import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import DotherSide 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
//TODO remove this dependency
import AppLayouts.Chat.panels 1.0
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 as StatusQ
Rectangle {
id: control
signal sendTransactionCommandButtonClicked()
signal receiveTransactionCommandButtonClicked()
signal stickerSelected(string hashId, string packId, string url)
signal sendMessage(var event)
signal unblockChat()
signal keyUpPress()
property var usersStore
property var store
property var emojiPopup: null
property var stickersPopup: null
// Use this to only enable the Connections only when this Input opens the Emoji popup
property bool emojiPopupOpened: false
property bool stickersPopupOpened: false
property bool closeGifPopupAfterSelection: true
property bool emojiEvent: false
property bool isColonPressed: false
property bool isReply: false
property string replyMessageId: replyArea.messageId
property bool isImage: false
property bool isEdit: false
property bool isContactBlocked: false
property bool isActiveChannel: false
property int messageLimit: 2000
property int messageLimitVisible: 200
property int chatType
property string chatInputPlaceholder: qsTr("Message")
property alias textInput: messageInputField
property var fileUrlsAndSources: []
property var imageErrorMessageLocation: StatusChatInput.ImageErrorMessageLocation.Top // TODO: Remove this proeprty?
property var messageContextMenu
property alias suggestions: suggestionsBox
enum ImageErrorMessageLocation {
objectName: "statusChatInput"
function parseMessage(message) {
let mentionsMap = new Map()
let index = 0
while (true) {
index = message.indexOf("", index) + 4
if (endIndex < 0) {
index += 8 // " '
mentionsMap.set(mentionLink, mentionTag)
index += linkTag.length
let text = message;
for (let [key, value] of mentionsMap)
text = text.replace(new RegExp(key, 'g'), value)
textInput.text = text
textInput.cursorPosition = textInput.length
implicitWidth: layout.implicitWidth + layout.anchors.leftMargin + layout.anchors.rightMargin
implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight + layout.anchors.topMargin + layout.anchors.bottomMargin
color: Style.current.transparent
QtObject {
id: d
//mentions helper properties
property string copiedTextPlain: ""
property string copiedTextFormatted: ""
property var copiedMentionsPos: []
property int copyTextStart: 0
property int leftOfMentionIndex: -1
property int rightOfMentionIndex: -1
readonly property StateGroup emojiPopupTakeover: StateGroup {
states: State {
when: control.emojiPopupOpened
PropertyChanges {
target: emojiPopup
parent: control
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent
x: control.width - emojiPopup.width - Style.current.halfPadding
y: -emojiPopup.height
readonly property StateGroup stickersPopupTakeover: StateGroup {
states: State {
when: control.stickersPopupOpened
PropertyChanges {
target: stickersPopup
parent: control
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent
x: control.width - stickersPopup.width - Style.current.halfPadding
y: -stickersPopup.height
function copyMentions(start, end) {
copiedMentionsPos = []
for (let k = 0; k < mentionsPos.length; k++) {
if (mentionsPos[k].leftIndex >= start && mentionsPos[k].rightIndex <= end) {
const mention = {
name: mentionsPos[k].name,
pubKey: mentionsPos[k].pubKey,
leftIndex: mentionsPos[k].leftIndex - start,
rightIndex: mentionsPos[k].rightIndex - start
function sortMentions() {
if (mentionsPos.length < 2) {
mentionsPos = mentionsPos.sort(function(a, b){
return a.leftIndex - b.leftIndex
function updateMentionsPositions() {
if (mentionsPos.length == 0) {
const unformattedText = messageInputField.getText(0, messageInputField.length)
if (!unformattedText.includes("@")) {
const keyEvent = messageInputField.keyEvent
if ((keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Right) || (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Left)
|| (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Up) || (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Down)) {
let lastRightIndex = -1
for (var k = 0; k < mentionsPos.length; k++) {
const aliasIndex = unformattedText.indexOf(mentionsPos[k].name, lastRightIndex)
if (aliasIndex === -1) {
lastRightIndex = aliasIndex + mentionsPos[k].name.length
if (aliasIndex - 1 !== mentionsPos[k].leftIndex) {
mentionsPos[k].leftIndex = aliasIndex - 1
mentionsPos[k].rightIndex = aliasIndex + mentionsPos[k].name.length
function cleanMentionsPos() {
if(mentionsPos.length == 0) return
const unformattedText = messageInputField.getText(0, messageInputField.length)
mentionsPos = mentionsPos.filter( mention => unformattedText.charAt(mention.leftIndex) === "@")
