import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQml.Models 2.3 import utils 1.0 import 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 // TODO: replace with StatusPopupMenu PopupMenu { id: root property var store width: 200 closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutsideParent | Popup.CloseOnEscape overrideTextColor: Style.current.textColor ProfileHeader { width: parent.width displayName: pubkey: icon: } Item { height: root.topPadding } Separator { } Action { text: qsTr("View My Profile") icon.source: Style.svg("profile") icon.width: 16 icon.height: 16 onTriggered: { Global.openProfilePopup( root.close() } } Separator { } Action { text: qsTr("Always online") onTriggered: { //TODO move this to the store as soon as #4274 is merged if (userProfile.currentUserStatus !== Constants.currentUserStatus.alwaysOnline) { mainModule.setCurrentUserStatus(Constants.currentUserStatus.alwaysOnline); } root.close(); } icon.color: icon.source: Style.svg("online") icon.width: 16 icon.height: 16 } Action { text: qsTr("Inactive") onTriggered: { //TODO move this to the store as soon as #4274 is merged if (userProfile.currentUserStatus !== Constants.currentUserStatus.inactive) { mainModule.setCurrentUserStatus(Constants.currentUserStatus.inactive); } root.close(); } icon.color: Style.current.midGrey icon.source: Style.svg("offline") icon.width: 16 icon.height: 16 } Action { text: qsTr("Set status automatically") onTriggered: { //TODO move this to the store as soon as #4274 is merged if (userProfile.currentUserStatus !== Constants.currentUserStatus.automatic) { mainModule.setCurrentUserStatus(Constants.currentUserStatus.automatic); } root.close(); } icon.color: icon.source: Style.svg("online") icon.width: 16 icon.height: 16 } }