import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 import StatusQ 0.1 // import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import Storybook 1.0 import utils 1.0 ApplicationWindow { id: root width: 1450 height: 840 visible: true property string currentPage title: "%1 – %2".arg(currentPage).arg(Qt.application.displayName) palette.window: Theme.palette.statusAppLayout.backgroundColor palette.text: Theme.palette.directColor1 palette.windowText: Theme.palette.directColor1 palette.base: Theme.palette.indirectColor1 font.pixelSize: 13 onCurrentPageChanged: testsReRunTimer.restart() QtObject { id: d function activateInspection(item) { inspectionWindow.inspect(item) inspectionWindow.requestActivate() } function performInspection() { // Find the items to inspect on the current page const getItems = typeName => InspectionUtils.findItemsByTypeName( viewLoader.item, typeName) const items = [ ...getItems(root.currentPage), ...getItems("Custom" + root.currentPage) ] // Find lowest commont ancestor of found items const lca = InspectionUtils.lowestCommonAncestor( items, viewLoader.item) // Inspect lca if (lca) { activateInspection(lca.parent.contentItem === lca ? lca.parent : lca) return } // Look for the item for inspection on the Overlay, skip items // without contentItem which can be, for example, instance of // Overlay.modal or Overlay.modeless const overlayChildren = root.Overlay.overlay.children for (let i = 0; i < overlayChildren.length; i++) { const item = overlayChildren[i] if (item.contentItem) { activateInspection(item) return } } } } PagesModel { id: pagesModel } HotReloader { id: reloader loader: viewLoader enabled: hotReloaderControls.enabled onReloaded: { hotReloaderControls.notifyReload() testsReRunTimer.restart() } } TestRunnerController { id: testRunnerController } Timer { id: testsReRunTimer interval: 100 onTriggered: { if (!settingsLayout.runTestsAutomatically) return const testFileName = `tst_${root.currentPage}.qml` const testsCount = testRunnerController.getTestsCount(testFileName) if (testsCount === 0) return testRunnerController.runTests(testFileName) } } SplitView { anchors.fill: parent ColumnLayout { SplitView.preferredWidth: 270 Pane { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true ColumnLayout { width: parent.width height: parent.height Button { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Settings" onClicked: } CheckBox { id: windowAlwaysOnTopCheckBox Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Always on top" onCheckedChanged: { if (checked) root.flags |= Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint else root.flags &= ~Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint } } CheckBox { id: darkModeCheckBox Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Dark mode" onCheckedChanged: Style.changeTheme(checked ? Universal.Dark : Universal.Light, !checked) } HotReloaderControls { id: hotReloaderControls Layout.fillWidth: true onForceReloadClicked: reloader.forceReload() } MenuSeparator { Layout.fillWidth: true } FilteredPagesList { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true currentPage: root.currentPage model: pagesModel onPageSelected: root.currentPage = page } } } Button { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Open pages directory" onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally(Qt.resolvedUrl(pagesFolder)) } } Page { SplitView.fillWidth: true Loader { id: viewLoader anchors.fill: parent clip: true source: `pages/${root.currentPage}Page.qml` asynchronous: settingsLayout.loadAsynchronously visible: status === Loader.Ready // force reload when `asynchronous` changes onAsynchronousChanged: { active = false active = true } } BusyIndicator { anchors.centerIn: parent visible: viewLoader.status === Loader.Loading } Label { anchors.centerIn: parent visible: viewLoader.status === Loader.Error text: "Loading page failed" } footer: PageToolBar { id: pageToolBar componentName: root.currentPage figmaPagesCount: currentPageModelItem.object ? currentPageModelItem.object.figma.count : 0 testRunnerController: testRunnerController Instantiator { id: currentPageModelItem model: SingleItemProxyModel { sourceModel: pagesModel roleName: "title" value: root.currentPage } delegate: QtObject { readonly property string title: model.title readonly property var figma: model.figma } } onFigmaPreviewClicked: { if (!settingsLayout.figmaToken) { return } figmaWindow.createObject(root, { figmaModel: currentPageModelItem.object.figma, pageTitle: currentPageModelItem.object.title }) } onInspectClicked: d.performInspection() } } } Dialog { id: settingsPopup anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay width: 420 modal: true header: Pane { background: null Label { text: "Settings" } } SettingsLayout { id: settingsLayout width: parent.width } } Dialog { id: noFigmaTokenDialog anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay title: "Figma token not set" standardButtons: Dialog.Ok Label { text: "Please set Figma personal token in \"Settings\"" } } FigmaLinksCache { id: figmaImageLinksCache figmaToken: settingsLayout.figmaToken } InspectionWindow { id: inspectionWindow } Dialog { id: nothingToInspectDialog anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay width: contentItem.implicitWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding title: "No items to inspect found" standardButtons: Dialog.Ok modal: true contentItem: Label { text: ` Tips: • For inline components use naming convention of adding "Custom" at the begining (like Custom${root.currentPage}) • For popups set closePolicy to "Popup.NoAutoClose"" ` } } Component { id: figmaWindow FigmaPreviewWindow { property string pageTitle property alias figmaModel: figmaImagesProxyModel.sourceModel title: pageTitle + " - Figma" model: FigmaImagesProxyModel { id: figmaImagesProxyModel figmaLinksCache: figmaImageLinksCache } onClosing: Qt.callLater(destroy) } } Settings { id: settings property alias currentPage: root.currentPage property alias loadAsynchronously: settingsLayout.loadAsynchronously property alias runTestsAutomatically: settingsLayout.runTestsAutomatically property alias darkMode: darkModeCheckBox.checked property alias hotReloading: hotReloaderControls.enabled property alias figmaToken: settingsLayout.figmaToken property alias windowAlwaysOnTop: windowAlwaysOnTopCheckBox.checked } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+I" context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut onActivated: d.performInspection() } }