import QtQuick import Status.Core import Status.Core.Theme /*! \qmltype StatusBanner \inherits Column \inqmlmodule StatusQ.Controls \since StatusQ.Controls 0.1 \brief It displays a banner with a custom text, size and type. Inherits \l{}{Column}. The \c StatusBanner displays a banner with a custom text, size and type (Info, Danger, Success or Warning). Example of how the control looks like: \image status_banner.png Example of how to use it: \qml StatusBanner { width: parent.width visible: popup.userIsBlocked type: StatusBanner.Type.Danger statusText: qsTr("Blocked") } \endqml For a list of components available see StatusQ. */ Column { id: statusBanner /*! \qmlproperty string StatusBanner::statusText This property holds the text the banner will display. */ property string statusText /*! \qmlproperty string StatusBanner::type This property holds type of banner. Possible values are: \qml enum Type { Info, // 0 Danger, // 1 Success, // 2 Warning // 3 } \endqml */ property int type: StatusBanner.Type.Info /*! \qmlproperty string StatusBanner::textPixels This property holds the pixels size of the text inside the banner. */ property int textPixels: 15 /*! \qmlproperty string StatusBanner::statusBannerHeight This property holds the height of the banner rectangle. */ property int statusBannerHeight: 38 // "private" properties QtObject { id: d property color backgroundColor property color bordersColor property color fontColor } // TODO: move it to C++ enum Type { Info, // 0 Danger, // 1 Success, // 2 Warning // 3 } // Component definition Rectangle { id: topDiv color: d.bordersColor height: 1 width: parent.width } Rectangle { id: box width: parent.width height: statusBanner.statusBannerHeight color: d.backgroundColor StatusBaseText { id: statusTxt anchors.fill: parent horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter font.pixelSize: statusBanner.textPixels text: statusBanner.statusText color: d.fontColor } } Rectangle { id: bottomDiv color: d.bordersColor height: 1 width: parent.width } // Behavior states: [ State { when: statusBanner.type === StatusBanner.Type.Info PropertyChanges { target: d; backgroundColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor3} PropertyChanges { target: d; bordersColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor2} PropertyChanges { target: d; fontColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor1} }, State { when: statusBanner.type === StatusBanner.Type.Danger PropertyChanges { target: d; backgroundColor: Theme.palette.dangerColor3} PropertyChanges { target: d; bordersColor: Theme.palette.dangerColor2} PropertyChanges { target: d; fontColor: Theme.palette.dangerColor1} }, State { when: statusBanner.type === StatusBanner.Type.Success PropertyChanges { target: d; backgroundColor: Theme.palette.successColor2} PropertyChanges { target: d; bordersColor: Theme.palette.successColor2} PropertyChanges { target: d; fontColor: Theme.palette.successColor1} }, State { when: statusBanner.type === StatusBanner.Type.Warning PropertyChanges { target: d; backgroundColor: Theme.palette.pinColor3} PropertyChanges { target: d; bordersColor: Theme.palette.pinColor2} PropertyChanges { target: d; fontColor: Theme.palette.pinColor1} } ] }