import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import utils 1.0 import "../panels" import "../stores" Item { id: root property alias menuButton: menuButton property alias membersButton: membersButton property alias searchButton: searchButton property var rootStore property var chatContentModule: root.rootStore.currentChatContentModule() property var emojiPopup property int padding: Style.current.halfPadding signal searchButtonClicked() QtObject { id: d readonly property string stateInfoButtonContent: "" readonly property string stateMembersSelectorContent: "selectingMembers" readonly property bool selectingMembers: root.state == stateMembersSelectorContent } MessageStore { id: messageStore messageModule: chatContentModule ? chatContentModule.messagesModule : null chatSectionModule: root.rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule } Loader { id: loader anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: d.selectingMembers ? parent.right : undefined sourceComponent: d.selectingMembers ? membersSelector : statusChatInfoButton } Rectangle { anchors.fill: actionButtons visible: actionButtons.visible opacity: 0.8 color: Style.current.background } RowLayout { id: actionButtons anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right spacing: 8 visible: !d.selectingMembers StatusFlatRoundButton { id: searchButton "search" type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary onClicked: root.searchButtonClicked() // initializing the tooltip tooltip.text: qsTr("Search") tooltip.orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom tooltip.y: parent.height + 12 } StatusFlatRoundButton { id: membersButton visible: { if(!chatContentModule || chatContentModule.chatDetails.type === Constants.chatType.publicChat) return false return localAccountSensitiveSettings.showOnlineUsers && chatContentModule.chatDetails.isUsersListAvailable } highlighted: localAccountSensitiveSettings.expandUsersList "group-chat" type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary onClicked: { localAccountSensitiveSettings.expandUsersList = !localAccountSensitiveSettings.expandUsersList; } // initializing the tooltip tooltip.text: qsTr("Members") tooltip.orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom tooltip.y: parent.height + 12 } StatusFlatRoundButton { id: menuButton objectName: "chatToolbarMoreOptionsButton" "more" type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary // initializing the tooltip tooltip.visible: !!tooltip.text && menuButton.hovered && !contextMenu.opened tooltip.text: qsTr("More") tooltip.orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom tooltip.y: parent.height + 12 property bool showMoreMenu: false onClicked: { menuButton.highlighted = true let originalOpenHandler = contextMenu.openHandler let originalCloseHandler = contextMenu.closeHandler contextMenu.openHandler = function () { if (!!originalOpenHandler) { originalOpenHandler() } } contextMenu.closeHandler = function () { menuButton.highlighted = false if (!!originalCloseHandler) { originalCloseHandler() } } contextMenu.openHandler = originalOpenHandler contextMenu.popup(-contextMenu.width + menuButton.width, menuButton.height + 4) } ChatContextMenuView { id: contextMenu objectName: "moreOptionsContextMenu" emojiPopup: root.emojiPopup openHandler: function () { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on open chat context menu handler - chat content module is not set") return } currentFleet = chatContentModule.getCurrentFleet() isCommunityChat = chatContentModule.chatDetails.belongsToCommunity amIChatAdmin = chatContentModule.amIChatAdmin() chatId = chatName = chatDescription = chatContentModule.chatDetails.description chatEmoji = chatContentModule.chatDetails.emoji chatColor = chatContentModule.chatDetails.color chatIcon = chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon chatType = chatContentModule.chatDetails.type chatMuted = chatContentModule.chatDetails.muted channelPosition = chatContentModule.chatDetails.position } onMuteChat: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on mute chat from context menu - chat content module is not set") return } chatContentModule.muteChat() } onUnmuteChat: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on unmute chat from context menu - chat content module is not set") return } chatContentModule.unmuteChat() } onMarkAllMessagesRead: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on mark all messages read from context menu - chat content module is not set") return } chatContentModule.markAllMessagesRead() } onClearChatHistory: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on clear chat history from context menu - chat content module is not set") return } chatContentModule.clearChatHistory() } onRequestAllHistoricMessages: { // Not Refactored Yet - Check in the `master` branch if this is applicable here. } onLeaveChat: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on leave chat from context menu - chat content module is not set") return } chatContentModule.leaveChat() } onDeleteCommunityChat: root.rootStore.removeCommunityChat(chatId) onDownloadMessages: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on leave chat from context menu - chat content module is not set") return } chatContentModule.downloadMessages(file) } onDisplayProfilePopup: { Global.openProfilePopup(publicKey) } onEditCommunityChannel: { root.rootStore.editCommunityChannel( chatId, newName, newDescription, newEmoji, newColor, newCategory, channelPosition // TODO change this to the signal once it is modifiable ) } onAddRemoveGroupMember: { root.state = d.stateMembersSelectorContent } onFetchMoreMessages: { messageStore.requestMoreMessages(); } onLeaveGroup: { chatContentModule.leaveChat(); } onUpdateGroupChatDetails: { root.rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule.updateGroupChatDetails( chatId, groupName, groupColor, groupImage ) } } } Rectangle { implicitWidth: 1 implicitHeight: 24 color: Theme.palette.directColor7 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter visible: (menuButton.visible || membersButton.visible || searchButton.visible) } } // Chat toolbar content option 1: Component { id: statusChatInfoButton StatusChatInfoButton { objectName: "chatInfoBtnInHeader" title: { const module = root.rootStore.currentChatContentModule() if(!module) return "" if (module.chatDetails.type === Constants.chatType.oneToOne) { const d = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson( if (!!d.displayName) return d.displayName } return } subTitle: { if(!chatContentModule) return "" // In some moment in future this should be part of the backend logic. // (once we add transaltion on the backend side) switch (chatContentModule.chatDetails.type) { case Constants.chatType.publicChat: return qsTr("Public chat") case Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat: return qsTr("%n member(s)", "", chatContentModule.usersModule.model.count) case Constants.chatType.communityChat: return SQUtils.Utils.linkifyAndXSS(chatContentModule.chatDetails.description).trim() default: return "" } } chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon : "" asset.isImage: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon !== "" asset.isLetterIdenticon: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon === "" ringSettings.ringSpecModel: chatContentModule && chatContentModule.chatDetails.type === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ? Utils.getColorHashAsJson( : "" asset.color: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.type === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ? Utils.colorForPubkey( : chatContentModule.chatDetails.color : "" asset.emoji: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.emoji : "" asset.emojiSize: "24x24" type: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.type : Constants.chatType.unknown pinnedMessagesCount: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.pinnedMessagesModel.count : 0 muted: chatContentModule? chatContentModule.chatDetails.muted : false onPinnedMessagesCountClicked: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.warn("error on open pinned messages - chat content module is not set") return } Global.openPopup(Global.pinnedMessagesPopup, { store: rootStore, messageStore: messageStore, pinnedMessagesModel: chatContentModule.pinnedMessagesModel, messageToPin: "" }) } onUnmute: { if(!chatContentModule) { console.debug("error on unmute chat - chat content module is not set") return } chatContentModule.unmuteChat() } hoverEnabled: { if(!chatContentModule) return false return chatContentModule.chatDetails.type !== Constants.chatType.publicChat && chatContentModule.chatDetails.type !== Constants.chatType.communityChat && chatContentModule.chatDetails.type !== Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat } onClicked: { switch (chatContentModule.chatDetails.type) { case Constants.chatType.oneToOne: Global.openProfilePopup( break; } } } } // Chat toolbar content option 2: Component { id: membersSelector MembersEditSelectorView { sectionModule: root.chatSectionModule chatContentModule: root.chatContentModule rootStore: root.rootStore onConfirmed: root.state = d.stateInfoButtonContent onRejected: root.state = d.stateInfoButtonContent } } }