import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQml.Models 2.3 import utils 1.0 import "../../../../shared" import "../../../../shared/panels" import "../../../../shared/popups" // TODO: replace with StatusModal ModalPopup { id: popup //% "Primary username" title: qsTrId("ens-primary-username") property string newUsername: "" onOpened: { for(var i in ensNames.contentItem.children){ ensNames.contentItem.children[i].checked = ensNames.contentItem.children[i].text === profileModel.ens.preferredUsername } } StyledText { id: lbl1 text: profileModel.ens.preferredUsername ? //% "Your messages are displayed to others with this username:" qsTrId("your-messages-are-displayed-to-others-with-this-username-") : //% "Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display." qsTrId("once-you-select-a-username--you-won-t-be-able-to-disable-it-afterwards--you-will-only-be-able-choose-a-different-username-to-display-") font.pixelSize: 15 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap width: parent.width } StyledText { id: lbl2 lbl1.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding text: profileModel.ens.preferredUsername font.pixelSize: 17 font.weight: Font.Bold } ScrollView { anchors.fill: parent lbl2.bottom anchors.topMargin: 70 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ensNames.contentHeight > ensNames.height ? ScrollBar.AlwaysOn : ScrollBar.AlwaysOff ListView { anchors.fill: parent model: profileModel.ens spacing: 0 clip: true id: ensNames delegate: RadioDelegate { id: radioDelegate text: username checked: profileModel.ens.preferredUsername === username contentItem: StyledText { color: Style.current.textColor text: radioDelegate.text rightPadding: radioDelegate.indicator.width + radioDelegate.spacing topPadding: Style.current.halfPadding } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { parent.checked = true newUsername = username; } } } } } onNewUsernameChanged: { btnSelectPreferred.state = newUsername === profileModel.ens.preferredUsername ? "inactive" : "active" } footer: Item { width: parent.width height: btnSelectPreferred.height Button { id: btnSelectPreferred width: 44 height: 44 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right state: "inactive" states: [ State { name: "inactive" PropertyChanges { target: btnContinue source: Style.svg("arrow-right-btn-inactive") } }, State { name: "active" PropertyChanges { target: btnContinue source: Style.svg("arrow-right-btn-active") } } ] SVGImage { id: btnContinue width: 50 height: 50 } background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" } MouseArea { cursorShape: btnSelectPreferred.state === "active" ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor anchors.fill: parent onClicked : { if(btnSelectPreferred.state === "active"){ profileModel.ens.preferredUsername = newUsername; newUsername = ""; popup.close(); } } } } } }