#****************************************************************************** # Status.im #*****************************************************************************/ #/** # * \file test.feature # * # * \test Status Desktop - Community # * \date July 2022 # ** # *****************************************************************************/ Feature: Status Desktop community As an admin user I want to create a community and do some action in the community The following scenarios cover basic flows of a community The feature start sequence is the following (setup on its own `bdd_hooks`): ** given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key ** when user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00" ** and the user lands on the signed in app Background: Given the user opens the community portal section And the user lands on the community portal section And the user creates a community named "myCommunity", with description "My community description", intro "Community Intro" and outro "Community Outro" And the user lands on the community named "myCommunity" @mayfail # TODO: Scenario broken since in the action of creating a channel `mainWindow_CommunityColumnView_CommunityColumnView` object is not ready. Scenario Outline: The admin creates a community channel When the admin creates a community channel named "", with description "", with the method "" Then the channel named "" is open Examples: | community_channel_name | community_channel_description | method | | test-channel | Community channel description tested 1 | bottom_menu | | test-channel2 | Community channel description tested 2 | right_click_menu | Scenario Outline: The admin edits a community channel Given the admin creates a community channel named "", with description "", with the method "bottom_menu" And the channel named "" is open When the admin edits the current community channel to the name "" Then the channel named "" is open Examples: | community_channel_name | community_channel_description | new_community_channel_name | | test-channel | Community channel description tested 1 | new-test-channel | @mayfail # TODO: Weak. Sometimes passes sometimes fails (standalone or as part of the sequence). To anaylize. Scenario: The admin deletes a community channel Given the admin creates a community channel named "test-channel2", with description "My description", with the method "bottom_menu" And the channel named "test-channel2" is open And the channel count is 2 When the admin deletes current channel Then the channel count is 1 @mayfail # TODO: Weak. Sometimes passes sometimes fails (standalone or as part of the sequence). To anaylize. Scenario Outline: The admin creates a community category Given the admin creates a community channel named "", with description "Some description", with the method "" When the admin creates a community category named "", with channels "" and with the method "" Then the category named "" contains channels "" Examples: | channel_name | category_name | method | | test-channel-1 | test-category-1 | bottom_menu | | test-channel-2 | test-category-2 | right_click_menu | @mayfail # TODO: It works standalone. There is an issue with the background sequence. Community Portal is not clicked sometimes. Scenario: The admin edits a community category Given the admin creates a community channel named "test-channel", with description "My description", with the method "bottom_menu" And the admin creates a community category named "test-category", with channels "test-channel" and with the method "bottom_menu" And the category named "test-category" contains channels "test-channel" When the admin renames the category "test-category" to "new-test-category" and toggles the channels "test-channel, general" Then the category named "new-test-category" contains channels "general" And the category named "test-category" is missing @mayfail # TODO: It works standalone. There is an issue with the background sequence. Community Portal is not clicked sometimes. Scenario: The admin deletes a community category Given the admin creates a community channel named "test-channel", with description "My description", with the method "bottom_menu" And the admin creates a community category named "test-category", with channels "test-channel" and with the method "bottom_menu" And the category named "test-category" contains channels "test-channel" When the admin deletes category named "test-category" Then the category named "test-category" is missing @mayfail # TODO: Weak. Sometimes passes sometimes fails (standalone or as part of the sequence). To anaylize. # Also TODO: Missing validation of description changed and color changed. Now validation only checks the new community name. Scenario Outline: The admin edits a community When the admin renames the community to "" and description to "" and color to "" And the admin goes back to the community Then the user lands on the community named "" Examples: | new_community_name | new_community_description | new_community_color | | myCommunityNamedChanged | Cool new description 123 | #ff0000 | @mayfail # TODO: Test broken. Validation doesn't work (No attribute ` emoji`found error). Scenario Outline: The admin changes the emoji of a channel When the admin changes the current community channel emoji to "" Then the community channel has emoji "" Examples: | new_emoji_description | new_emoji | | thumbs up | 👍 | # TODO: This scenario must be in a different feature since it does not accomplishe the start/en sequence and / or background # Add new test case that contains scenarios related to create/delete and navigate throw communities and usage of navbar. #@merge #Scenario: User leaves community # When the user opens app settings screen # And the user opens the communities settings # And the user leaves the community # Then the count of communities in navbar is 0