pragma Singleton import QtQuick 2.13 import shared.stores 1.0 import utils 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils QtObject { id: root property bool showSavedAddresses: false property string selectedAddress: "" readonly property bool showAllAccounts: !root.showSavedAddresses && !root.selectedAddress property var lastCreatedSavedAddress property bool addingSavedAddress: false property bool deletingSavedAddress: false readonly property TokensStore tokensStore: TokensStore {} readonly property WalletAssetsStore walletAssetsStore: WalletAssetsStore { walletTokensStore: tokensStore } /* This property holds address of currently selected account in Wallet Main layout */ readonly property var addressFilters: walletSection.addressFilters /* This property holds networks currently selected in the Wallet Main layout */ readonly property var networkFilters: networksModule.enabledChainIds readonly property string defaultSelectedKeyUid: userProfile.keyUid readonly property bool defaultSelectedKeyUidMigratedToKeycard: userProfile.isKeycardUser property string backButtonName: "" property var overview: walletSectionOverview property bool balanceLoading: overview.balanceLoading property var accounts: walletSectionAccounts.accounts property var receiveAccounts: walletSectionSend.accounts property var selectedReceiveAccount: walletSectionSend.selectedReceiveAccount property var appSettings: localAppSettings property var accountSensitiveSettings: localAccountSensitiveSettings property bool hideSignPhraseModal: accountSensitiveSettings.hideSignPhraseModal // "walletSection" is a context property slow to lookup, so we cache it here property var mainModuleInst: mainModule property var walletSectionInst: walletSection property var walletSectionSavedAddressesInst: walletSectionSavedAddresses property var totalCurrencyBalance: walletSectionInst.totalCurrencyBalance property var activityController: walletSectionInst.activityController property var tmpActivityController0: walletSectionInst.tmpActivityController0 property var tmpActivityController1: walletSectionInst.tmpActivityController1 property var activityDetailsController: walletSectionInst.activityDetailsController property string signingPhrase: walletSectionInst.signingPhrase property string mnemonicBackedUp: walletSectionInst.isMnemonicBackedUp property var walletConnectController: walletSectionInst.walletConnectController property CollectiblesStore collectiblesStore: CollectiblesStore {} readonly property bool areTestNetworksEnabled: networksModule.areTestNetworksEnabled readonly property bool isGoerliEnabled: profileSectionModule.walletModule.networksModule.isGoerliEnabled property var savedAddresses: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: walletSectionSavedAddresses.model filters: [ ValueFilter { roleName: "isTest" value: networksModule.areTestNetworksEnabled } ] } property var nonWatchAccounts: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: receiveAccounts proxyRoles: [ ExpressionRole { name: "color" function getColor(colorId) { return Utils.getColorForId(colorId) } // Direct call for singleton function is not handled properly by // SortFilterProxyModel that's why helper function is used instead. expression: { return getColor(model.colorId) } } ] filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "walletType" value: Constants.watchWalletType inverted: true } } readonly property var currentActivityFiltersStore: { const address = root.overview.mixedcaseAddress if (address in d.activityFiltersStoreDictionary) { return d.activityFiltersStoreDictionary[address] } let store = d.activityFilterStoreComponent.createObject(root) d.activityFiltersStoreDictionary[address] = store return store } property QtObject _d: QtObject { id: d property var activityFiltersStoreDictionary: ({}) readonly property Component activityFilterStoreComponent: ActivityFiltersStore{ tokensList: walletAssetsStore.groupedAccountAssetsModel } property var chainColors: ({}) function initChainColors(model) { for (let i = 0; i < model.count; i++) { chainColors[model.rowData(i, "shortName")] = model.rowData(i, "chainColor") } } readonly property Connections walletSectionConnections: Connections { target: root.walletSectionInst function onWalletAccountRemoved(address) { address = address.toLowerCase(); for (var addressKey in d.activityFiltersStoreDictionary){ if (address === addressKey.toLowerCase()){ delete d.activityFiltersStoreDictionary[addressKey] return } } } } } function colorForChainShortName(chainShortName) { return d.chainColors[chainShortName] } property var layer1Networks: networksModule.layer1 property var layer2Networks: networksModule.layer2 property var enabledNetworks: networksModule.enabled property var allNetworks: networksModule.all onAllNetworksChanged: { d.initChainColors(allNetworks) } property var cryptoRampServicesModel: walletSectionBuySellCrypto.model function resetCurrentViewedHolding(type) { currentViewedHoldingID = "" currentViewedHoldingType = type } function setCurrentViewedHoldingType(type) { currentViewedHoldingID = "" currentViewedHoldingType = type } function setCurrentViewedHolding(id, type) { currentViewedHoldingID = id currentViewedHoldingType = type } property string currentViewedHoldingID: "" property int currentViewedHoldingType readonly property var currentViewedCollectible: collectiblesStore.detailedCollectible // This should be exposed to the UI via "walletModule", WalletModule should use // Accounts Service which keeps the info about that (isFirstTimeAccountLogin). // Then in the View of WalletModule we may have either QtProperty or // Q_INVOKABLE function (proc marked as slot) depends on logic/need. // The only need for onboardingModel here is actually to check if an account // has been just created or an old one. //property bool firstTimeLogin: onboardingModel.isFirstTimeLogin // example wallet model property ListModel exampleWalletModel: ListModel { ListElement { name: "Status account" address: "0xcfc9f08bbcbcb80760e8cb9a3c1232d19662fc6f" balance: "12.00 USD" color: "#7CDA00" } ListElement { name: "Test account 1" address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba" balance: "12.00 USD" color: "#FA6565" } ListElement { name: "Status account" address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba" balance: "12.00 USD" color: "#7CDA00" } } property ListModel exampleAssetModel: ListModel { ListElement { name: "Ethereum" symbol: "ETH" balance: "3423 ETH" address: "token-icons/eth" currencyBalance: "123 USD" } } function canProfileProveOwnershipOfProvidedAddresses(addresses) { return walletSection.canProfileProveOwnershipOfProvidedAddresses(JSON.stringify(addresses)) } function setHideSignPhraseModal(value) { localAccountSensitiveSettings.hideSignPhraseModal = value; } function getLatestBlockNumber(chainId) { // NOTE returns hex return walletSection.getLatestBlockNumber(chainId) } function getEstimatedLatestBlockNumber(chainId) { // NOTE returns decimal return walletSection.getEstimatedLatestBlockNumber(chainId) } function setFilterAddress(address) { walletSection.setFilterAddress(address) } function setFillterAllAddresses() { walletSection.setFillterAllAddresses() } function deleteAccount(address) { return walletSectionAccounts.deleteAccount(address) } function updateCurrentAccount(address, accountName, colorId, emoji) { return walletSectionAccounts.updateAccount(address, accountName, colorId, emoji) } function updateCurrency(newCurrency) { walletSection.updateCurrency(newCurrency) } function getQrCode(address) { return globalUtils.qrCode(address) } function hex2Dec(value) { return globalUtils.hex2Dec(value) } function getNameForWalletAddress(address) { return walletSectionAccounts.getNameByAddress(address) } function getWalletAccount(address) { const defaultValue = { name: "", address: "", mixedcaseAddress: "", keyUid: "", path: "", colorId: Constants.walletAccountColors.primary, publicKey: "", walletType: "", isWallet: false, isChat: false, emoji: "", ens: "", assetsLoading: false, removed: "", operable: "", createdAt: -1, position: -1, prodPreferredChainIds: "", testPreferredChainIds: "", hideFromTotalBalance: false } const jsonObj = walletSectionAccounts.getWalletAccountAsJson(address) try { if (jsonObj === "null" || jsonObj === undefined) { return defaultValue } return JSON.parse(jsonObj) } catch (e) { console.warn("error parsing wallet account for address: ", address, " error: ", e.message) return defaultValue } } function getSavedAddress(address) { const defaultValue = { name: "", address: "", ens: "", colorId: Constants.walletAccountColors.primary, chainShortNames: "", isTest: false, } const jsonObj = root.walletSectionSavedAddressesInst.getSavedAddressAsJson(address) try { return JSON.parse(jsonObj) } catch (e) { console.warn("error parsing saved address for address: ", address, " error: ", e.message) return defaultValue } } function getNameForAddress(address) { var name = getNameForWalletAddress(address) if (name.length === 0) { let savedAddress = getSavedAddress(address) name = } return name } enum LookupType { Account = 0, SavedAddress = 1 } // Returns object of type {type: null, object: null} or null if lookup didn't find anything function lookupAddressObject(address) { let res = null let acc = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(root.accounts, "address", address) if (acc) { res = {type: RootStore.LookupType.Account, object: acc} } else { let sa = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(walletSectionSavedAddresses.model, "address", address) if (sa) { res = {type: RootStore.LookupType.SavedAddress, object: sa} } } return res } function getAssetForSendTx(tx) { if (tx.isNFT) { return { uid: tx.tokenID, chainId: tx.chainId, name: tx.nftName, imageUrl: tx.nftImageUrl, collectionUid: "", collectionName: "" } } else { return tx.symbol } } function isTxRepeatable(tx) { if (!tx || tx.txType !