#!/usr/bin/env groovy library 'status-jenkins-lib@v1.7.13' pipeline { agent { label 'linux && x86_64 && qt-5.15.2' } environment { QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct" QT_LOGGING_DEBUG = 1 QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS = 1 SQUISH_DIR = "/opt/squish-runner-7.1-20230222-1555" PYTHONPATH = "${SQUISH_DIR}/lib:${SQUISH_DIR}/lib/python:${PYTHONPATH}" LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${SQUISH_DIR}/lib:${SQUISH_DIR}/python3/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" TESTRAIL_CREDS = credentials('test-rail-api-devops') TESTRAIL_URL = "https://ethstatus.testrail.net" CI_CREDS = credentials('status-im-auto') } parameters { gitParameter( branch: '', branchFilter: 'origin/(.*)', defaultValue: 'master', description: 'Git branch to checkout.', name: 'GIT_REF', quickFilterEnabled: false, selectedValue: 'DEFAULT', sortMode: 'ASCENDING_SMART', tagFilter: '*', type: 'PT_BRANCH' ) string( name: 'BUILD', description: 'Link to tar.gz file.', defaultValue: '' ) string( name: 'TEST_NAME', description: 'Paste test name/part of test name to run specific test.', defaultValue: '' ) string( name: 'TEST_SCOPE', description: 'Paste tag to run specific scope of tests.', defaultValue: '' ) string( name: 'TESTRAIL_RUN_ID', description: 'Test run ID in Test Rail.', defaultValue: '' ) } options { timestamps() /* Prevent Jenkins jobs from running forever */ timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES') /* manage how many builds we keep */ buildDiscarder(logRotator( numToKeepStr: '10', daysToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '3', )) } stages { stage('Download') { steps { script { sh "mkdir '${env.WORKSPACE}/tmp/'" } fileOperations([ fileDownloadOperation(url:"${params.BUILD}", userName:"${CI_CREDS_USR}", password:"${CI_CREDS_PSW}", targetLocation:"./tmp", targetFileName:"StatusIm-Desktop.tar.gz", proxyHost:"", proxyPort:"") ]) script { sh "tar -zxvf '${env.WORKSPACE}/tmp/StatusIm-Desktop.tar.gz' -C '${env.WORKSPACE}/tmp'" env.APP_DIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}/${utils.findFile('tmp/*.AppImage')}" } } } stage('Setup') { steps { script { sh 'pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt' } } } stage('Test') { steps { wrap([ $class: 'Xvfb', autoDisplayName: true, parallelBuild: true, screen: '1920x1080x24', additionalOptions: '-dpi 1' ]) { script { sh "fluxbox &" env.TESTRAIL_USR = "${TESTRAIL_CREDS_USR}" env.TESTRAIL_PWD = "${TESTRAIL_CREDS_PSW}" def cmd = '' if (params.TEST_NAME != "") { cmd = cmd + " -k ${params.TEST_NAME}" } if (params.TEST_SCOPE != "") { cmd = cmd + " -m ${params.TEST_SCOPE}" } sh "cp -f '${env.WORKSPACE}'/configs/_local.py.ci '${env.WORKSPACE}'/configs/_local.py" sh "python3 -m pytest ${cmd} --disable-warnings --alluredir=${env.WORKSPACE}/allure-results" }}} } } post { always { script { allure([ jdk: '', properties: [], results: [[path: 'allure-results']], reportBuildPolicy: 'ALWAYS', ]) }} cleanup { cleanWs() } } }