import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import "../panels" import "../popups" import "../popups/community" import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 Item { id: root width: 304 height: parent.height // Important: // We're here in case of ChatSection // This module is set from `ChatLayout` (each `ChatLayout` has its own chatSectionModule) property var chatSectionModule property var store property var contactsStore property var emojiPopup // Not Refactored Yet //property int chatGroupsListViewCount: channelList.model.count signal openProfileClicked() signal openAppSearch() Component.onCompleted: { appMain.openContactsPopup.connect(function(){ Global.openPopup(contactRequestsPopup, {chatSectionModule}) }) } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { //steal focus from search field actionButton.forceActiveFocus(); } } StatusNavigationPanelHeadline { id: headline anchors.topMargin: 16 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: qsTr("Chat") } RowLayout { id: searchInputWrapper width: 288 height: searchInput.height headline.bottom anchors.topMargin: 16 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter StatusBaseInput { id: searchInput Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter implicitHeight: 36 topPadding: 9 placeholderText: qsTr("Search") "search" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: root.openAppSearch() } } StatusRoundButton { "public-chat" icon.height: editBtn.icon.height icon.width: editBtn.icon.width implicitWidth: editBtn.implicitWidth implicitHeight: editBtn.implicitHeight type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Tertiary onClicked: { Global.openPopup(publicChatPopupComponent) } StatusToolTip { text: qsTr("Join public chats") visible: parent.hovered } } StatusIconTabButton { id: editBtn "edit" checked: highlighted: onClicked: { = !; if (! { Global.closeCreateChatView() } else { Global.openCreateChatView() } } StatusToolTip { text: qsTr("Start chat") visible: parent.hovered } } } StatusContactRequestsIndicatorListItem { id: contactRequests property int nbRequests: searchInputWrapper.bottom anchors.topMargin: visible ? Style.current.padding : 0 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter visible: nbRequests > 0 height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0 title: qsTr("Contact requests") requestsCount: nbRequests sensor.onClicked: Global.openPopup(contactRequestsPopup) } ScrollView { id: chatGroupsContainer width: parent.width height: (contentHeight < (parent.height - contactRequests.height - Style.current.padding)) ? contentHeight : (parent.height - contactRequests.height - Style.current.padding) contactRequests.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.bottom: root.bottom contentHeight: channelList.childrenRect.height + emptyViewAndSuggestions.childrenRect.height ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff clip: true StatusChatList { id: channelList anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter model: root.chatSectionModule.model highlightItem: ! onChatItemSelected: { root.chatSectionModule.setActiveItem(id, "") } onChatItemUnmuted: root.chatSectionModule.unmuteChat(id) popupMenu: ChatContextMenuView { id: chatContextMenuView emojiPopup: root.emojiPopup openHandler: function (id) { let jsonObj = root.chatSectionModule.getItemAsJson(id) let obj = JSON.parse(jsonObj) if (obj.error) { console.error("error parsing chat item json object, id: ", id, " error: ", obj.error) close() return } currentFleet = root.chatSectionModule.getCurrentFleet() isCommunityChat = root.chatSectionModule.isCommunity() amIChatAdmin = obj.amIChatAdmin chatId = obj.itemId chatName = chatDescription = obj.description chatEmoji = obj.emoji chatColor = obj.color chatType = obj.type chatMuted = obj.muted } onMuteChat: { root.chatSectionModule.muteChat(chatId) } onUnmuteChat: { root.chatSectionModule.unmuteChat(chatId) } onMarkAllMessagesRead: { root.chatSectionModule.markAllMessagesRead(chatId) } onClearChatHistory: { root.chatSectionModule.clearChatHistory(chatId) } onRequestAllHistoricMessages: { // Not Refactored Yet - Check in the `master` branch if this is applicable here. } onLeaveChat: { root.chatSectionModule.leaveChat(chatId) } onDeleteCommunityChat: { // Not Refactored Yet } onDownloadMessages: { root.chatSectionModule.downloadMessages(chatId, file) } onDisplayProfilePopup: { Global.openProfilePopup(publicKey) } onLeaveGroup: { chatSectionModule.leaveChat("", chatId, true); } onDisplayGroupInfoPopup: { chatSectionModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(chatId) let chatContentModule = chatSectionModule.getChatContentModule() Global.openPopup(groupInfoPopupComponent, { chatContentModule: chatContentModule, chatDetails: chatContentModule.chatDetails }) } onRenameGroupChat: { chatSectionModule.renameGroupChat( chatId, groupName ) } } } EmptyViewPanel { id: emptyViewAndSuggestions visible: !localAccountSensitiveSettings.hideChannelSuggestions width: parent.width channelList.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding rootStore: onSuggestedMessageClicked: chatSectionModule.createPublicChat(channel) } } Component { id: publicChatPopupComponent PublicChatPopup { onJoinPublicChat: { chatSectionModule.createPublicChat(name) close() } onSuggestedMessageClicked: { chatSectionModule.createPublicChat(channel) close() } onClosed: { destroy() } } } Component { id: privateChatPopupComponent PrivateChatPopup { store: contactsStore: root.contactsStore onJoinPrivateChat: { chatSectionModule.createOneToOneChat("", publicKey, ensName) } onClosed: { destroy() } onProfileClicked: { root.openProfileClicked(); } } } Component { id: communitiesPopupComponent CommunitiesPopup { anchors.centerIn: parent communitiesList: onSetActiveCommunity: { } onSetObservedCommunity: { } onClosed: { destroy() } } } Component { id: communityDetailPopup CommunityDetailPopup { anchors.centerIn: parent store: onClosed: { destroy() } } } Component { id: contactRequestsPopup ContactRequestsPopup { store: onClosed: { destroy() } } } Connections { target: onImportingCommunityStateChanged: { let title = "" let loading = false if (state === Constants.communityImported) { title = qsTr("Community imported") } else if (state === Constants.communityImportingInProgress) { title = qsTr("Importing community is in progress") loading = true } else if (state === Constants.communityImportingError) { title = errorMsg } if(title == "") { console.error("unknown state while importing community: ", state) return } Global.displayToastMessage(title, "", "", loading, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.normal, "") } } Connections { target: onOpenContactRequestsPopup:{ Global.openPopup(contactRequestsPopup) } } }