import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import shared.controls 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 StatusDropdown { id: root property bool allowChoosingEntireCommunity: false property bool showAddChannelButton: false property string communityName property string communityImage property string communityColor property var model property int acceptMode: InDropdown.AcceptMode.Add enum AcceptMode { Add, Update } width: 289 padding: 8 // force keeping within the bounds of the enclosing window margins: 0 signal addChannelClicked signal communitySelected signal channelsSelected(var channels) function setSelectedChannels(channels) { d.setSelectedChannels(channels) } onAboutToHide: searcher.text = "" onAboutToShow: scrollView.Layout.preferredHeight = Math.min( scrollView.implicitHeight, 420) QtObject { id: d readonly property int defaultVMargin: 9 readonly property int maxHeightCountNo: 5 readonly property int itemStandardHeight: 44 readonly property var selectedChannels: new Set() signal setSelectedChannels(var channels) function search(text, searcherText) { return text.toLowerCase().includes(searcherText.toLowerCase()) } function resolveEmoji(emoji) { return !!emoji ? emoji : "" } function resolveColor(color, colorId) { return !!color ? color : Theme.palette.userCustomizationColors[colorId] } function addToSelectedChannels(model) { selectedChannels.add(model.itemId) selectedChannelsChanged() } function removeFromSelectedChannels(model) { selectedChannels.delete(model.itemId) selectedChannelsChanged() } } contentItem: ColumnLayout { spacing: 0 SearchBox { id: searcher Layout.fillWidth: true topPadding: 0 bottomPadding: 0 minimumHeight: 36 maximumHeight: 36 } StatusListItem { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: d.defaultVMargin Layout.preferredHeight: d.itemStandardHeight visible: root.allowChoosingEntireCommunity title: root.communityName subTitle: qsTr("Community") root.communityImage asset.color: root.communityColor asset.isImage: true asset.width: 32 asset.height: 32 asset.isLetterIdenticon: ! asset.charactersLen: 2 asset.letterSize: 15 leftPadding: 8 rightPadding: 6 statusListItemTitleArea.anchors.leftMargin: 8 statusListItemTitle.font.pixelSize: 13 statusListItemTitle.font.weight: Font.Medium statusListItemSubTitle.font.pixelSize: 12 components: [ StatusRadioButton { id: radioButton size: StatusRadioButton.Size.Small rightPadding: 0 } ] // using MouseArea instead of build-in 'clicked' signal to avoid // intercepting event by the StatusRadioButton MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { radioButton.toggle() radioButton.toggled() } cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor } } StatusMenuSeparator { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: 4 - implicitHeight / 2 Layout.bottomMargin: 4 - implicitHeight / 2 visible: root.allowChoosingEntireCommunity } StatusScrollView { id: scrollView Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: Math.min(d.maxHeightCountNo, topRepeater.count) * d.itemStandardHeight Layout.maximumHeight: Layout.minimumHeight contentHeight: scrollableColumn.implicitHeight Layout.bottomMargin: d.defaultVMargin Layout.topMargin: !root.allowChoosingEntireCommunity && !root.allowChoosingEntireCommunity ? d.defaultVMargin : 0 padding: 0 ColumnLayout { id: scrollableColumn width: scrollView.width spacing: 0 StatusIconTextButton { Layout.preferredHeight: 36 visible: root.showAddChannelButton leftPadding: 8 spacing: 8 statusIcon: "add" icon.width: 16 icon.height: 16 iconRotation: 0 text: qsTr("Add channel") onClicked: root.addChannelClicked() } Repeater { id: topRepeater model: SortFilterProxyModel { id: topLevelModel sourceModel: root.model filters: AnyOf { ValueFilter { roleName: "categoryId" value: "" } ValueFilter { roleName: "isCategory" value: true } } sorters: [ RoleSorter { roleName: "categoryPosition" priority: 2 // Higher number === higher priority }, RoleSorter { roleName: "position" priority: 1 } ] } ColumnLayout { id: column readonly property var topModel: model readonly property alias checkBox: loader.item property int checkedCount: 0 readonly property bool isCategory: model.isCategory readonly property string categoryId: model.categoryId Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: 0 visible: { if (!isCategory) return, searcher.text) const subItemsCount = subItemsRepeater.count for (let i = 0; i < subItemsCount; i++) if (subItemsRepeater.itemAt(i).show) return true return false } Loader { id: loader Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: d.itemStandardHeight Layout.topMargin: isCategory ? d.defaultVMargin : 0 sourceComponent: isCategory ? communityCategoryDelegate : communityDelegate Connections { target: radioButton function onToggled() { const checkBox = loader.item.checkBox checkBox.checked = false checkBox.onToggled() } } Component { id: communityDelegate CommunityListItem { id: communityItem title: "#" + model.icon ?? "" asset.emoji: d.resolveEmoji(model.emoji) asset.color: d.resolveColor(model.color, model.colorId) checkBox.onToggled: { if (checked) radioButton.checked = false } checkBox.onCheckedChanged: { if (checkBox.checked) d.addToSelectedChannels(model) else d.removeFromSelectedChannels(model) } Connections { target: d function onSetSelectedChannels(channels) { communityItem.checked = channels.includes( model.itemId) } } } } Component { id: communityCategoryDelegate CommunityCategoryListItem { title: checkState: { if (checkedCount === subItems.count) return Qt.Checked else if (checkedCount === 0) return Qt.Unchecked return Qt.PartiallyChecked } checkBox.onToggled: { if (checked) radioButton.checked = false subItemsRepeater.setAll(checkState) } } } } SortFilterProxyModel { id: subItems sourceModel: isCategory ? root.model : null filters: AllOf { ValueFilter { roleName: "categoryId" value: column.categoryId } ValueFilter { roleName: "isCategory" value: false } } sorters: RoleSorter { roleName: "position" } } Repeater { id: subItemsRepeater model: subItems function setAll(checkState) { const subItemsCount = count for (let i = 0; i < subItemsCount; i++) { itemAt(i).checkState = checkState } } CommunityListItem { id: communitySubItem readonly property bool show:, searcher.text) Layout.fillWidth: true visible: show title: "#" + model.icon ?? "" asset.emoji: d.resolveEmoji(model.emoji) asset.color: d.resolveColor(model.color, model.colorId) onCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { radioButton.checked = false d.addToSelectedChannels(model) } else { d.removeFromSelectedChannels(model) } Qt.callLater(() => checkedCount += checked ? 1 : -1) } Connections { target: d function onSetSelectedChannels(channels) { communitySubItem.checked = channels.includes( model.itemId) } } } } } } } StatusBaseText { id: noContactsText parent: scrollView anchors.centerIn: parent horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter visible: { for (let i = 0; i < topRepeater.count; i++) { const item = topRepeater.itemAt(i) if (item && item.visible) return false } return true } text: qsTr("No channels found") color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 font.pixelSize: Theme.tertiaryTextFontSize elide: Text.ElideRight lineHeight: 1.2 } } StatusButton { Layout.fillWidth: true enabled: root.acceptMode === InDropdown.AcceptMode.Update || d.selectedChannels.size > 0 text: { if (root.acceptMode === InDropdown.AcceptMode.Update) return qsTr("Update") if (radioButton.checked) return qsTr("Add community") if (d.selectedChannels.size === 0) return qsTr("Add") return qsTr("Add %n channel(s)", "", d.selectedChannels.size) } onClicked: { if (radioButton.checked) { root.communitySelected() return } root.channelsSelected(Array.from(d.selectedChannels.values())) } } } }