import QtQuick 2.13 import utils 1.0 ChartStoreBase { id: root /*required*/ property string address: "" /// \arg timeRange: of type ChartStoreBase.TimeRange function setData(timeRange, timeRangeData, balanceData) { switch(timeRange) { case ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.Weekly: root.weeklyData = balanceData root.weeklyTimeRange = timeRangeData root.weeklyMaxTicks = 0 break; case ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.Monthly: root.monthlyData = balanceData root.monthlyTimeRange = timeRangeData root.monthlyMaxTicks = 0 break; case ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.HalfYearly: root.halfYearlyData = balanceData root.halfYearlyTimeRange = timeRangeData root.halfYearlyMaxTicks = 0 break; case ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.Yearly: root.yearlyData = balanceData root.yearlyTimeRange = timeRangeData root.yearlyMaxTicks = 0 break; case ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.All: root.allData = balanceData root.allTimeRange = timeRangeData root.allTimeRangeTicks = 0 break; default: console.warn("Invalid or unsupported time range") break; } root.newDataReady(timeRange) } /// \arg timeRange: of type ChartStoreBase.TimeRange function resetData(timeRange) { root.setData(timeRange, [], []) } Connections { target: walletSectionAllTokens onTokenBalanceHistoryDataReady: (balanceHistory) => { // chainId, address, symbol, timeInterval let response = JSON.parse(balanceHistory) if (response === null) { console.warn("error parsing balance history json message data") root.resetRequestTime() return } if(typeof response.historicalData === "undefined" || response.historicalData === null || response.historicalData.length == 0) { console.warn("error no data in balance history. Must be an error from status-go") root.resetRequestTime() return } else if(response.address !== root.address) { // Ignore data for other addresses. Will be handled by other instances of this store return } root.resetData(response.timeInterval) var tmpTimeRange = [] var tmpDataValues = [] for(let i = 0; i < response.historicalData.length; i++) { let dataEntry = response.historicalData[i] let dateString = response.timeInterval == ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.Weekly || response.timeInterval == ChartStoreBase.TimeRange.Monthly ? Utils.getDayMonth(dataEntry.time * 1000, RootStore.accountSensitiveSettings.is24hTimeFormat) : Utils.getMonthYear(dataEntry.time * 1000) tmpTimeRange.push(dateString) tmpDataValues.push(parseFloat(globalUtils.wei2Eth(dataEntry.value, 18))) } root.setData(response.timeInterval, tmpTimeRange, tmpDataValues) root.updateRequestTime(response.timeInterval) } } }