== Constants.TransactionType.Send) return false let res = root.lookupAddressObject(tx.sender) if (!res || res.type !== RootStore.LookupType.Account || res.object.walletType == Constants.watchWalletType) return false if (tx.isNFT) { // TODO #12275: check if account owns enough NFT } else { // TODO #12275: Check if account owns enough tokens } return true } function isOwnedAccount(address) { return walletSectionAccounts.isOwnedAccount(address) } function getEmojiForWalletAddress(address) { return walletSectionAccounts.getEmojiByAddress(address) } function getColorForWalletAddress(address) { return walletSectionAccounts.getColorByAddress(address) } function createOrUpdateSavedAddress(name, address, ens, colorId, chainShortNames) { root.addingSavedAddress = true walletSectionSavedAddresses.createOrUpdateSavedAddress(name, address, ens, colorId, chainShortNames) } function updatePreferredChains(address, chainShortNames) { walletSectionSavedAddresses.updatePreferredChains(address, chainShortNames) } function deleteSavedAddress(address) { root.deletingSavedAddress = true walletSectionSavedAddresses.deleteSavedAddress(address) } function savedAddressNameExists(name) { return walletSectionSavedAddresses.savedAddressNameExists(name) } function toggleNetwork(chainId) { networksModule.toggleNetwork(chainId) } function copyToClipboard(text) { globalUtils.copyToClipboard(text) } function runAddAccountPopup() { walletSection.runAddAccountPopup(false) } function runAddWatchOnlyAccountPopup() { walletSection.runAddAccountPopup(true) } function runEditAccountPopup(address) { walletSection.runEditAccountPopup(address) } function switchReceiveAccount(index) { walletSectionSend.switchReceiveAccount(index) } function toggleWatchOnlyAccounts() { walletSection.toggleWatchOnlyAccounts() } function getAllNetworksChainIds() { return networksModule.getAllNetworksChainIds() } function getNetworkShortNames(chainIds) { return networksModule.getNetworkShortNames(chainIds) } function getNetworkIds(shortNames) { return networksModule.getNetworkIds(shortNames) } function updateWalletAccountPreferredChains(address, preferredChainIds) { if(areTestNetworksEnabled) { walletSectionAccounts.updateWalletAccountTestPreferredChains(address, preferredChainIds) } else { walletSectionAccounts.updateWalletAccountProdPreferredChains(address, preferredChainIds) } } function processPreferredSharingNetworkToggle(preferredSharingNetworks, toggledNetwork) { let prefChains = preferredSharingNetworks if(prefChains.length === allNetworks.count) { prefChains = [toggledNetwork.chainId.toString()] } else if(!prefChains.includes(toggledNetwork.chainId.toString())) { prefChains.push(toggledNetwork.chainId.toString()) } else { if(prefChains.length === 1) { prefChains = getAllNetworksChainIds().split(":") } else { for(var i = 0; i < prefChains.length;i++) { if(prefChains[i] === toggledNetwork.chainId.toString()) { prefChains.splice(i, 1) } } } } return prefChains } function updateWatchAccountHiddenFromTotalBalance(address, hideFromTotalBalance) { walletSectionAccounts.updateWatchAccountHiddenFromTotalBalance(address, hideFromTotalBalance) } property CurrenciesStore currencyStore: CurrenciesStore {} function addressWasShown(address) { return root.mainModuleInst.addressWasShown(address) } function getExplorerUrl(networkShortName, contractAddress, tokenId) { let link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.etherscan if (networkShortName === Constants.networkShortChainNames.mainnet) { if (root.areTestNetworksEnabled) { if (!root.isGoerliEnabled) { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.sepoliaEtherscan } else { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.goerliEtherscan } } return "%1/nft/%2/%3".arg(link).arg(contractAddress).arg(tokenId) } if (networkShortName === Constants.networkShortChainNames.arbitrum) { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.arbiscan if (root.areTestNetworksEnabled) { if (!root.isGoerliEnabled) { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.sepoliaArbiscan } else { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.goerliArbiscan } } return "%1/token/%2?a=%3".arg(link).arg(contractAddress).arg(tokenId) } else if (networkShortName === Constants.networkShortChainNames.optimism) { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.optimism if (root.areTestNetworksEnabled) { if (!root.isGoerliEnabled) { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.sepoliaOptimism } else { link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.goerliOptimism } } return "%1/token/%2?a=%3".arg(link).arg(contractAddress).arg(tokenId) } } function getExplorerNameForNetwork(networkShortName) { if (networkShortName === Constants.networkShortChainNames.arbitrum) { return qsTr("Arbiscan Explorer") } if (networkShortName === Constants.networkShortChainNames.optimism) { return qsTr("Optimism Explorer") } return qsTr("Etherscan Explorer") } }