function insertMention(aliasName, publicKey, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition) {
let startInd = aliasName.indexOf("(");
if (startInd > 0){
aliasName = aliasName.substring(0, startInd-1)
const hasEmoji = StatusQUtils.Emoji.hasEmoji(messageInputField.text)
const spanPlusAlias = `${Constants.mentionSpanTag}@${aliasName} `;
let rightIndex = hasEmoji ? lastCursorPosition + 2 : lastCursorPosition
messageInputField.remove(lastAtPosition, rightIndex)
messageInputField.insert(lastAtPosition, spanPlusAlias)
messageInputField.cursorPosition = lastAtPosition + aliasName.length + 2;
if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === 0) {
// It reset to 0 for some reason, go back to the end
messageInputField.cursorPosition = messageInputField.length
mentionsPos = mentionsPos.filter(mention => mention.leftIndex !== lastAtPosition)
mentionsPos.push({name: aliasName, pubKey: publicKey, leftIndex: lastAtPosition, rightIndex: (lastAtPosition+aliasName.length + 1)});
function removeMention(mention) {
const index = mentionsPos.indexOf(mention)
if(index >= 0) {
mentionsPos.splice(index, 1)
messageInputField.remove(mention.leftIndex, mention.rightIndex)
function getMentionAtPosition(position: int) {
return mentionsPos.find(mention => mention.leftIndex < position && mention.rightIndex > position)
function insertInTextInput(start, text) {
// Repace new lines with entities because `insert` gets rid of them
messageInputField.insert(start, text.replace(/\n/g, "
function togglePopup(popup, btn) {
if (popup !== control.stickersPopup) {
if (popup !== gifPopup) {
if (popup !== emojiPopup) {
if (popup.opened) {
btn.highlighted = false
} else {
btn.highlighted = true
Connections {
enabled: control.emojiPopupOpened
target: emojiPopup
function onEmojiSelected(text, atCursor) {
insertInTextInput(atCursor ? messageInputField.cursorPosition : messageInputField.length, text)
emojiBtn.highlighted = false
function onClosed() {
emojiBtn.highlighted = false
control.emojiPopupOpened = false
Connections {
enabled: control.stickersPopupOpened
target: control.stickersPopup
function onStickerSelected(hashId, packId, url) {
control.stickerSelected(hashId, packId, url)
function onClosed() {
stickersBtn.highlighted = false
control.stickersPopupOpened = false
property var mentionsPos: []
function isUploadFilePressed(event) {
return (event.key === Qt.Key_U) && (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) && imageBtn.visible && !imageDialog.visible
function checkTextInsert() {
if (emojiSuggestions.visible) {
replaceWithEmoji(extrapolateCursorPosition(), emojiSuggestions.shortname, emojiSuggestions.unicode);
return true
if (suggestionsBox.visible) {
return true
return false
function onKeyPress(event) {
if (event.modifiers === Qt.NoModifier && (event.key === Qt.Key_Enter || event.key === Qt.Key_Return)) {
if (checkTextInsert()) {
event.accepted = true;
if (messageInputField.length <= messageLimit) {
event.accepted = true
if (event) {
event.accepted = true
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Escape && control.isReply) {
control.isReply = false
event.accepted = true
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Up && messageInputField.length === 0) {
event.accepted = true
const symbolPressed = event.text.length > 0 &&
event.key !== Qt.Key_Backspace &&
event.key !== Qt.Key_Delete &&
event.key !== Qt.Key_Escape
if ((mentionsPos.length > 0) && symbolPressed && (messageInputField.selectedText.length === 0)) {
for (var i = 0; i < mentionsPos.length; i++) {
if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === mentionsPos[i].leftIndex) {
d.leftOfMentionIndex = i
event.accepted = true
} else if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === mentionsPos[i].rightIndex) {
d.rightOfMentionIndex = i
event.accepted = true
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Tab) {
if (checkTextInsert()) {
event.accepted = true;
const message = control.extrapolateCursorPosition();
// handle new line in blockquote
if ((event.key === Qt.Key_Enter || event.key === Qt.Key_Return) && (event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) &&">")) {
if(">") && !"\n\n")) {
let newMessage1 = ""
if ("\n> ")) {
newMessage1 =,"> ")) + "\n\n"
} else {
newMessage1 = + "\n> ";
messageInputField.remove(0, messageInputField.cursorPosition);
insertInTextInput(0, StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(newMessage1));
event.accepted = true
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Delete || event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace) {
if(mentionsPos.length > 0) {
let anticipatedCursorPosition = messageInputField.cursorPosition
anticipatedCursorPosition += event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace ?
-1 : 1
const mention = d.getMentionAtPosition(anticipatedCursorPosition)
if(mention) {
event.accepted = true
// handle backspace when entering an existing blockquote
if(">") &&"\n\n")) {
const newMessage =,"\n")) + "> ";
messageInputField.remove(0, messageInputField.cursorPosition);
insertInTextInput(0, StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(newMessage));
event.accepted = true
if (event.matches(StandardKey.Copy) || event.matches(StandardKey.Cut)) {
if (messageInputField.selectedText !== "") {
d.copiedTextPlain = messageInputField.getText(
messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
d.copiedTextFormatted = messageInputField.getFormattedText(
messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
d.copyMentions(messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
if (event.matches(StandardKey.Paste)) {
if (QClipboardProxy.hasImage) {
const clipboardImage = QClipboardProxy.imageBase64
event.accepted = true
} else if (QClipboardProxy.hasText) {
messageInputField.remove(messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
// cursor position must be stored in a helper property because setting readonly to true causes change
// of the cursor position to the end of the input
d.copyTextStart = messageInputField.cursorPosition
messageInputField.readOnly = true
const clipboardText = Utils.plainText(QClipboardProxy.text)
const copiedText = Utils.plainText(d.copiedTextPlain)
if (copiedText === clipboardText) {
if (d.copiedTextPlain.includes("@")) {
d.copiedTextFormatted = d.copiedTextFormatted.replace(/span style="/g, "span style=\" text-decoration:none;")
let lastFoundIndex = -1
for (let j = 0; j < d.copiedMentionsPos.length; j++) {
const name = d.copiedMentionsPos[j].name
const indexOfName = d.copiedTextPlain.indexOf(name, lastFoundIndex)
lastFoundIndex += name.length
if (indexOfName === d.copiedMentionsPos[j].leftIndex + 1) {
const mention = {
name: name,
pubKey: d.copiedMentionsPos[j].pubKey,
leftIndex: (d.copiedMentionsPos[j].leftIndex + d.copyTextStart - 1),
rightIndex: (d.copiedMentionsPos[j].leftIndex + d.copyTextStart + name.length)
insertInTextInput(d.copyTextStart, d.copiedTextFormatted)
} else {
d.copiedTextPlain = ""
d.copiedTextFormatted = ""
d.copiedMentionsPos = []
messageInputField.insert(d.copyTextStart, "
.replace(/\*([^*]+)\*/gim, ':asterisk:$1:asterisk:')
return htmlText.replace(/\:asterisk\:/gim, "*")
function getFormattedText(start, end) {
start = start || 0
end = end || messageInputField.length
const oldFormattedText = messageInputField.getFormattedText(start, end)
const found = oldFormattedText.match(/([\w\W\s]*)/m);
return found[1]
function getTextWithPublicKeys() {
let result = messageInputField.text
if (mentionsPos.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < mentionsPos.length; k++) {
let leftIndex = result.indexOf(mentionsPos[k].name)
let rightIndex = leftIndex + mentionsPos[k].name.length
result = result.substring(0, leftIndex)
+ mentionsPos[k].pubKey
+ result.substring(rightIndex, result.length)
return result
function setFormatInInput(formationFunction, startTag, endTag, formationChar, numFormationChars) {
const inputText = getFormattedText()
const plainInputText = messageInputField.getText(0, messageInputField.length)
let lengthDifference
try {
const result = formationFunction(inputText)
if (!result) {
const parsed = JSON.parse(result)
let substring
let nbEmojis
parsed.forEach(function (match) {
match[1] += 1
const truncatedInputText = inputText.substring(0, match[1] + numFormationChars)
const truncatedPlainText = plainInputText.substring(0, messageInputField.cursorPosition)
const lengthDifference = truncatedInputText.length - truncatedPlainText.length
nbEmojis = StatusQUtils.Emoji.nbEmojis(truncatedInputText)
match[1] += (nbEmojis * -2)
match[0] += (nbEmojis * -2)
substring = inputText.substring(match[0], match[1])
if (plainInputText.charAt(match[0] - 1) !== formationChar) {
match[0] -= lengthDifference
match[1] -= lengthDifference
} else {
match[1] -= lengthDifference
messageInputField.remove(match[0], match[1])
insertInTextInput(match[0], `${startTag}${substring}${endTag}`)
} catch (e) {
function onRelease(event) {
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace && textFormatMenu.opened) {
// the text doesn't get registered to the textarea fast enough
// we can only get it in the `released` event
let eventText = event.text
if(event.key === Qt.Key_Space) {
eventText = " "
if(d.rightOfMentionIndex !== -1) {
//make sure to add an extra space between mention and text
let mentionSeparator = event.key === Qt.Key_Space ? "" : " "
messageInputField.insert(mentionsPos[d.rightOfMentionIndex].rightIndex, mentionSeparator + eventText)
d.rightOfMentionIndex = -1
if(d.leftOfMentionIndex !== -1) {
messageInputField.insert(mentionsPos[d.leftOfMentionIndex].leftIndex, eventText)
d.leftOfMentionIndex = -1
if (event.key !== Qt.Key_Escape) {
emojiEvent = emojiHandler(event)
if (!emojiEvent) {
if (messageInputField.readOnly) {
messageInputField.readOnly = false;
messageInputField.cursorPosition = d.copyTextStart + QClipboardProxy.text.length;
// since emoji length is not 1 we need to match that position that TextArea returns
// to the actual position in the string.
