Favorite added Edit Editar Add favorite URL URL Name Nome Remove Remover Done Concluído Add Adicionar '%1' would like to connect to Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 Permitir que este DApp recupere o endereço da sua carteira e ative o Web3 Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key A concessão de acesso autoriza este DApp a recuperar sua chave de bate-papo Deny Negar Allow Permitir Enter URL Inserir URL Error sending the transaction Error signing message Transaction pending... Transação pendente ... Wrong password Senha incorreta Start Page New Tab Nova aba Downloads Page Server's certificate not trusted Do you wish to continue? If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. Do you wish to override the security check and continue? Exit Incognito mode Go Incognito Zoom In Zoom Out Find Encontrar Compatibility mode Developer Tools Settings Configurações Mainnet Ropsten Unknown Desconhecido Disconnect Assets Ativos History Histórico Show All Cancelled Paused Open Abrir Show in folder Pause Resume Cancel Cancelar Downloaded files will appear here. Open in new Tab Abrir em nova aba Ok OK Signature request From De Data Dados Message Mensagem Reject Sign Assinar Sign with password Assinar com senha Connected Conectado Disconnected Bate-papo offline This user has been blocked. Type a message. Send Enviar Request Address Request Solicitação Continue Continuar Receive on account From account Address request required To Para Preview Transaction preview Next Próximo Authorize %1 %2 Choose account Network fee Taxa de rede Error estimating gas: %1 . The transaction will probably fail. Send %1 %2 Image Imagem Failed to send message. Share your chat key or OU invite Convidar friends to start messaging in Status before %1Between %1 and %2 ↓ Fetch more messages ↓ Buscar mais mensagens Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! Welcome to the beginning of the <span style= Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style= Join chat Decline invitation Recusar o convite Add reaction Reply Responder More mais Today Yesterday January February March April May June July August September October November December and %1 more reacted with Error loading the image Error loading the imageLoading image... Loading image... This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. Membership requires an ENS username You need to be invited Request Access Solicitar acesso Verified community invitation Community invitation Unsupported state %1 members Joined Entrou Join Participar Enable automatic image unfurling Enable link previews in chat? Ativar visualizações de link no chat? Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners Enable in Settings Don't ask me again Não me pergunte novamente Resend Reenviar Transaction request Solicitação de transação ↑ Outgoing transaction ↓ Incoming transaction Accept and share address Aceitar e compartilhar endereço Accept and send Decline Recusar Select account Selecionar conta Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets Confirm and share address Sign and send Assinar e enviar Pending Pendente Confirmed Confirmado Unknown token Address requested Endereço solicitado Waiting to accept Address shared Address received Endereço recebido Transaction declined Transação recusada failure Unknown state You Você Clear history Clear History Apagar histórico Leave group Leave Group Sair do grupo Remove contact Remove Contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? Communities Comunidades 1 member Import a community Importar uma comunidade Create a community Criar uma comunidade Public community Invitation only community On request community Unknown community - ENS only - ENS Only Chats Chats Join ‘%1’ Request to join ‘%1’ Error joining the community Members Membros Create category Invite People Invite people Convide pessoas Membership requests Pedidos de participação Edit category Edit Category Delete category Delete Category Delete %1 category Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. Error deleting the category View Profile Ver perfil Kick Ban Transfer ownership Invite successfully sent Share community Notifications Notificações Edit community Editar comunidade Create channel Criar um canal Leave community Deixar a comunidade Delete Excluir Welcome to your community! Add members Adicionar membros Manage community You need to enter a name New channel Novo canal Edit #%1 Channel name Nome do canal Describe the channel Descreva o canal Pinned messages Mensagens fixadas New category Channels Create Criar Error editing the category Error creating the category Error creating the community Name your community Dê um nome para sua comunidade A catchy name Um nome atraente Give it a short description Dê uma breve descrição Community colour Community color Cor da comunidade Pick a color Membership requirement Requisitos de participação Require invite from another member Exigir convite de outro membro Require approval Exigir aprovação No requirement Nenhuma exigência You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time Você pode exigir que novos membros atendam a certos critérios antes que eles possam participar. Isso pode ser alterado a