import QtQuick 2.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import AppLayouts.Communities.controls 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils import utils 1.0 /// Helper component for editing channel permissions /// This component will create the necessary temporary models to be used until the changes are saved QtObject { id: root // Input properties // Model containing all channels required property var channelsModel // Model containing all permissions for the current community required property var permissionsModel // Channel ID required property string channelId // Channel name required property string name // Channel color required property string color // Channel emoji required property string emoji // Specify whether the channel is being edited or created required property bool newChannelMode // Output properties // The edited channel permissions model readonly property alias channelPermissionsModel: d.channelPermissionsModel // Live model of channels contaning the temporarely edited channel readonly property alias liveChannelsModel: d.liveChannelsModel readonly property alias dirtyPermissions: d.channelPermissionsModel.dirty // Input functions // Function creating a new permission based on the given arguments function appendPermission(holdings, channels, permissionType, isPrivate) { d.appendPermission(holdings, channels, permissionType, isPrivate) } // Function editing a permission based on the given arguments function editPermission(key, permissionType, holdings, channels, isPrivate) { d.editPermission(key, permissionType, holdings, channels, isPrivate) } // Function removing a permission by index function removePermission(index) { return channelPermissionsModel.remove(index, 1); } // Output functions // Function returning the list of added permissions // The returned list contains the permissions that were added since the last reset // Each item contains a map of role names and data value pairs as defined in the model function getAddedPermissions() { return d.flattenPermissions(channelPermissionsModel.getInsertedItems()) } // Function returning the list of removed permissions // The returned list contains the permissions that were removed since the last reset // This list contains the permissions that are no longer available in the root.channelPermissionsModel, but are still available in the root.permissionsModel // Each item contains a map of role names and data value pairs as defined in the model function getRemovedPermissions() { return d.flattenPermissions(channelPermissionsModel.getRemovedItems()) } // Function returning the list of edited permissions // The returned list contains the permissions that were edited since the last reset // Each item contains a map of role names and data value pairs as defined in the model function getEditedPermissions() { return d.flattenPermissions(channelPermissionsModel.getEditedItems()) } // This function resets the temporary models // The dirtyPermissions property will be set to false function reset() { d.reset() } //internals readonly property QtObject d: QtObject { id: d signal resetDone() function reset() { channelPermissionsModel.revert(); liveChannelsModel.revert(); d.resetDone(); } function appendPermission(holdings, channels, permissionType, isPrivate) { var permissionsModelData = { id: Utils.uuid(), key: Utils.uuid(), holdingsListModel: d.newHoldingsModel(holdings), channelsListModel: d.newChannelsModel(channels), "permissionType": permissionType, "isPrivate": isPrivate }; d.channelPermissionsModel.append(permissionsModelData) } function editPermission(key, permissionType, holdings, channels, isPrivate) { const index = StatusQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(d.channelPermissionsModel, "key", key) if (index === -1) return const permissionItem = d.channelPermissionsModel.get(index) d.channelPermissionsModel.set(index, { "permissionType": permissionType, "channelsListModel": d.newEditedChannelsModel(channels, permissionItem.channelsListModel), "holdingsListModel": d.newEditedHoldingsModel(holdings, permissionItem.holdingsListModel), "isPrivate": isPrivate }) } // Creates a new channel model to be used in the permissions model // Expected roles: "key" function newChannelsModel(channelsArray) { var channelsModel = selfDestroyingModel.createObject(d.channelPermissionsModel); for (var i = 0; i < channelsArray.length; i++) { channelsModel.append({ key: channelsArray[i].key }) } return channelsModel; } // Creates a new writable channel model on top of base model to be used in the permissions model function newEditedChannelsModel(channelsArray, baseModel) { var channelsModel = selfDestroyingWritableModel.createObject(d.channelPermissionsModel, {sourceModel: baseModel}); const count = channelsModel.rowCount() for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { const ok = channelsModel.remove(0) console.assert(ok , "Failed to remove channel") } for (var i = 0; i < channelsArray.length; i++) { const ok = channelsModel.append({ key: channelsArray[i].key, }) console.assert(ok, "Failed to append channel"); } return channelsModel; } // Creates a new holdings model to be used in the permissions model function newHoldingsModel(holdingsArray, sourceModel) { var holdingsModel = selfDestroyingModel.createObject(d.channelPermissionsModel); for (var i = 0; i < holdingsArray.length; i++) { holdingsModel.append(holdingsArray[i]); } return holdingsModel; } function newEditedHoldingsModel(holdingsArray, baseModel) { var holdingsModel = selfDestroyingWritableModel.createObject(d.channelPermissionsModel, {sourceModel: baseModel}); const count = holdingsModel.rowCount() for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { const ok = holdingsModel.remove(0) console.assert(ok, "Failed to remove holding") } for (var i = 0; i < holdingsArray.length; i++) { const ok = holdingsModel.append(holdingsArray[i]) console.assert(ok, "Failed to append holding"); } return holdingsModel; } function flattenPermissions(permissionsItems) { for (var i = 0; i < permissionsItems.length; i++) { permissionsItems[i].holdingsListModel = StatusQUtils.ModelUtils.modelToArray(permissionsItems[i].holdingsListModel) permissionsItems[i].channelsListModel = StatusQUtils.ModelUtils.modelToArray(permissionsItems[i].channelsListModel) } return permissionsItems } property Connections chatIdConnections: Connections { target: root enabled: root.newChannelMode property string previousChannelId: "" Component.onCompleted: previousChannelId = root.channelId /// go through all the channels and replace the old channel id with the new one function onChannelIdChanged() { if (previousChannelId === root.channelId) return; if (previousChannelId == "") { previousChannelId = root.channelId; return; } for (var i = 0; i < liveChannelsModel.rowCount(); i++) { if (liveChannelsModel.get(i).itemId === previousChannelId) { liveChannelsModel.set(i, { itemId: root.channelId }) break; } } for (var i = 0; i < channelPermissionsModel.rowCount(); i++) { const currentItem = channelPermissionsModel.get(i) const channelsListModel = currentItem.channelsListModel for (var j = 0; j < channelsListModel.rowCount(); j++) { if (channelsListModel.get(j).key === previousChannelId) { channelsListModel.set(j, { key: root.channelId }) break; } } } previousChannelId = root.channelId; } } readonly property var filteredPermissionsModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.permissionsModel filters: [ FastExpressionFilter { function filterPredicate(id, permissionType) { return !PermissionTypes.isCommunityPermission(permissionType) } expression: { return filterPredicate(, model.permissionType) } expectedRoles: [ "id", "permissionType" ] } ] } // Channel permissions model containing the temporarely edited permissions property WritableProxyModel channelPermissionsModel: WritableProxyModel { sourceModel: d.filteredPermissionsModel } // Channels model containing the temporarely edited channel property WritableProxyModel liveChannelsModel: WritableProxyModel { id: newChannelModel function updateCurrentChannelProperty(nameAndValue) { const index = StatusQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf(newChannelModel, "itemId", root.channelId) if (index !== -1) { newChannelModel.set(index, nameAndValue) } } Component.onCompleted: { if (!root.newChannelMode) return; console.assert(newChannelModel.append({ itemId: root.channelId, name:, emoji: root.emoji, color: root.color }), "Failed to add channel to channelsModel") } property Connections channelConnections: Connections { target: root function onColorChanged() { newChannelModel.updateCurrentChannelProperty({"color": root.color}) } function onNameChanged() { newChannelModel.updateCurrentChannelProperty({"name":}) } function onEmojiChanged() { newChannelModel.updateCurrentChannelProperty({"emoji": root.emoji}) } } sourceModel: root.channelsModel } // Used for dynamic model creation using Component.createObject property Component selfDestroyingModel: Component { ListModel { id: model Component.onCompleted: d.resetDone.connect(model.destroy) Component.onDestruction: d.resetDone.disconnect(model.destroy) } } property Component selfDestroyingWritableModel: Component { WritableProxyModel { id: model Component.onCompleted: d.resetDone.connect(model.destroy) Component.onDestruction: d.resetDone.disconnect(model.destroy) } } } }