import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import utils 1.0 import shared.views 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 as SharedStores import mainui 1.0 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils import AppLayouts.stores 1.0 as AppLayoutStores import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0 as ProfileStores import AppLayouts.Profile.helpers 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 import Storybook 1.0 import Models 1.0 SplitView { id: root property bool globalUtilsReady: false // globalUtilsInst mock QtObject { function addTimestampToURL(url) { return url } function isCompressedPubKey() { return false } Component.onCompleted: { Utils.globalUtilsInst = this root.globalUtilsReady = true } Component.onDestruction: { root.globalUtilsReady = false Utils.globalUtilsInst = {} } } ListModel { id: linksModel ListElement { text: "__github" url: "" showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone } ListElement { text: "__twitter" url: "" showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone } ListElement { text: "__personal_site" url: "" showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone } ListElement { text: "__youtube" url: "" showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone } ListElement { text: "__telegram" url: "" showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone } } ManageCollectiblesModel { id: manageCollectiblesModel Component.onCompleted: { for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { setProperty(i, "showcaseVisibility", Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone) } } } WalletAccountsModel { id: walletAccountsModel Component.onCompleted: { for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { setProperty(i, "showcaseVisibility", Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone) } } } CommunitiesModel { id: communitiesModel Component.onCompleted: { for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { setProperty(i, "showcaseVisibility", Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone) } } } Logs { id: logs } SplitView { orientation: Qt.Vertical SplitView.fillWidth: true Item { SplitView.fillWidth: true SplitView.fillHeight: true ScrollView { width: parent.width height: parent.height clip: true Loader { active: root.globalUtilsReady width: parent.availableWidth height: parent.availableHeight sourceComponent: ProfileDialogView { implicitWidth: 640 contactDetails: ContactDetails { publicKey: "0x0000x" displayName: displayNameTextField.text localNickname: localNicknameTextField.text ensVerified: ensVerifiedCheckBox.checked ensName: ensNameTextField.text name: ensNameTextField.text isCurrentUser: ownProfileSwitch.checked largeImage: userImageCheckBox.checked ? Theme.png("status-logo") : "" onlineStatus: onlineStatusComboBox.currentValue isBlocked: isBlockedCheckBox.checked colorHash: [{colorId: 0, segmentLength: 1}, {colorId: 4, segmentLength: 2}] colorId: colorIdSpinBox.value } readOnly: ctrlReadOnly.checked onCloseRequested: logs.logEvent("closeRequested()") sendToAccountEnabled: true showcaseCommunitiesModel: communitiesModel showcaseAccountsModel: walletAccountsModel showcaseCollectiblesModel: manageCollectiblesModel showcaseSocialLinksModel: linksModel // TODO: showcaseAssetsModel assetsModel: AssetsModel {} collectiblesModel: CollectiblesModel {} profileStore: ProfileStores.ProfileStore { function getQrCodeSource() { return "" } } contactsStore: ProfileStores.ContactsStore { function joinPrivateChat(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::joinPrivateChat", ["publicKey"], arguments) } function markUntrustworthy(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::markUntrustworthy", ["publicKey"], arguments) } function removeContact(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::removeContact", ["publicKey"], arguments) } function acceptContactRequest(publicKey, contactRequestId) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::acceptContactRequest", ["publicKey, contactRequestId"], arguments) } function dismissContactRequest(publicKey, contactRequestId) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::dismissContactRequest", ["publicKey, contactRequestId"], arguments) } function removeTrustStatus(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::removeTrustStatus", ["publicKey"], arguments) } function removeTrustVerificationStatus(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::removeTrustVerificationStatus", ["publicKey"], arguments) } function verifiedUntrustworthy(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::verifiedUntrustworthy", ["publicKey"], arguments) } function verifiedTrusted(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::verifiedTrusted", ["publicKey"], arguments) ctrlTrustStatus.currentIndex = ctrlTrustStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.trustStatus.trusted) } function