import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQml 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQml.Models 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import utils 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 as SharedStores import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Backpressure 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores import "../controls" import ".." StatusModal { id: root required property WalletStores.RootStore store required property SharedStores.RootStore sharedRootStore closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside width: 477 headerSettings.title: d.editMode? qsTr("Edit saved address") : qsTr("Add new saved address") headerSettings.subTitle: d.editMode? : "" function initWithParams(params = {}) { d.storedName = "" d.storedColorId = params.colorId?? "" d.editMode = params.edit?? false d.addAddress = params.addAddress?? false = d.storedName nameInput.input.dirty = false d.address = params.address?? Constants.zeroAddress d.ens = params.ens?? "" d.colorId = d.storedColorId d.initialized = true if (d.colorId === "") { colorSelection.selectedColorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * colorSelection.model.length) } else { let ind = Utils.getColorIndexForId(d.colorId) colorSelection.selectedColorIndex = ind } if (d.addressInputIsENS) addressInput.setPlainText(d.ens) else addressInput.setPlainText("%1".arg(d.address == Constants.zeroAddress? "" : d.address)) nameInput.input.edit.forceActiveFocus() } enum CardType { Contact, WalletAccount, SavedAddress } QtObject { id: d readonly property int componentWidth: 445 property bool editMode: false property bool addAddress: false property alias name: nameInput.text property string address: Constants.zeroAddress // Setting as zero address since we don't have the address yet property string ens: "" property string colorId: "" property string storedName: "" property string storedColorId: "" property bool addressInputValid: d.editMode || addressInput.input.dirty && d.addressInputIsAddress && !d.minAddressLengthRequestError && !d.addressAlreadyAddedToWalletError && !d.addressAlreadyAddedToSavedAddressesError readonly property bool valid: d.addressInputValid && nameInput.valid readonly property bool dirty: nameInput.input.dirty && (!d.editMode || d.storedName !== || !d.editMode || d.colorId.toUpperCase() !== d.storedColorId.toUpperCase() property bool incorrectChecksum: false readonly property bool addressInputIsENS: !!d.ens && Utils.isValidEns(d.ens) readonly property bool addressInputIsAddress: !!d.address && d.address != Constants.zeroAddress && Utils.isAddress(d.address) readonly property bool addressInputHasError: !!addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text onAddressInputHasErrorChanged: addressInput.input.valid = !addressInputHasError // can't use binding because valid is overwritten in StatusInput property ListModel cardsModel: ListModel {} // possible errors/warnings readonly property int minAddressLen: 1 property bool minAddressLengthRequestError: false property bool addressAlreadyAddedToWalletError: false property bool addressAlreadyAddedToSavedAddressesError: false property bool checkingContactsAddressInProgress: false property int contactsWithSameAddress: 0 function checkIfAddressIsAlreadyAddedToWallet(address) { let account = d.cardsModel.clear() d.addressAlreadyAddedToWalletError = !! if (!d.addressAlreadyAddedToWalletError) { return } d.cardsModel.append({ type: AddEditSavedAddressPopup.CardType.WalletAccount, address: account.mixedcaseAddress, title:, icon: "", emoji: account.emoji, color: Utils.getColorForId(account.colorId).toString().toUpperCase() }) } function checkIfAddressIsAlreadyAddedToSavedAddresses(address) { let savedAddress = d.cardsModel.clear() d.addressAlreadyAddedToSavedAddressesError = !!savedAddress.address if (!d.addressAlreadyAddedToSavedAddressesError) { return } d.cardsModel.append({ type: AddEditSavedAddressPopup.CardType.SavedAddress, address: savedAddress.ens || savedAddress.address, title:, icon: "", emoji: "", color: Utils.getColorForId(savedAddress.colorId).toString().toUpperCase() }) } property bool resolvingEnsNameInProgress: false readonly property string uuid: Utils.uuid() readonly property var validateEnsAsync: Backpressure.debounce(root, 500, function (value) { var name = value.startsWith("@") ? value.substring(1) : value mainModule.resolveENS(name, d.uuid) }); property var contactsModuleInst: root.sharedRootStore.profileSectionModuleInst.contactsModule /// Ensures that the \c root.address is not reset when the initial text is set property bool initialized: false function resetAddressValues(fullReset) { if (fullReset) { d.ens = "" d.address = Constants.zeroAddress } d.cardsModel.clear() d.resolvingEnsNameInProgress = false