import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import utils 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import "../../Chat/controls/community" import "../controls" import "../panels" StatusStackModal { id: root property var store property bool isDiscordImport // creating new or importing from discord? stackTitle: isDiscordImport ? qsTr("Import a community from Discord into Status") : qsTr("Create New Community") width: 640 nextButton: StatusButton { objectName: "createCommunityNextBtn" font.weight: Font.Medium text: typeof currentItem.nextButtonText !== "undefined" ? currentItem.nextButtonText : qsTr("Next") enabled: typeof(currentItem.canGoNext) == "undefined" || currentItem.canGoNext loading: onClicked: { let nextAction = currentItem.nextAction if (typeof(nextAction) == "function") { return nextAction() } root.currentIndex++ } } finishButton: StatusButton { objectName: "createCommunityFinalBtn" font.weight: Font.Medium text: root.isDiscordImport ? qsTr("Start Discord import") : qsTr("Create Community") enabled: typeof(currentItem.canGoNext) == "undefined" || currentItem.canGoNext onClicked: { let nextAction = currentItem.nextAction if (typeof (nextAction) == "function") { return nextAction() } if (!root.isDiscordImport) d.createCommunity() } } readonly property var clearFilesButton: StatusButton { font.weight: Font.Medium text: qsTr("Clear all") type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger visible: root.currentItem.objectName === "discordFileListView" // no better way to address the current item in the stack :/ enabled: !fileListView.fileListModelEmpty && ! onClicked: } rightButtons: [clearFilesButton, nextButton, finishButton] onAboutToShow: { nameInput.input.edit.forceActiveFocus() if (root.isDiscordImport) { for (let i = 0; i < discordPages.length; i++) { stackItems.push(discordPages[i]) } } } onClosed: { if (root.isDiscordImport) { } } readonly property list discordPages: [ ColumnLayout { id: fileListView objectName: "discordFileListView" // !!! DON'T CHANGE, clearFilesButton depends on this spacing: 24 readonly property var fileListModel: readonly property bool fileListModelEmpty: !fileListModel.count readonly property bool canGoNext: fileListModel.selectedCount || (fileListModel.selectedCount && fileListModel.selectedFilesValid) readonly property string nextButtonText: fileListModel.selectedCount && fileListModel.selectedFilesValid ? qsTr("Proceed with (%1/%2) files").arg(fileListModel.selectedCount).arg(fileListModel.count) : fileListModel.selectedCount ? qsTr("Validate (%1/%2) files").arg(fileListModel.selectedCount).arg(fileListModel.count) : qsTr("Import files") readonly property var nextAction: function () { if (!fileListView.fileListModel.selectedFilesValid) { return } root.currentIndex++ } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: 12 StatusBaseText { font.pixelSize: 15 text: fileListView.fileListModelEmpty ? qsTr("Select Discord JSON files to import") : ? qsTr("Some of your community files cannot be used") : qsTr("Uncheck any files you would like to exclude from the import") } StatusBaseText { visible: fileListView.fileListModelEmpty font.pixelSize: 12 color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 text: qsTr("(JSON file format only)") } IssuePill { type: ? IssuePill.Type.Error : IssuePill.Type.Warning count: ? : ? : 0 visible: count } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } StatusButton { text: qsTr("Browse files") type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Primary onClicked: enabled: ! } } Rectangle { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true color: Theme.palette.baseColor4 ColumnLayout { visible: fileListView.fileListModelEmpty anchors.topMargin: 60 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter spacing: 8 StatusRoundIcon { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter "info" } StatusBaseText { Layout.topMargin: 8 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter linkColor: hoveredLink ? Qt.lighter(Theme.palette.primaryColor1) : Theme.palette.primaryColor1 text: qsTr("Export your Discord JSON data using %1") .arg("DiscordChatExporter") onLinkActivated: Global.openLink(link) HoverHandler { id: handler1 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton cursorShape: handler1.hovered && parent.hoveredLink ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor } } StatusBaseText { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter linkColor: hoveredLink ? Qt.lighter(Theme.palette.primaryColor1) : Theme.palette.primaryColor1 text: qsTr("Refer to this wiki if you have any queries") onLinkActivated: Global.openLink(link) HoverHandler { id: handler2 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton cursorShape: handler2.hovered && parent.hoveredLink ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor } } } StatusListView { visible: !fileListView.fileListModelEmpty enabled: ! anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 16 model: fileListView.fileListModel delegate: ColumnLayout { width: ListView.view.width StatusCheckBox { id: fileCheckBox Layout.fillWidth: true text: model.filePath font.pixelSize: 13 checked: model.selected enabled: model.errorMessage === "" // TODO distinguish between error/warning onToggled: model.selected = checked } StatusBaseText { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: fileCheckBox.leftPadding + fileCheckBox.spacing + fileCheckBox.indicator.width