cancelVerificationRequest(pubKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::cancelVerificationRequest", ["pubKey"], arguments) } function getLinkToProfile(publicKey) { return Constants.userLinkPrefix + publicKey } function changeContactNickname(publicKey, newNickname, displayName, isEdit) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::changeContactNickname", ["publicKey", "newNickname", "displayName", "isEdit"], arguments) } function requestProfileShowcase(publicKey) { logs.logEvent("contactsStore::requestProfileShowcase", ["publicKey"], arguments) } } utilsStore: SharedStores.UtilsStore { function getEmojiHash(publicKey) { return ["👨🏻‍🍼", "🏃🏿‍♂️", "🌇", "🤶🏿", "🏮","🤷🏻‍♂️", "🤦🏻", "📣", "🤎", "👷🏽", "😺", "🥞", "🔃", "🧝🏽‍♂️"] } function getCompressedPk(publicKey) { return "zx3sh" + publicKey } function isCompressedPubKey(publicKey) { return true } function isAlias(name) { return false } } } } } } LogsAndControlsPanel { SplitView.minimumHeight: 100 SplitView.preferredHeight: 350 logsView.logText: logs.logText ColumnLayout { width: parent.width RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Switch { id: ownProfileSwitch text: "Own profile" checked: false } Switch { id: ctrlReadOnly text: "Readonly (preview)" visible: ownProfileSwitch.checked checked: false } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Label { text: "localNickname:" } TextField { id: localNicknameTextField text: "Alex" placeholderText: "Local Nickname" } Label { text: "displayName:" } TextField { id: displayNameTextField text: "Alex Pella" placeholderText: "Display Name" } CheckBox { id: ensVerifiedCheckBox checked: true text: "ensVerified" } Label { text: "name:" } TextField { id: ensNameTextField enabled: ensVerifiedCheckBox.checked text: ensVerifiedCheckBox.checked ? "8⃣6⃣.eth" : "" placeholderText: "ENS name" } } RowLayout { CheckBox { id: userImageCheckBox text: "User image" checked: true } Label { font.italic: true text: "or" } Label { enabled: !userImageCheckBox.checked text: "colorId" } SpinBox { id: colorIdSpinBox enabled: !userImageCheckBox.checked from: 0 to: 11 // Theme.palette.userCustomizationColors.length } Label { text: "onlineStatus" } ComboBox { id: onlineStatusComboBox textRole: "text" valueRole: "value" model: [ { value: Constants.onlineStatus.unknown, text: "unknown" }, { value: Constants.onlineStatus.inactive, text: "inactive" }, { value:, text: "online" } ] } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true enabled: !ownProfileSwitch.checked CheckBox { id: ctrlIsContact enabled: true checked: ctrlContactRequestState.currentValue === Constants.ContactRequestState.Mutual text: "isContact" } ComboBox { id: ctrlContactRequestState textRole: "text" valueRole: "value" model: [ { value: Constants.ContactRequestState.None, text: "None" }, { value: Constants.ContactRequestState.Mutual, text: "Mutual" }, { value: Constants.ContactRequestState.Sent, text: "Sent" }, { value: Constants.ContactRequestState.Received, text: "Received" }, { value: Constants.ContactRequestState.Dismissed, text: "Dismissed" } ] } Label { text: "trustStatus:" } ComboBox { id: ctrlTrustStatus textRole: "text" valueRole: "value" model: [ { value: Constants.trustStatus.unknown, text: "unknown" }, { value: Constants.trustStatus.trusted, text: "trusted" }, { value: Constants.trustStatus.untrustworthy, text: "untrustworthy" } ] } CheckBox { id: isBlockedCheckBox text: "isBlocked" } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Button { text: "Send ID request" onClicked: { ctrlIsContact.checked = true ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.unverified) ctrlVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.unverified) } } Button { text: "Reply to ID request" onClicked: { ctrlIsContact.checked = true ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.verifying) ctrlVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.unverified) } } Button { text: "Pending ID request" onClicked: { ctrlIsContact.checked = true ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.verifying) ctrlVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.verifying) } } Button { text: "Review ID reply" onClicked: { ctrlIsContact.checked = true ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlIncomingVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.verified) ctrlVerificationStatus.currentIndex = ctrlVerificationStatus.indexOfValue(Constants.verificationStatus.verifying) } } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Label { text: "Bio:" } TextField { Layout.fillWidth: true id: bio selectByMouse: true text: " Hi, I am Alex. I'm an indie developer who mainly works on web products. I worked for several different companies and created a couple of my own products from scratch. Currently building Telescope and Prepacked. Say hi, or find me on Twitter, GitHub, or Mastodon. " } } } } } } // category: Views // // // // // // // // // // // status: decent