import QtQuick 2.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import 1.0 import 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 import utils 1.0 // Plugin providing the connection handling for dApps // Features provided: // 1. connect // 2. disconnect // 3. active connections model SQUtils.QObject { id: root required property WalletConnectSDKBase wcSDK required property WalletConnectSDKBase bcSDK required property DAppsStore dappsStore // Required roles: address required property var accountsModel // Required roles: chainId required property var networksModel // Output model with the following roles: // - name: string (optional) // - url: string (required) // - iconUrl: string (optional) // - topic: string (required) // - connectorId: int (required) // - accountAddressses: [{address: string}] (required) // - chains: string (optional) // - rawSessions: [{session: object}] (optional) readonly property ConcatModel dappsModel: dappsModel // Output signal when a dApp is disconnected signal disconnected(string topic, string dAppUrl) // Output signal when a new connection is proposed signal connected(string proposalId, string topic, string dAppUrl, int connectorId) // Output signal when a new connection is proposed by the SDK signal newConnectionProposed(string key, var chains, string dAppUrl, string dAppName, string dAppIcon, int connectorId) // Output signal when a new connection is failed signal newConnectionFailed(string key, string dappUrl, int errorCode) // Request to disconnect a dApp identified by the topic function disconnect(topic) { d.disconnect(topic) } // Request to connect a dApp identified by the proposal key // chains: array of chainIds // accountAddress: string function connect(key, chains, accoutAddress) { d.connect(key, chains, accoutAddress) } // Request to reject a dApp connection request identified by the proposal key function reject(key) { d.reject(key) } WCDappsProvider { id: dappsProvider sdk: root.wcSDK store: root.dappsStore supportedAccountsModel: root.accountsModel onConnected: (proposalId, topic, dappUrl) => { root.connected(proposalId, topic, dappUrl, Constants.DAppConnectors.WalletConnect) } onDisconnected: (topic, dappUrl) => { root.disconnected(topic, dappUrl) } } BCDappsProvider { id: connectorDAppsProvider bcSDK: root.bcSDK onConnected: (pairingId, topic, dappUrl) => { root.connected(pairingId, topic, dappUrl, Constants.DAppConnectors.StatusConnect) } onDisconnected: (topic, dappUrl) => { root.disconnected(topic, dappUrl) } } ConcatModel { id: dappsModel markerRoleName: "source" sources: [ SourceModel { model: dappsProvider.model markerRoleValue: "walletConnect" }, SourceModel { model: connectorDAppsProvider.model markerRoleValue: "statusConnect" } ] } // These two objects don't share a common interface because Qt5.15.2 would freeze for some reason QtObject { id: bcConnectionPromise function resolve(context, key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress) { root.bcSDK.approveSession(key, accountAddress, approvedChainIds) } function reject(context, key) { root.bcSDK.rejectSession(key) } } QtObject { id: wcConnectionPromise function resolve(context, key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress) { const approvedNamespaces = JSON.parse( DAppsHelpers.buildSupportedNamespaces(approvedChainIds, [accountAddress], SessionRequest.getSupportedMethods())) d.acceptedSessionProposal = context d.acceptedNamespaces = approvedNamespaces root.wcSDK.buildApprovedNamespaces(key, context.params, approvedNamespaces) } function reject(context, key) { root.wcSDK.rejectSession(key) } } // Flow for BrowserConnect // 1. onSessionProposal -> new connection proposal received // 3. onApproveSessionResult -> session approve result // 4. onRejectSessionResult -> session reject result Connections { target: root.bcSDK function onSessionProposal(sessionProposal) { const key = d.activeProposals.set(key.toString(), { context: sessionProposal, promise: bcConnectionPromise }) root.newConnectionProposed(key, [1], sessionProposal.params.proposer.metadata.url,, sessionProposal.params.proposer.metadata.icons[0], Constants.DAppConnectors.StatusConnect) } function onApproveSessionResult(proposalId, session, err) { if (!d.activeProposals.has(proposalId.toString())) { console.error("No active proposal found for key: " + proposalId) return } const dappUrl = d.activeProposals.get(proposalId.toString()).context.params.proposer.metadata.url d.activeProposals.delete(proposalId.toString()) if (err) { root.newConnectionFailed(proposalId, dappUrl, Pairing.errors.unknownError) return } } function onRejectSessionResult(proposalId, err) { if (!d.activeProposals.has(proposalId.toString())) { console.error("No active proposal found for key: " + proposalId) return } const dappUrl = d.activeProposals.get(proposalId.toString()).context.params.proposer.metadata.url d.activeProposals.delete(proposalId.toString()) if (err) { root.newConnectionFailed(proposalId, dappUrl, Pairing.errors.rejectFailed) return } root.newConnectionFailed(proposalId, dappUrl, Pairing.errors.userRejected) } } // Flow for WalletConnect // 1. onSessionProposal -> new connection proposal received // 2. onBuildApprovedNamespacesResult -> get the supported namespaces to be sent for approval // 3. onApproveSessionResult -> session approve result // 4. onRejectSessionResult -> session reject result Connections { target: root.wcSDK function onSessionProposal(sessionProposal) { const key = d.activeProposals.set(key.toString(), { context: sessionProposal, promise: wcConnectionPromise }) const supportedNamespacesStr = DAppsHelpers.buildSupportedNamespacesFromModels( root.networksModel, root.accountsModel, SessionRequest.getSupportedMethods()) root.wcSDK.buildApprovedNamespaces(key, sessionProposal.params, JSON.parse(supportedNamespacesStr)) } function onBuildApprovedNamespacesResult(key, approvedNamespaces, error) { if (!d.activeProposals.has(key.toString())) { console.error("No active proposal found for key: " + key) return } const proposal = d.activeProposals.get(key.toString()).context const dAppUrl = proposal.params.proposer.metadata.url if(error || !approvedNamespaces || !approvedNamespaces.eip155) { if (!approvedNamespaces.eip155 || error.includes("Non conforming namespaces")) { root.newConnectionFailed(, dAppUrl, Pairing.errors.unsupportedNetwork) } else { root.newConnectionFailed(, dAppUrl, Pairing.errors.unknownError) } return } approvedNamespaces = d.applyChainAgnosticFix(approvedNamespaces) if (d.acceptedSessionProposal) { root.wcSDK.approveSession(d.acceptedSessionProposal, approvedNamespaces) } else { const res = DAppsHelpers.extractChainsAndAccountsFromApprovedNamespaces(approvedNamespaces) const chains = res.chains const dAppName = const dAppIcons = proposal.params.proposer.metadata.icons const dAppIcon = dAppIcons && dAppIcons.length > 0 ? dAppIcons[0] : "" root.newConnectionProposed(key, chains, dAppUrl, dAppName, dAppIcon, Constants.DAppConnectors.WalletConnect) } } function onApproveSessionResult(proposalId, session, err) { if (!d.activeProposals.has(proposalId.toString())) { console.error("No active proposal found for key: " + proposalId) return } const dappUrl = d.activeProposals.get(proposalId.toString()) .context.params.proposer.metadata.url d.activeProposals.delete(proposalId.toString()) d.acceptedSessionProposal = null d.acceptedNamespaces = null if (err) { root.newConnectionFailed(proposalId, dappUrl, Pairing.errors.unknownError) return } } function onRejectSessionResult(proposalId, err) { if (!d.activeProposals.has(proposalId.toString())) { console.error("No active proposal found for key: " + proposalId) return } const dappUrl = d.activeProposals.get(proposalId.toString()) .context.params.proposer.metadata.url d.activeProposals.delete(proposalId.toString()) if (err) { root.newConnectionFailed(proposalId, dappUrl, Pairing.errors.rejectFailed) return } root.newConnectionFailed(proposalId, dappUrl, Pairing.errors.userRejected) } } QtObject { id: d property var activeProposals: new Map() property var acceptedSessionProposal: null property var acceptedNamespaces: null function disconnect(connectionId) { const dApp = d.getDAppByTopic(connectionId) if (!dApp) { console.error("Disconnecting dApp: dApp not found") return } if (!dApp.connectorId == undefined) { console.error("Disconnecting dApp: connectorId not found") return } const sdk = dApp.connectorId === Constants.DAppConnectors.WalletConnect ? root.wcSDK : root.bcSDK sdkDisconnect(dApp, sdk) } // Disconnect all sessions for a dApp function sdkDisconnect(dapp, sdk) { SQUtils.ModelUtils.forEach(dapp.rawSessions, (session) => { sdk.disconnectSession(session.topic) }) } function reject(key) { if (!d.activeProposals.has(key.toString())) { console.error("Rejecting dApp: dApp not found") return } const proposal = d.activeProposals.get(key.toString()) proposal.promise.reject(proposal.context, key) } function connect(key, chains, accoutAddress) { if (!d.activeProposals.has(key.toString())) { console.error("Connecting dApp: dApp not found", key) return } const proposal = d.activeProposals.get(key.toString()) proposal.promise.resolve(proposal.context, key, chains, accoutAddress) } function getDAppByTopic(topic) { return SQUtils.ModelUtils.getFirstModelEntryIf(dappsModel, (modelItem) => { if (modelItem.topic == topic) { return true } if (!modelItem.rawSessions) { return false } for (let i = 0; i < modelItem.rawSessions.ModelCount.count; i++) { if (modelItem.rawSessions.get(i).topic == topic) { return true } } }) } //Special case for chain agnostic dapps //WC considers the approved namespace as valid, but there's no chainId or account established //Usually this request is declared by using `eip155:0`, but we don't support this chainID, resulting in empty `chains` and `accounts` //The established connection will use for all user approved chains and accounts //This fix is applied to all valid namespaces that don't have a chainId or account function applyChainAgnosticFix(approvedNamespaces) { try { const an = approvedNamespaces.eip155 const chainAgnosticRequest = (!an.chains || an.chains.length === 0) && (!an.accounts || an.accounts.length === 0) if (!chainAgnosticRequest) { return approvedNamespaces } // If the `d.acceptedNamespaces` is set it means the user already confirmed the chain and account if (!!d.acceptedNamespaces) { approvedNamespaces.eip155.chains = d.acceptedNamespaces.eip155.chains approvedNamespaces.eip155.accounts = d.acceptedNamespaces.eip155.accounts return approvedNamespaces } // Show to the user all possible chains const supportedNamespacesStr = DAppsHelpers.buildSupportedNamespacesFromModels( root.networksModel, root.accountsModel, SessionRequest.getSupportedMethods()) const supportedNamespaces = JSON.parse(supportedNamespacesStr) approvedNamespaces.eip155.chains = supportedNamespaces.eip155.chains approvedNamespaces.eip155.accounts = supportedNamespaces.eip155.accounts } catch (e) { console.warn("WC Error applying chain agnostic fix", e) } return approvedNamespaces } } }