import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import utils 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import "../" import "../views" import "../panels" import "../status" import "." Item { property string validationError: "" property string successMessage: "" property alias chatKey: chatKey property alias existingContacts: existingContacts property alias noContactsRect: noContactsRect property string pubKey : "" property int searchResultsWidth : 0 property alias loading : searchResults.loading property string ensUsername : "" property bool showCheckbox: false property bool showContactList: true property bool showSearch: true signal userClicked(bool isContact, string pubKey, string ensName, string address) property var pubKeys: ([]) property bool hideCommunityMembers: false property bool addContactEnabled: true id: root height: childrenRect.height + 24 property var resolveENS: Backpressure.debounce(root, 500, function (ensName) { noContactsRect.visible = false searchResults.loading = true searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false // Not Refactored Yet // chatsModel.ensView.resolveENS(ensName) }); function validate() { if (!Utils.isChatKey(chatKey.text) && !Utils.isValidETHNamePrefix(chatKey.text)) { root.validationError = qsTr("Enter a valid chat key or ENS username"); pubKey = "" ensUsername = ""; } else if (userProfile.pubKey === chatKey.text) { //% "Can't chat with yourself" root.validationError = qsTrId("can-t-chat-with-yourself"); } else { root.validationError = ""; } return root.validationError === ""; } Input { id: chatKey //% "Enter ENS username or chat key" placeholderText: qsTrId("enter-contact-code") visible: showSearch Keys.onReleased: { successMessage = ""; searchResults.pubKey = ""; if (chatKey.text !== "") { if (!validate()) { searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false; noContactsRect.visible = false; return; } chatKey.text = chatKey.text.trim(); if (Utils.isChatKey(chatKey.text)) { pubKey = chatKey.text; if (!contactsModule.model.isAdded(pubKey)) { // Not Refactored Yet // searchResults.username = utilsModel.generateAlias(pubKey); searchResults.userAlias = Utils.compactAddress(pubKey, 4); searchResults.pubKey = pubKey } noContactsRect.visible = false; return; } Qt.callLater(resolveENS, chatKey.text); } else { root.validationError = ""; } } textField.anchors.rightMargin: clearBtn.width + Style.current.padding + 2 // Not Refactored Yet // Connections { // target: chatsModel.ensView // onEnsWasResolved: { // if (chatKey.text == "") { // ensUsername.text = ""; // pubKey = ""; // } else if(resolvedPubKey == ""){ // ensUsername.text = ""; // searchResults.pubKey = pubKey = ""; // searchResults.address = ""; // searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = true // } else { // if (userProfile.pubKey === resolvedPubKey) { // //% "Can't chat with yourself" // root.validationError = qsTrId("can-t-chat-with-yourself"); // } else { // searchResults.username = chatsModel.ensView.formatENSUsername(chatKey.text) // let userAlias = utilsModel.generateAlias(resolvedPubKey) // userAlias = userAlias.length > 20 ? userAlias.substring(0, 19) + "..." : userAlias // searchResults.userAlias = userAlias + " • " + Utils.compactAddress(resolvedPubKey, 4) // searchResults.pubKey = pubKey = resolvedPubKey; // searchResults.address = resolvedAddress; // } // searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false // } // searchResults.loading = false; // noContactsRect.visible = pubKey === "" && ensUsername.text === "" && !contactsModule.model.list.hasAddedContacts() && !profileNotFoundMessage.visible // } // } StatusFlatRoundButton { id: clearBtn width: 20 height: 20 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter "clear" visible: chatKey.text !== "" icon.width: 20 icon.height: 20 type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary color: "transparent" onClicked: { chatKey.text = ""; chatKey.forceActiveFocus(Qt.MouseFocusReason); searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage = false; searchResults.pubKey = pubKey = ""; noContactsRect.visible = false; searchResults.loading = false; root.validationError = ""; } } } StyledText { id: message text: root.validationError || successMessage visible: root.validationError !== "" || successMessage !== "" font.pixelSize: 13 color: !!root.validationError ? Style.current.danger : Style.current.success chatKey.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } ExistingContacts { id: existingContacts visible: showContactList hideCommunityMembers: root.hideCommunityMembers anchors.topMargin: this.height > 0 ? Style.current.halfPadding : 0 { if (message.visible) { return message.bottom } if (chatKey.visible) { return chatKey.bottom } } showCheckbox: root.showCheckbox filterText: chatKey.text pubKeys: root.pubKeys onContactClicked: function (contact) { if (!contact || typeof contact === "string") { return } const index = root.pubKeys.indexOf(contact.pubKey) const pubKeysCopy = Object.assign([], root.pubKeys) if (index === -1) { pubKeysCopy.push(contact.pubKey) } else { pubKeysCopy.splice(index, 1) } root.pubKeys = pubKeysCopy userClicked(true, contact.pubKey, contactsModule.model.addedContacts.userName(contact.pubKey,, contact.address) } expanded: !searchResults.loading && pubKey === "" && !searchResults.showProfileNotFoundMessage } SearchResults { id: searchResults existingContacts.visible ? existingContacts.bottom : message.visible? message.bottom : chatKey.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding hasExistingContacts: existingContacts.visible loading: false width: searchResultsWidth > 0 ? searchResultsWidth : parent.width addContactEnabled: root.addContactEnabled onResultClicked: { if (!validate()) { return } userClicked(false, pubKey, chatKey.text, searchResults.address) } onAddToContactsButtonClicked: contactsModule.addContact(pubKey) } NoFriendsRectangle { id: noContactsRect visible: showContactList chatKey.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.xlPadding * 3 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } }