import QtQml 2.15 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStore QObject { id: root required property CurrenciesStore currencyStore required property WalletStore.WalletAssetsStore walletAssetsStore required property WalletStore.SwapStore swapStore required property SwapInputParamsForm swapFormData /* TODO: link to the actually api to get swap proposal from backend under */ property bool swapProposalReady: false property bool swapProposalLoading: false // To expose the selected from and to Token from the SwapModal readonly property var fromToken: ModelUtils.getByKey(root.walletAssetsStore.walletTokensStore.plainTokensBySymbolModel, "key", root.swapFormData.fromTokensKey) readonly property var toToken: ModelUtils.getByKey(root.walletAssetsStore.walletTokensStore.plainTokensBySymbolModel, "key", root.swapFormData.toTokenKey) readonly property alias suggestedRoutes: d.suggestedRoutes QtObject { id: d property string uuid // TODO: Remove these properties swap proposal is properly handled property var suggestedRoutes property string rawPaths } Connections { target: root.swapStore function onSuggestedRoutesReady(txRoutes) { root.swapProposalReady = txRoutes.suggestedRoutes.count > 0 root.swapProposalLoading = false d.suggestedRoutes = txRoutes.suggestedRoutes d.rawPaths = txRoutes.rawPaths } } readonly property var nonWatchAccounts: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.swapStore.accounts filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "walletType" value: Constants.watchWalletType inverted: true } sorters: RoleSorter { roleName: "position"; sortOrder: Qt.AscendingOrder } proxyRoles: [ FastExpressionRole { name: "accountBalance" expression: __processAccountBalance(model.address) expectedRoles: ["address"] }, FastExpressionRole { name: "fromToken" expression: root.fromToken } ] } readonly property SortFilterProxyModel filteredFlatNetworksModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.swapStore.flatNetworks filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "isTest"; value: root.swapStore.areTestNetworksEnabled } } function getNetworkShortNames(chainIds) { var networkString = "" let chainIdsArray = chainIds.split(":") for (let i = 0; i< chainIdsArray.length; i++) { let nwShortName = ModelUtils.getByKey(root.filteredFlatNetworksModel, "chainId", Number(chainIdsArray[i]), "shortName") if(!!nwShortName) { networkString = networkString + nwShortName + ':' } } return networkString } function formatCurrencyAmount(balance, symbol, options = null, locale = null) { return root.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(balance, symbol, options, locale) } function formatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt(balance, symbol, decimals) { return root.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt(balance, symbol, decimals) } function getAllChainIds() { return ModelUtils.joinModelEntries(root.filteredFlatNetworksModel, "chainId", ":") } function getDisabledChainIds(enabledChainId) { let disabledChainIds = [] let chainIds = ModelUtils.modelToFlatArray(root.filteredFlatNetworksModel, "chainId") for (let i = 0; i < chainIds.length; i++) { if (chainIds[i] !== enabledChainId) { disabledChainIds.push(chainIds[i]) } } return disabledChainIds.join(":") } // TODO: remove once the AccountsModalHeader is reworked!! function getSelectedAccount(index) { if (root.nonWatchAccounts.count > 0 && index >= 0) { return ModelUtils.get(nonWatchAccounts, index) } return null } // Model prepared to provide filtered and sorted assets as per the advanced Settings in token management readonly property var processedAssetsModel: SortFilterProxyModel { property real displayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdAmount: root.walletAssetsStore.walletTokensStore.getDisplayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdDisplayAmount() sourceModel: __assetsWithFilteredBalances proxyRoles: [ FastExpressionRole { name: "isCommunityAsset" expression: !!model.communityId expectedRoles: ["communityId"] }, FastExpressionRole { name: "currentBalance" expression: __getTotalBalance(model.balances, model.decimals) expectedRoles: ["balances", "decimals"] }, FastExpressionRole { name: "currentCurrencyBalance" expression: { if (!!model.marketDetails) { return model.currentBalance * model.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount } return 0 } expectedRoles: ["marketDetails", "currentBalance"] } ] filters: [ FastExpressionFilter { expression: { root.walletAssetsStore.assetsController.revision if (!root.walletAssetsStore.assetsController.filterAcceptsSymbol(model.symbol)) // explicitely hidden return false if (model.isCommunityAsset) // do not show community assets return false if (root.walletAssetsStore.walletTokensStore.displayAssetsBelowBalance) return model.currentCurrencyBalance > processedAssetsModel.displayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdAmount return true } expectedRoles: ["symbol", "isCommunityAsset", "currentCurrencyBalance"] } ] // FIXME sort by assetsController instead, to have the sorting/order as in the main wallet view // sorters: RoleSorter { // roleName: "isCommunityAsset" // } } // Internal properties and functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readonly property var __fromToken: ModelUtils.getByKey(root.walletAssetsStore.walletTokensStore.plainTokensBySymbolModel, "key", root.swapFormData.fromTokensKey) // Internal model filtering balances by the account selected in the AccountsModalHeader SubmodelProxyModel { id: __assetsWithFilteredBalances sourceModel: root.walletAssetsStore.groupedAccountAssetsModel submodelRoleName: "balances" delegateModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: submodel filters: [ ValueFilter { roleName: "chainId" value: root.swapFormData.selectedNetworkChainId enabled: root.swapFormData.selectedNetworkChainId !== -1 }/*, // TODO enable once AccountsModalHeader is reworked!! ValueFilter { roleName: "account" value: root.selectedSenderAccount.address }*/ ] } } SubmodelProxyModel { id: filteredBalancesModel sourceModel: root.walletAssetsStore.baseGroupedAccountAssetModel submodelRoleName: "balances" delegateModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: joinModel filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "chainId" value: root.swapFormData.selectedNetworkChainId } readonly property LeftJoinModel joinModel: LeftJoinModel { leftModel: submodel rightModel: root.filteredFlatNetworksModel joinRole: "chainId" } } } function __processAccountBalance(address) { let network = ModelUtils.getByKey(root.filteredFlatNetworksModel, "chainId", root.swapFormData.selectedNetworkChainId) if(!!network) { let balancesModel = ModelUtils.getByKey(filteredBalancesModel, "tokensKey", root.swapFormData.fromTokensKey, "balances") let accountBalance = ModelUtils.getByKey(balancesModel, "account", address) if(!accountBalance) { return { balance: "0", iconUrl: network.iconUrl, chainColor: network.chainColor} } return accountBalance } return null } /* Internal function to calculate total balance */ function __getTotalBalance(balances, decimals) { let totalBalance = 0 for(let i=0; i