text: "%1 %2".arg("⚠").arg(model.errorMessage) visible: model.errorMessage font.pixelSize: 13 font.weight: Font.Medium elide: Text.ElideMiddle color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignTop } } } } FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: qsTr("Choose files to import") selectMultiple: true nameFilters: [qsTr("JSON files (%1)").arg("*.json")] onAccepted: { if (fileDialog.fileUrls.length > 0) { let files = [] for (let i = 0; i < fileDialog.fileUrls.length; i++) files.push(decodeURI(fileDialog.fileUrls[i].toString())) } } } }, ColumnLayout { id: categoriesAndChannelsView spacing: 24 readonly property bool canGoNext: readonly property var nextAction: function () { } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true visible: ! Loader { anchors.centerIn: parent active: parent.visible sourceComponent: StatusLoadingIndicator { width: 50 height: 50 } } } ColumnLayout { spacing: 12 visible: StatusBaseText { Layout.fillWidth: true text: qsTr("Please select the categories and channels you would like to import") wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } RowLayout { spacing: 20 Layout.fillWidth: true StatusRadioButton { text: qsTr("Import all history") checked: true } StatusRadioButton { id: startDateRadio text: qsTr("Start date") } StatusDatePicker { id: datePicker Layout.fillWidth: true selectedDate: new Date( * 1000) enabled: startDateRadio.checked } } Rectangle { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true color: Theme.palette.baseColor4 StatusListView { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 16 model: delegate: ColumnLayout { width: ListView.view.width spacing: 8 StatusCheckBox { readonly property string categoryId: id: categoryCheckbox checked: model.selected text: onToggled:, checked) } ColumnLayout { spacing: 8 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: 24 Repeater { Layout.fillWidth: true model: delegate: StatusCheckBox { width: parent.width text: checked: model.selected visible: model.categoryId === categoryCheckbox.categoryId onToggled:, checked) } } } } } } } } ] stackItems: [ StatusScrollView { id: generalView readonly property bool canGoNext: nameInput.valid && descriptionTextInput.valid clip: false ColumnLayout { id: generalViewLayout width: generalView.availableWidth spacing: 16 CommunityNameInput { id: nameInput input.edit.objectName: "createCommunityNameInput" Layout.fillWidth: true input.tabNavItem: descriptionTextInput.input.edit } CommunityDescriptionInput { id: descriptionTextInput input.edit.objectName: "createCommunityDescriptionInput" Layout.fillWidth: true input.tabNavItem: nameInput.input.edit } CommunityLogoPicker { id: logoPicker Layout.fillWidth: true } CommunityBannerPicker { id: bannerPicker Layout.fillWidth: true } CommunityColorPicker { id: colorPicker onPick: root.replace(colorPanel) Layout.fillWidth: true Component { id: colorPanel CommunityColorPanel { Component.onCompleted: color = colorPicker.color onAccepted: { colorPicker.color = color; root.replace(null); } } } } CommunityTagsPicker { id: communityTagsPicker tags: onPick: root.replace(tagsPanel) Layout.fillWidth: true Component { id: tagsPanel CommunityTagsPanel { Component.onCompleted: { tags = communityTagsPicker.tags; selectedTags = communityTagsPicker.selectedTags; } onAccepted: { communityTagsPicker.selectedTags = selectedTags; root.replace(null); } } } } StatusModalDivider { Layout.fillWidth: true } CommunityOptions { id: options archiveSupportOptionVisible: archiveSupportEnabled: archiveSupportOptionVisible } Item { Layout.fillHeight: true } } }, ColumnLayout { id: introOutroMessageView spacing: 11 readonly property bool canGoNext: introMessageInput.valid && outroMessageInput.valid CommunityIntroMessageInput { id: introMessageInput input.edit.objectName: "createCommunityIntroMessageInput" input.tabNavItem: outroMessageInput.input.edit Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true minimumHeight: height maximumHeight: (height - Style.current.xlPadding) } CommunityOutroMessageInput { id: outroMessageInput input.edit.objectName: "createCommunityOutroMessageInput" input.tabNavItem: introMessageInput.input.edit Layout.fillWidth: true } } ] QtObject { id: d function createCommunity() { const error = store.createCommunity({ name: StatusQUtils.Utils.filterXSS(nameInput.input.text), description: StatusQUtils.Utils.filterXSS(descriptionTextInput.input.text), introMessage: StatusQUtils.Utils.filterXSS(introMessageInput.input.text), outroMessage: StatusQUtils.Utils.filterXSS(outroMessageInput.input.text), color: colorPicker.color.toString().toUpperCase(), tags: communityTagsPicker.selectedTags, image: { src: logoPicker.source, AX: logoPicker.cropRect.x, AY: logoPicker.cropRect.y, BX: logoPicker.cropRect.x + logoPicker.cropRect.width, BY: logoPicker.cropRect.y + logoPicker.cropRect.height, }, options: { historyArchiveSupportEnabled: options.archiveSupportEnabled, checkedMembership: options.requestToJoinEnabled ? Constants.communityChatOnRequestAccess : Constants.communityChatPublicAccess, pinMessagesAllowedForMembers: options.pinMessagesEnabled }, bannerJsonStr: JSON.stringify({imagePath: String(bannerPicker.source).replace("file://", ""), cropRect: bannerPicker.cropRect}) }) if (error) { errorDialog.text = error.error } root.close() } } MessageDialog { id: errorDialog title: qsTr("Error creating the community") icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } }