import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 as QQC1 import "../controls/styles" QQC1.TabView { id: tabs property int tabHeight: 40 property var tabComponent function createEmptyTab(profile, createAsStartPage) { var tab = addTab("", tabComponent); // We must do this first to make sure that gets set so that tab.item gets instantiated immediately. = true; createAsStartPage = createAsStartPage || tabs.count === 1 tab.title = Qt.binding(function() { if (tab.item.title) { return tab.item.title } if (createAsStartPage) { //% "Start Page" return qsTrId("start-page") } //% "New Tab" return qsTrId("new-tab") }) if (createAsStartPage) { tab.item.url = "" } tab.item.profile = profile; if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.browserHomepage !== "") { tab.item.url = determineRealURL(localAccountSensitiveSettings.browserHomepage) } return tab; } function createDownloadTab(profile) { var tab = addTab("", tabComponent); = true; //% "Downloads Page" tab.title = qsTrId("downloads-page") tab.item.profile = profile tab.item.url = "status://downloads"; } function indexOfView(view) { for (let i = 0; i < tabs.count; ++i) if (tabs.getTab(i).item === view) return i return -1 } function removeView(index) { if (tabs.count === 1) { tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile, true) } tabs.removeTab(index) } function openNewTabClicked() { addNewTab() } function closeButtonClicked(index) { removeView(index) } Component.onCompleted: { defaultProfile.downloadRequested.connect(onDownloadRequested); otrProfile.downloadRequested.connect(onDownloadRequested); var tab = createEmptyTab(defaultProfile); // For Devs: Uncomment the next lien if you want to use the simpeldapp on first load // tab.item.url = Web3ProviderStore.determineRealURL("https://simpledapp.eth"); } style: BrowserTabStyle {} }