pragma Singleton import QtQuick 2.13 import utils 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import "../addaccount/stores" QtObject { id: root readonly property string defaultSelectedKeyUid: userProfile.keyUid readonly property bool defaultSelectedKeyUidMigratedToKeycard: userProfile.isKeycardUser property bool loggedInUserAuthenticated: false property string backButtonName: "" property var overview: walletSectionOverview property var assets: walletSectionAssets.assets property bool assetsLoading: walletSectionAssets.assetsLoading property var accounts: walletSectionAccounts.accounts property var receiveAccounts: walletSectionSend.accounts property var selectedReceiveAccount: walletSectionSend.selectedReceiveAccount property var appSettings: localAppSettings property var accountSensitiveSettings: localAccountSensitiveSettings property bool hideSignPhraseModal: accountSensitiveSettings.hideSignPhraseModal property var totalCurrencyBalance: walletSection.totalCurrencyBalance property string signingPhrase: walletSection.signingPhrase property string mnemonicBackedUp: walletSection.isMnemonicBackedUp property var flatCollectibles: walletSectionCollectibles.model property var currentCollectible: walletSectionCurrentCollectible property var savedAddresses: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: walletSectionSavedAddresses.model filters: [ ValueFilter { roleName: "isTest" value: networksModule.areTestNetworksEnabled } ] } property QtObject _d: QtObject { id: d property var chainColors: ({}) function initChainColors(model) { for (let i = 0; i < model.count; i++) { chainColors[model.rowData(i, "shortName")] = model.rowData(i, "chainColor") } } } function colorForChainShortName(chainShortName) { return d.chainColors[chainShortName] } property var layer1Networks: networksModule.layer1 property var layer2Networks: networksModule.layer2 property var testNetworks: networksModule.test property var enabledNetworks: networksModule.enabled property var allNetworks: networksModule.all onAllNetworksChanged: { d.initChainColors(allNetworks) } property var cryptoRampServicesModel: walletSectionBuySellCrypto.model // This should be exposed to the UI via "walletModule", WalletModule should use // Accounts Service which keeps the info about that (isFirstTimeAccountLogin). // Then in the View of WalletModule we may have either QtProperty or // Q_INVOKABLE function (proc marked as slot) depends on logic/need. // The only need for onboardingModel here is actually to check if an account // has been just created or an old one. //property bool firstTimeLogin: onboardingModel.isFirstTimeLogin // example wallet model property ListModel exampleWalletModel: ListModel { ListElement { name: "Status account" address: "0xcfc9f08bbcbcb80760e8cb9a3c1232d19662fc6f" balance: "12.00 USD" color: "#7CDA00" } ListElement { name: "Test account 1" address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba" balance: "12.00 USD" color: "#FA6565" } ListElement { name: "Status account" address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba" balance: "12.00 USD" color: "#7CDA00" } } property ListModel exampleAssetModel: ListModel { ListElement { name: "Ethereum" symbol: "ETH" balance: "3423 ETH" address: "token-icons/eth" currencyBalance: "123 USD" } } function setHideSignPhraseModal(value) { localAccountSensitiveSettings.hideSignPhraseModal = value; } function getLatestBlockNumber() { // TODO: Move to transaction root module and not wallet // Not Refactored Yet // return walletModel.getLatestBlockNumber() } function setInitialRange() { // Not Refactored Yet // walletModel.setInitialRange() } function setFilterAddress(address) { walletSection.setFilterAddress(address) } function setFillterAllAddresses() { walletSection.setFillterAllAddresses() } function deleteAccount(address) { return walletSectionAccounts.deleteAccount(address) } function updateCurrentAccount(address, accountName, color, emoji) { return walletSectionAccounts.updateAccount(address, accountName, color, emoji) } function updateCurrency(newCurrency) { walletSection.updateCurrency(newCurrency) } function getQrCode(address) { return globalUtils.qrCode(address) } function hex2Dec(value) { return globalUtils.hex2Dec(value) } function getCollectionMaxValue(traitType, value, maxValue, collectionIndex) { // Not Refactored Yet // if(maxValue !== "") // return parseInt(value) + qsTr(" of ") + maxValue; // else // return parseInt(value) + qsTr(" of ") + // walletModelV2Inst.collectiblesView.collections.getCollectionTraitMaxValue(collectionIndex, traitType).toString(); } function selectCollectible(address, tokenId) { walletSectionCurrentCollectible.update(address, tokenId) } function getNameForSavedWalletAddress(address) { return walletSectionSavedAddresses.getNameByAddress(address) } function getNameForAddress(address) { let name = getNameForSavedWalletAddress(address) if (name.length === 0) { name = walletSectionAccounts.getNameByAddress(address) } return name } function createOrUpdateSavedAddress(name, address, favourite, chainShortNames, ens) { return walletSectionSavedAddresses.createOrUpdateSavedAddress(name, address, favourite, chainShortNames, ens) } function deleteSavedAddress(address, ens) { return walletSectionSavedAddresses.deleteSavedAddress(address, ens) } function toggleNetwork(chainId) { networksModule.toggleNetwork(chainId) } function copyToClipboard(text) { globalUtils.copyToClipboard(text) } function runAddAccountPopup() { walletSection.runAddAccountPopup(false) } function runAddWatchOnlyAccountPopup() { walletSection.runAddAccountPopup(true) } function runEditAccountPopup(address) { walletSection.runEditAccountPopup(address) } function switchReceiveAccount(index) { walletSectionSend.switchReceiveAccount(index) } function toggleWatchOnlyAccounts() { walletSection.toggleWatchOnlyAccounts() } }