d.checkingContactsAddressInProgress = false } function checkForAddressInputOwningErrorsWarnings() { d.addressAlreadyAddedToWalletError = false d.addressAlreadyAddedToSavedAddressesError = false if (d.addressInputIsAddress) { d.checkIfAddressIsAlreadyAddedToWallet(d.address) if (d.addressAlreadyAddedToWalletError) { addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = qsTr("You cannot add your own account as a saved address") addressInput.errorMessageCmp.visible = true return } d.checkIfAddressIsAlreadyAddedToSavedAddresses(d.address) if (d.addressAlreadyAddedToSavedAddressesError) { addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = qsTr("This address is already saved") addressInput.errorMessageCmp.visible = true return } d.checkingContactsAddressInProgress = true d.contactsWithSameAddress = 0 d.contactsModuleInst.fetchProfileShowcaseAccountsByAddress(d.address) return } addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = qsTr("Not registered ens address") addressInput.errorMessageCmp.visible = true } function checkIfAddressChecksumIsValid() { d.incorrectChecksum = false if (d.addressInputIsAddress) { d.incorrectChecksum = ! } } function checkForAddressInputErrorsWarnings() { addressInput.errorMessageCmp.visible = false addressInput.errorMessageCmp.color = Theme.palette.dangerColor1 addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = "" d.minAddressLengthRequestError = false if (d.editMode || !addressInput.input.dirty) { return } if (d.addressInputIsENS || d.addressInputIsAddress) { let value = d.ens || d.address if (value.trim().length < d.minAddressLen) { d.minAddressLengthRequestError = true addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = qsTr("Please enter an ethereum address") addressInput.errorMessageCmp.visible = true return } } if (d.addressInputIsENS) { d.resolvingEnsNameInProgress = true d.validateEnsAsync(d.ens) return } if (d.addressInputIsAddress) { d.checkForAddressInputOwningErrorsWarnings() d.checkIfAddressChecksumIsValid() return } addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = qsTr("Ethereum address invalid") addressInput.errorMessageCmp.visible = true } function submit(event) { if (!d.valid || !d.dirty || event !== undefined && event.key !== Qt.Key_Return && event.key !== Qt.Key_Enter) return if (!d.editMode && === 0) { = true return }, d.address, d.ens, d.colorId) root.close() } } Connections { target: mainModule function onResolvedENS(resolvedPubKey: string, resolvedAddress: string, uuid: string) { if (uuid !== d.uuid) { return } d.resolvingEnsNameInProgress = false d.address = resolvedAddress try { // allows to avoid issues in storybook without much refactoring d.checkForAddressInputOwningErrorsWarnings() } catch (e) { } } } Connections { target: d.contactsModuleInst function onProfileShowcaseAccountsByAddressFetched(accounts: string) { d.cardsModel.clear() d.checkingContactsAddressInProgress = false try { let accountsJson = JSON.parse(accounts) d.contactsWithSameAddress = accountsJson.length addressInput.errorMessageCmp.visible = d.contactsWithSameAddress > 0 addressInput.errorMessageCmp.color = Theme.palette.warningColor1 addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = "" if (d.contactsWithSameAddress === 1) addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = qsTr("This address belongs to a contact") if (d.contactsWithSameAddress > 1) addressInput.errorMessageCmp.text = qsTr("This address belongs to the following contacts") for (let i = 0; i < accountsJson.length; ++i) { let contact = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(accountsJson[i].contactId, true, true, true) d.cardsModel.append({ type: AddEditSavedAddressPopup.CardType.Contact, address: accountsJson[i].address, title: ProfileUtils.displayName(contact.localNickname,, contact.displayName, contact.alias), icon: contact.icon, emoji: "", color: Utils.colorForColorId(contact.colorId), onlineStatus: contact.onlineStatus, colorHash: contact.colorHash }) } } catch (e) { console.warn("error parsing fetched accounts for contact: ", e.message) } } } StatusScrollView { id: scrollView anchors.fill: parent padding: 0 contentWidth: availableWidth Column { id: column width: scrollView.availableWidth height: childrenRect.height topPadding: 24 // (16 + 8 for Name, until we add it to the StatusInput component) bottomPadding: 28 spacing: Style.current.xlPadding Loader { id: limitPopup active: false asynchronous: true sourceComponent: StatusDialog { width: root.width - 2*Style.current.padding title: Constants.walletConstants.maxNumberOfSavedAddressesTitle StatusBaseText { anchors.fill: parent text: Constants.walletConstants.maxNumberOfSavedAddressesContent wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } standardButtons: Dialog.Ok onClosed: { = false } } onLoaded: { } } StatusInput { id: nameInput