import time import allure import logging import cv2 import numpy as np import squish from PIL import ImageGrab import configs import driver import shortuuid from datetime import datetime from configs.system import get_platform from driver import context from driver.server import SquishServer from gui.objects_map.names import statusDesktop_mainWindow from scripts.utils import system_path, local_system from scripts.utils.system_path import SystemPath from scripts.utils.wait_for_port import wait_for_port LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AUT: def __init__( self, app_path: system_path.SystemPath = configs.AUT_PATH, user_data: SystemPath = None ): self.path = app_path self.ctx = None = None self.port = None self.aut_id = f'AUT_{}' self.app_data = configs.testpath.STATUS_DATA / f'app_{shortuuid.ShortUUID().random(length=10)}' if user_data is not None: user_data.copy_to(self.app_data / 'data') self.options = '' driver.testSettings.setWrappersForApplication(self.aut_id, ['Qt']) def __str__(self): return type(self).__qualname__ def __enter__(self): return self.launch() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type: try: self.attach() driver.waitForObjectExists(statusDesktop_mainWindow).setVisible(True) configs.testpath.TEST.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) screenshot = configs.testpath.TEST / f'{self.aut_id}.png' rect = driver.object.globalBounds(driver.waitForObject(statusDesktop_mainWindow)) img = ImageGrab.grab( bbox=(rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), xdisplay=configs.system.DISPLAY if get_platform() == "Linux" else None) view = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) cv2.imwrite(str(screenshot), view) allure.attach( name=f'Screenshot on fail: {self.aut_id}', body=screenshot.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG) except Exception as err: LOG.error(err) self.stop() def detach_context(self): if self.ctx is None: return squish.currentApplicationContext().detach() self.ctx = None @allure.step('Attach Squish to Test Application') def attach(self):'Attaching to AUT: localhost:%d', self.port) try: SquishServer().add_attachable_aut(self.aut_id, self.port) if self.ctx is None: self.ctx = context.get_context(self.aut_id) squish.setApplicationContext(self.ctx) assert squish.waitFor(lambda: self.ctx.isRunning, configs.timeouts.PROCESS_TIMEOUT_SEC) except Exception as err: LOG.error('Failed to attach AUT: %s', err) self.stop() raise err'Successfully attached AUT!') return self @allure.step('Start AUT') def startaut(self):'Launching AUT: %s', self.path) self.port = local_system.find_free_port(configs.squish.AUT_PORT, 100) command = [ str(configs.testpath.SQUISH_DIR / 'bin/startaut'), '--verbose', f'--port={self.port}', str(self.path), f'--datadir={self.app_data}', f'--LOG_LEVEL={configs.testpath.LOG_LEVEL}', ] try: with open(configs.AUT_LOG_FILE, "ab") as log: = local_system.execute(command, stderr=log, stdout=log) except Exception as err: LOG.error('Failed to start AUT: %s', err) self.stop() raise err'Launched AUT under PID: %d', return self @allure.step('Close application') def stop(self):'Stopping AUT: %s', self.path) self.detach_context() local_system.kill_process( time.sleep(1) # FIXME: Implement waiting for process to actually exit. @allure.step("Start and attach AUT") def launch(self) -> 'AUT': self.startaut() self.wait() self.attach() return self @allure.step('Waiting for port') def wait(self, timeout: int = 1, retries: int = 10):'Waiting for AUT port localhost:%d...', self.port) try: wait_for_port('localhost', self.port, timeout, retries) except TimeoutError as err: LOG.error('Wait for AUT port timed out: %s', err) self.stop() raise err'AUT port available!') @allure.step('Restart application') def restart(self): self.stop() self.launch()