Feature: Status Desktop Wallet As a user I want to use the wallet Background: Sign up & Enable wallet section Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key When user signs up with username tester123 and password TesTEr16843/!@00 Then the user lands on the signed in app When the user opens app settings screen When the user activates wallet and opens the wallet section When the user accepts the signing phrase @mayfail Scenario Outline: User adds a watch only account and is able to view transactions When the user adds watch only account with and
Then the new account is added And the transactions are listed for the added account Examples: | account_name | address | | one | 0x8397bc3c5a60a1883174f722403d63a8833312b7 | | two | 0xf51ba8631618b9b3521ff4eb9adfd8a837455226 | Scenario Outline: User generates a new account from wallet When the user generates a new account with and TesTEr16843/!@00 Then the new account is added When the user deletes the account Then the account is not in the list of accounts Examples: | account_name | | one | @mayfail Scenario Outline: User imports a private key When the user imports a private key with and TesTEr16843/!@00 and Then the new account is added Examples: | account_name | private_key | | one | 8da4ef21b864d2cc526dbdb2a120bd2874c36c9d0a1fb7f8c63d7f7a8b41de8f | @mayfail Scenario Outline: User imports a seed phrase When the user imports a seed phrase with and TesTEr16843/!@00 and Then the new account is added Examples: | account_name | seed_phrase | | one | indoor dish desk flag debris potato excuse depart ticket judge file exit | Scenario Outline: User can manage a saved address When the user adds a saved address named and address
And the user toggles favourite for the saved address with name Then the saved address has favourite status true When the user deletes the saved address with name Then the name is not in the list of saved addresses When the user adds a saved address named and address
And the user edits a saved address with name to Then the name is in the list of saved addresses Examples: | name | address | new_name | | bar | 0x8397bc3c5a60a1883174f722403d63a8833312b7 | foo | @mayfail Scenario: User can toggle network and see balances When the user opens app settings screen And the user opens the wallet settings And the user toggles test networks And the user opens wallet screen And the user imports a seed phrase with one and TesTEr16843/!@00 and pelican chief sudden oval media rare swamp elephant lawsuit wheat knife initial Then the new account one is added And the user has a positive balance of ETH And the user has a positive balance of STT @mayfail Scenario Outline: User can edit the default wallet account When the user opens app settings screen And the user opens the wallet settings And the user selects the default account And the user edits default account to name and color Then the new account with name Status account and color is updated Examples: | new_name | new_color | | Default | #FFCA0F | @mayfail Scenario Outline: Can see collectibles for an account When the user adds watch only account with and
Then the collectibles are listed for the Examples: | account_name | address | | One | 0x8397bc3c5a60a1883174f722403d63a8833312b7 |