implicitWidth: d.componentWidth anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter charLimit: 24 input.edit.objectName: "savedAddressNameInput" placeholderText: qsTr("Address name") label: qsTr("Name") validators: [ StatusMinLengthValidator { minLength: 1 errorMessage: qsTr("Please name your saved address") }, StatusValidator { property bool isEmoji: false name: "check-for-no-emojis" validate: (value) => { if (!value) { return true } isEmoji = Constants.regularExpressions.emoji.test(value) if (isEmoji){ return false } return Constants.regularExpressions.alphanumericalExpanded1.test(value) } errorMessage: isEmoji? Constants.errorMessages.emojRegExp : Constants.errorMessages.alphanumericalExpanded1RegExp }, StatusValidator { name: "check-saved-address-existence" validate: (value) => { return ! || d.editMode && d.storedName == value } errorMessage: qsTr("Name already in use") } ] input.clearable: true input.rightPadding: 16 input.tabNavItem: addressInput onKeyPressed: { d.submit(event) } } StatusInput { id: addressInput implicitWidth: d.componentWidth anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter label: qsTr("Address") objectName: "savedAddressAddressInput" input.edit.objectName: "savedAddressAddressInputEdit" placeholderText: qsTr("Ethereum address") maximumHeight: 66 input.implicitHeight: Math.min(Math.max(input.edit.contentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding, minimumHeight), maximumHeight) // setting height instead does not work enabled: !(d.editMode || d.addAddress) input.edit.textFormat: TextEdit.RichText input.rightComponent: (d.resolvingEnsNameInProgress || d.checkingContactsAddressInProgress) ? loadingIndicator : d.incorrectChecksum? incorrectChecksumComponent : null d.addressInputValid && !d.editMode ? "checkbox" : "" input.asset.color: enabled ? Theme.palette.primaryColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1 input.asset.width: 17 input.asset.height: 17 input.rightPadding: 16 input.leftIcon: false input.tabNavItem: nameInput multiline: true property string plainText: input.edit.getText(0, text.length).trim() Component { id: loadingIndicator StatusLoadingIndicator {} } Component { id: incorrectChecksumComponent StatusIconWithTooltip { icon: "warning" width: 20 height: 20 color: Theme.palette.warningColor1 tooltipText: qsTr("Checksum of the entered address is incorrect") } } onTextChanged: { if (skipTextUpdate || !d.initialized) return plainText = input.edit.getText(0, text.length).trim() if (input.edit.previousText != plainText) { setRichText(plainText) // Reset d.resetAddressValues(plainText.length == 0) if (plainText.length > 0) { // Update root values if (Utils.isLikelyEnsName(plainText)) { d.ens = plainText d.address = Constants.zeroAddress } else { d.ens = "" d.address = plainText } } d.checkForAddressInputErrorsWarnings() } } onKeyPressed: { d.submit(event) } property bool skipTextUpdate: false function setPlainText(newText) { text = newText } function setRichText(val) { skipTextUpdate = true input.edit.previousText = plainText const curPos = input.cursorPosition setPlainText(val) input.cursorPosition = curPos skipTextUpdate = false } } Column { width: scrollView.availableWidth visible: d.cardsModel.count > 0 spacing: Style.current.halfPadding Repeater { model: d.cardsModel StatusListItem { width: d.componentWidth border.width: 1 border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter title: model.title subTitle: model.address statusListItemSubTitle.font.pixelSize: 12 sensor.hoverEnabled: false statusListItemIcon.badge.visible: model.type === AddEditSavedAddressPopup.CardType.Contact statusListItemIcon.badge.color: model.type === AddEditSavedAddressPopup.CardType.Contact && model.onlineStatus === 1? Theme.palette.successColor1 : Theme.palette.baseColor1 statusListItemIcon.hoverEnabled: false ringSettings.ringSpecModel: model.type === AddEditSavedAddressPopup.CardType.Contact? model.colorHash : "" asset { width: 40 height: 40 name: model.icon isImage: model.icon !== "" emoji: model.emoji color: model.color isLetterIdenticon: !model.icon letterIdenticonBgWithAlpha: model.type === AddEditSavedAddressPopup.CardType.SavedAddress charactersLen: 2 } } } } StatusColorSelectorGrid { id: colorSelection objectName: "addSavedAddressColor" width: d.componentWidth anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter model: Theme.palette.customisationColorsArray title.color: Theme.palette.directColor1 title.font.pixelSize: Constants.addAccountPopup.labelFontSize1 title.text: qsTr("Colour") selectedColorIndex: -1 onSelectedColorChanged: { d.colorId = Utils.getIdForColor(selectedColor) } } } } rightButtons: [ StatusButton { text: d.editMode? qsTr("Save") : qsTr("Add address") enabled: d.valid && d.dirty onClicked: { d.submit() } objectName: "addSavedAddress" } ] }