUIRES_MSG=${REQUIRES_MSG}/tree/${STATUS_GO_VERSION} elif [[ -n "${STATUS_GO_BRANCH_SHA1}" ]]; then STATUS_GO_COMMIT_SHA1="${STATUS_GO_BRANCH_SHA1}" REQUIRES_MSG=${REQUIRES_MSG}/tree/${STATUS_GO_VERSION} elif [[ "${#STATUS_GO_VERSION}" -gt 4 ]]; then STATUS_GO_COMMIT_SHA1="${STATUS_GO_VERSION}" REQUIRES_MSG=${REQUIRES_MSG}/commit/${STATUS_GO_VERSION} else echo "ERROR: Input not a tag or branch, but too short to be a SHA1!" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "SHA-1 for ${STATUS_GO_VERSION} is ${STATUS_GO_COMMIT_SHA1}. Owner is ${STATUS_GO_OWNER}" BRANCH_NAME=bump/status-go/${STATUS_GO_VERSION}/${TIMESTAMP} COMMIT_MESSAGE="${COMMIT_MESSAGE} ### Requires - ${REQUIRES_MSG} " fi git checkout -q ${STATUS_DESKTOP_MAIN_BRANCH} git pull git checkout -b ${BRANCH_NAME} cd vendor/status-go if [ -z ${STATUS_GO_VERSION} ]; then git fetch origin git checkout develop git pull else git checkout ${STATUS_GO_COMMIT_SHA1} fi cd ../.. git add ./vendor/status-go git commit -m "${COMMIT_MESSAGE}" git push --set-upstream origin ${BRANCH_NAME} git push git checkout ${STATUS_DESKTOP_MAIN_BRANCH} git branch -D ${BRANCH_NAME} STATUS_DESKTOP_PR_LINK="https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/compare/$STATUS_DESKTOP_MAIN_BRANCH}...${BRANCH_NAME}" STATUS_DESKTOP_PR_LINK="${STATUS_DESKTOP_PR_LINK}?quick_pull=1&title=chore:+bump+status-go&body=update+status+go" cat << EOF ✅ DONE! Create a pull request at ${STATUS_DESKTOP_PR_LINK} EOF