import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import "../../../../imports" import "../../../../shared" import "../../../../shared/status" import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 StatusModal { id: popup width: 574 height: (keyOrSeedPhraseInput.height > 100) ? 517 : 498 header.title: qsTr("Add account") onOpened: { keyOrSeedPhraseInput.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(Qt.MouseFocusReason); } property bool loading: false property int marginBetweenInputs: 20 property bool seedPhraseInserted: false property bool isSeedCountValid: false signal addAccountClicked() function seedPhraseNotFound() { var seedValidationError = onboardingModel.validateMnemonic(keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text); var regex = new RegExp('word [a-z]+ not found in the dictionary', 'i'); return regex.test(seedValidationError); } function validate() { return (keyOrSeedPhraseInput.valid && accountNameInput.valid); } contentItem: Item { id: contentItem anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 8 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 10 height: parent.height Item { id: seedOrPKInputContainer width: parent.width height: 120 + ((keyOrSeedPhraseInput.height > 100) ? 30 : 0) StatusInput { id: keyOrSeedPhraseInput width: parent.width anchors.topMargin: popup.marginBetweenInputs input.multiline: true input.icon.width: 15 input.icon.height: 11 (popup.isSeedCountValid) || Utils.isPrivateKey(keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text) ? "checkmark" : "" input.icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 input.leftIcon: false input.implicitHeight: 56 input.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter private key or seed phrase") label: qsTr("Private key or seed phrase") validators: [ StatusValidator { validate: function () { return popup.seedPhraseInserted ? (popup.isSeedCountValid && !popup.seedPhraseNotFound()) : Utils.isPrivateKey(keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text); } } ] onTextChanged: { popup.seedPhraseInserted = keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text.includes(" "); popup.isSeedCountValid = (!!keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text && (keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text.match(/(\w+)/g).length === 12)); if (text === "") { errorMessage = qsTr("You need to enter a valid private key or seed phrase"); } else { if (!popup.seedPhraseInserted) { errorMessage = !Utils.isPrivateKey(keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text) ? qsTrId("enter-a-valid-private-key-(64-characters-hexadecimal-string)") : ""; } else { if (!popup.isSeedCountValid) { errorMessage = qsTrId("enter-a-valid-mnemonic"); } else if (popup.seedPhraseNotFound()) { errorMessage = qsTrId("custom-seed-phrase") + '. ' + qsTrId("custom-seed-phrase-text-1"); } else { errorMessage = ""; } } } } } } Separator { id: separator anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 16 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 16 seedOrPKInputContainer.bottom anchors.topMargin: (2*popup.marginBetweenInputs) } Row { id: accountNameInputRow anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 10 separator.bottom anchors.topMargin: popup.marginBetweenInputs height: (parent.height/2) StatusInput { id: accountNameInput implicitWidth: (parent.width - emojiDropDown.width) input.implicitHeight: 56 input.placeholderText: qsTrId("enter-an-account-name...") label: qsTrId("account-name") validators: [StatusMinLengthValidator { minLength: 1 }] onTextChanged: { errorMessage = (accountNameInput.text === "") ? qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-an-account-name") : "" } } Item { id: emojiDropDown //emoji placeholder width: 80 height: parent.height anchors.topMargin: 11 StyledText { id: inputLabel text: "Emoji" font.weight: Font.Medium font.pixelSize: 13 color: Style.current.textColor } Rectangle { width: parent.width height: 56 inputLabel.bottom anchors.topMargin: 7 radius: 10 color: "pink" opacity: 0.6 } } } } rightButtons: [ StatusButton { text: popup.loading ? qsTrId("loading") : qsTrId("add-account") enabled: !popup.loading && (accountNameInput.text !== "") && (keyOrSeedPhraseInput.correctWordCount || (keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text !== "")) MessageDialog { id: accountError title: qsTr("Adding the account failed") icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } onClicked : { popup.loading = true; if (!popup.validate()) {; popup.loading = false; } else { //TODO account color to be verified with design const result = popup.seedPhraseInserted ? walletModel.accountsView.addAccountsFromSeed(keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text, "", accountNameInput.text, "") : walletModel.accountsView.addAccountsFromPrivateKey(keyOrSeedPhraseInput.text, "", accountNameInput.text, ""); popup.loading = false; if (result) { let resultJson = JSON.parse(result); accountError.text = resultJson.error;;; return; } popup.addAccountClicked(); popup.close(); } } } ] }