function extrapolateCursorPosition() {
// we need only the message part to be html
const text = getPlainText()
const completelyPlainText = removeMentions(text)
const plainText = StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(text);
var bracketEvent = false;
var almostMention = false;
var mentionEvent = false;
var length = 0;
// This loop calculates the cursor position inside the plain text which contains the image tags () and the mention tags ([[mention]])
const cursorPos = messageInputField.cursorPosition
let character = ""
for (var i = 0; i < plainText.length; i++) {
if (length >= cursorPos) break;
character = plainText.charAt(i)
if (!bracketEvent && character !== '<' && !mentionEvent && character !== '[') {
} else if (!bracketEvent && character === '<') {
bracketEvent = true;
} else if (bracketEvent && character === '>') {
bracketEvent = false;
} else if (!mentionEvent && almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === '[') {
almostMention = false
mentionEvent = true
} else if (!mentionEvent && !almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === '[') {
almostMention = true
} else if (!mentionEvent && almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) !== '[') {
almostMention = false
} else if (mentionEvent && !almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === ']') {
almostMention = true
} else if (mentionEvent && almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === ']') {
almostMention = false
mentionEvent = false
let textBeforeCursor = StatusQUtils.Emoji.deparseFromParse(plainText.substr(0, i));
return {
cursor: countEmojiLengths(plainText.substr(0, i)) + messageInputField.cursorPosition + text.length - completelyPlainText.length,
data: textBeforeCursor,
function emojiHandler(event) {
let message = extrapolateCursorPosition();
// state machine to handle different forms of the emoji event state
if (!emojiEvent && isColonPressed) {
return ( <= 1 || Utils.isSpace( - 1))) ? true : false;
} else if (emojiEvent && isColonPressed) {
const index =':', message.cursor - 2);
if (index >= 0 && message.cursor > 0) {
const shortname =, message.cursor);
const codePoint = StatusQUtils.Emoji.getEmojiUnicode(shortname);
if (codePoint !== undefined) {
replaceWithEmoji(message, shortname, codePoint);
return false;
return true;
} else if (emojiEvent && isKeyValid(event.key) && !isColonPressed) {
// popup
const index2 =':', message.cursor - 1);
if (index2 >= 0 && message.cursor > 0) {
const emojiPart =, message.cursor);
if (emojiPart.length > 2) {
const emojis = StatusQUtils.Emoji.emojiJSON.emoji_json.filter(function (emoji) {
return ||
emoji.shortname.includes(emojiPart) ||
emoji.aliases.some(a => a.includes(emojiPart))
emojiSuggestions.openPopup(emojis, emojiPart)
return true;
} else if (emojiEvent && !isKeyValid(event.key) && !isColonPressed) {
return false;
return false;
function countEmojiLengths(value) {
const match = StatusQUtils.Emoji.getEmojis(value);
var length = 0;
if (match && match.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
length += StatusQUtils.Emoji.deparseFromParse(match[i]).length;
length = length - match.length;
return length;
function replaceWithEmoji(message, shortname, codePoint) {
const encodedCodePoint = StatusQUtils.Emoji.getEmojiCodepoint(codePoint)
messageInputField.remove(messageInputField.cursorPosition - shortname.length, messageInputField.cursorPosition);
insertInTextInput(messageInputField.cursorPosition, StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(encodedCodePoint) + " ");
emojiEvent = false
// check if user has placed cursor near valid emoji colon token
function pollEmojiEvent(message) {
const index =':', message.cursor);
if (index >= 0) {
emojiEvent = validSubstr(, message.cursor - index));
function validSubstr(substr) {
for(var i = 0; i < substr.length; i++) {
var c = substr.charAt(i);
if (Utils.isSpace(c) || Utils.isPunct(c))
return false;
return true;
function isKeyValid(key) {
if (key === Qt.Key_Space || key === Qt.Key_Tab ||
(key >= Qt.Key_Exclam && key <= Qt.Key_Slash) ||
(key >= Qt.Key_Semicolon && key <= Qt.Key_Question) ||
(key >= Qt.Key_BracketLeft && key <= Qt.Key_hyphen))
return false;
return true;
function hideExtendedArea() {
isImage = false;
isReply = false;
control.fileUrlsAndSources = []
imageArea.imageSource = [];
replyArea.userName = ""
replyArea.message = ""
for (let i=0; i