import QtQuick 2.14 import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQml 2.14 import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import 1.0 import "../helpers" import "../controls" import "../popups" import "../panels" import "../../Wallet" Item { id: root // Important: we have parent module in this context only cause qml components // don't follow struct we have on the backend. property var parentModule property var rootStore property var contactsStore property var emojiPopup property var stickersPopup property bool isSectionActive: === parentModule.getMySectionId() property string activeChatId: parentModule && property int chatsCount: parentModule && parentModule.model ? parentModule.model.count : 0 property int activeChatType: parentModule && parentModule.activeItem.type property bool stickersLoaded: false property var contactDetails: activeChatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne && Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(root.activeChatId, false) property bool isUserAdded: root.contactDetails && root.contactDetails.isAdded signal openAppSearch() signal openStickerPackPopup(string stickerPackId) function requestAddressForTransaction(address, amount, tokenAddress, tokenDecimals = 18) { amount = globalUtils.eth2Wei(amount.toString(), tokenDecimals) parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() chatContentModule.inputAreaModule.requestAddress(address, amount, tokenAddress) } function requestTransaction(address, amount, tokenAddress, tokenDecimals = 18) { amount = globalUtils.eth2Wei(amount.toString(), tokenDecimals) parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() chatContentModule.inputAreaModule.request(address, amount, tokenAddress) } // This function is called once `1:1` or `group` chat is created. function checkForCreateChatOptions(chatId) { if(root.rootStore.createChatStartSendTransactionProcess) { if (root.contactDetails.ensVerified) { Global.openPopup(cmpSendTransactionWithEns); } else { Global.openPopup(cmpSendTransactionNoEns); } } else if (root.rootStore.createChatStartSendTransactionProcess) { Global.openPopup(cmpReceiveTransaction); } else if (root.rootStore.createChatStickerHashId !== "" && root.rootStore.createChatStickerPackId !== "" && root.rootStore.createChatStickerUrl !== "") { root.rootStore.sendSticker(chatId, root.rootStore.createChatStickerHashId, "", root.rootStore.createChatStickerPackId, root.rootStore.createChatStickerUrl); } else if (root.rootStore.createChatInitMessage !== "" || root.rootStore.createChatFileUrls.length > 0) { root.rootStore.sendMessage(chatId, Qt.Key_Enter, root.rootStore.createChatInitMessage, "", root.rootStore.createChatFileUrls ); } // Clear. root.rootStore.createChatInitMessage = ""; root.rootStore.createChatFileUrls = []; root.rootStore.createChatStartSendTransactionProcess = false; root.rootStore.createChatStartReceiveTransactionProcess = false; root.rootStore.createChatStickerHashId = ""; root.rootStore.createChatStickerPackId = ""; } EmptyChatPanel { anchors.fill: parent visible: root.activeChatId === "" || root.chatsCount == 0 rootStore: root.rootStore onShareChatKeyClicked: Global.openProfilePopup(userProfile.pubKey); } // This is kind of a solution for applying backend refactored changes with the minimal qml changes. // The best would be if we made qml to follow the struct we have on the backend side. Repeater { id: chatRepeater model: parentModule && parentModule.model delegate: Loader { id: chatLoader // Channels/chats are not loaded by default and only load when first put active active: false width: parent.width height: parent.height visible: // Removing the binding in order not to unload the content: // It is done for keeping: // - the last channel/chat scroll position // - the last typed but not sent text Binding on active { when: ! restoreMode: Binding.RestoreNone value: model.itemId && root.isSectionActive && (model.itemId === root.activeChatId || model.itemId === root.activeSubItemId) } sourceComponent: ChatContentView { visible: !root.rootStore.openCreateChat && isActiveChannel rootStore: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore emojiPopup: root.emojiPopup stickersPopup: root.stickersPopup sendTransactionNoEnsModal: cmpSendTransactionNoEns receiveTransactionModal: cmpReceiveTransaction sendTransactionWithEnsModal: cmpSendTransactionWithEns stickersLoaded: root.stickersLoaded isBlocked: model.blocked isActiveChannel: chatLoader.visible onOpenStickerPackPopup: { root.openStickerPackPopup(stickerPackId) } onOpenAppSearch: { root.openAppSearch(); } Component.onCompleted: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(model.itemId) chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() chatSectionModule = root.parentModule root.checkForCreateChatOptions(model.itemId) } } } } ChatRequestMessagePanel { anchors.fill: parent anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.bigPadding isUserAdded: root.isUserAdded visible: root.activeChatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne && !root.isUserAdded onAddContactClicked: { root.rootStore.addContact(root.activeChatId); } } Component { id: cmpSendTransactionNoEns ChatCommandModal { id: sendTransactionNoEns store: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore onClosed: { destroy() } sendChatCommand: root.requestAddressForTransaction isRequested: false commandTitle: qsTr("Send") header.title: commandTitle finalButtonLabel: qsTr("Request Address") selectRecipient.selectedRecipient: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() return { address: Constants.zeroAddress, // Setting as zero address since we don't have the address yet alias:, // Do we need the alias for real or name works? pubKey:, icon: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact, ensVerified: true } } selectRecipient.selectedType: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact selectRecipient.readOnly: true } } Component { id: cmpReceiveTransaction ChatCommandModal { id: receiveTransaction store: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore onClosed: { destroy() } sendChatCommand: root.requestTransaction isRequested: true commandTitle: qsTr("Request") header.title: commandTitle finalButtonLabel: qsTr("Request") selectRecipient.selectedRecipient: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() return { address: Constants.zeroAddress, // Setting as zero address since we don't have the address yet alias:, // Do we need the alias for real or name works? pubKey:, icon: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } } selectRecipient.selectedType: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact selectRecipient.readOnly: true } } Component { id: cmpSendTransactionWithEns SendModal { id: sendTransactionWithEns onClosed: { destroy() } preSelectedRecipient: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() return { address: "", alias:, // Do we need the alias for real or name works? identicon: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact, ensVerified: true } } } } // Not Refactored Yet // Connections { // target: root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.stickers // onTransactionWasSent: { // //% "Transaction pending..." // toastMessage.title = qsTr("Transaction pending...") // toastMessage.source = Style.svg("loading") // toastMessage.iconColor = Style.current.primary // toastMessage.iconRotates = true // = `${walletModel.utilsView.etherscanLink}/${txResult}` // // } // onTransactionCompleted: { // toastMessage.title = !success ? // qsTr("Could not buy Stickerpack") // : // qsTr("Stickerpack bought successfully"); // if (success) { // toastMessage.source = Style.svg("check-circle") // toastMessage.iconColor = Style.current.success // } else { // toastMessage.source = Style.svg("block-icon") // toastMessage.iconColor = Style.current.danger // } // = `${walletModel.utilsView.etherscanLink}/${txHash}` // // } // } }