import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import "../../imports" import "../../shared" import "../../shared/status" Item { id: root property string chatId property string chatName property int chatType property string identicon property int identiconSize: 40 property bool isCompact: false height: 48 width: nameAndInfo.width + chatIdenticon.width + Style.current.smallPadding StatusIdenticon { id: chatIdenticon chatType: root.chatType chatName: root.chatName identicon: root.identicon width: root.isCompact ? 20 : root.identiconSize height: root.isCompact ? 20 : root.identiconSize anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } Item { id: nameAndInfo height: chatName.height + chatInfo.height width: (chatName.width > chatInfo.width ? chatName.width : chatInfo.width) anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: chatIdenticon.right anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.smallPadding StyledText { id: chatName text: { switch(root.chatType) { case Constants.chatTypePublic: return "#" + root.chatName; case Constants.chatTypeOneToOne: return Utils.removeStatusEns(root.chatName) default: return root.chatName } } font.weight: Font.Medium font.pixelSize: 15 } Connections { target: profileModel onContactChanged: { if(root.chatId === publicKey){ // Hack warning: Triggering reload to avoid changing the current text binding var tmp = chatId; chatId = ""; chatId = tmp; } } } StyledText { id: chatInfo color: Style.current.darkGrey text: { switch(root.chatType){ //% "Public chat" case Constants.chatTypePublic: return qsTrId("public-chat") case Constants.chatTypeOneToOne: return (profileModel.isAdded(root.chatId) ? //% "Contact" qsTrId("chat-is-a-contact") : //% "Not a contact" qsTrId("chat-is-not-a-contact")) case Constants.chatTypePrivateGroupChat: let cnt = chatsModel.activeChannel.members.rowCount(); //% "%1 members" if(cnt > 1) return qsTrId("%1-members").arg(cnt); //% "1 member" return qsTrId("1-member"); default: return "..."; } } font.pixelSize: 12 chatName.bottom } } }