qualquer momento Save Salvar Thumbnail image Please choose an image Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) Upload Members Membros Invite friends Convide amigos Invite Convidar Contacts Contatos Invite Convidar Chat Bate-papo Community imported Importing community is in progress Start new chat Iniciar nova conversa Start group chat Iniciar conversa em grupo Join public chat Participar do bate-papo público No messages Nenhuma mensagem Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top Chat and transact privately with your friends Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. Share Chat Compartilhar bate-papo Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages Unmute chat Mute chat Edit Channel Mark as Read Delete chat Excluir conversa Leave chat Sair da conversa Choose browser Open in Status Abrir no Status Open in my default browser Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. Admin Administrador ↓ Fetch messages ↓ Buscar mensagens You need to enter a channel name The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes New group chat Novo grupo de bate-papo Group name Create Group Chat Criar bate-papo do grupo %1 members All your contacts are already in the group Todos os seus contatos já estão no grupo Make Admin Tornar-se administrador Remove From Group Add selected Get Status at https://status.im Download Status link Unpin Desafixar Pin Fixar Edit message Send message Enviar mensagem Reply to Delete message Apagar mensagem Confirm deleting this message Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. Nickname Apelido Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. Can't chat with yourself New chat Nova conversa My Profile Meu perfil Enter ENS username or chat key ENS (vitalik94) ou chave de bate-papo (0x04 ...) Non contacts Sem contatos No profile found ENS username Nome de usuário ENS Chat key Chave de bate-papo Chat settings Configurações do chat None Nenhum Unblock User Block User Add to contacts Adicionar aos contatos A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. chat-name Nome do chat Start chat Iniciar bate-papo Pinned by %1 Save Salvar Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} Profile Perfil App version Versão do aplicativo Version: %1 Node version Check for updates Privacy Policy Política de privacidade Network Rede Fleet Frota Minimize on close Experimental features Wallet Carteira Dapp Browser Communities Comunidades Activity Center Node Management Bloom filter level The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled Light Node Normal Full Node Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. Size Change font size XS S This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" M This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" L XL XXL Appearance Aparência Light Claro Light Claro Dark Escuro System Sistema Back up seed phrase Fazer backup da frase-semente Step %1 of 3 If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds Se você perder a sua frase-semente, você perde seus dados e fundos If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe Se perder o acesso, por exemplo, ao perder seu telefone, você só pode acessar suas chaves com sua frase-semente. Só você tem a sua frase-semente. Anote e mantenha sua frase-semente em segurança Check your seed phrase Confira sua frase-semente Word #%1 Enter word Digite a palavra In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above Are you sure? Você tem certeza? You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again Você não poderá ver toda a frase-semente de novo With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. Okay, continue Ok, continuar Wrong word Palavra errada Homepage Default Padrão Search engine used in the address bar Privacy Privacidade Set DApp access permissions Definir permissões de acesso do DApp Profile picture Crop your image (optional) Finish Terminar Chat link previews Visualizações de links de chat Websites Sites Enable all Habilitar todos Add new contact Adicionar novo contato Add contact Adicionar contato User not found Usuário não encontrado You don’t have any contacts yet Devices Dispositivos Please set a name for your device. Defina um nome para o seu dispositivo. Specify a name Especifique um nome Advertise device Anunciar dispositivo Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them Emparelhe seus dispositivos para sincronizar contatos e bate-papos entre eles Learn more Saiba mais Paired devices Dispositivos sincronizados Syncing... Sincronizando... Sync all devices Sincronizar todos dispositivos ENS usernames Nomes de usuário ENS Username added Nome de usuário adicionado %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. Ok, got it Ok, entendi. %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Você pode acompanhar o progresso na seção Histórico de Transações da sua carteira. Wallet address Endereço da carteira Key Chave Back Voltar Primary username Nome de usuário principal Your messages are displayed to others with this username: Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. Hey Olá (pending) Add username Adicionar nome de usuário Your usernames Seus nomes de usuário Primary Username None selected You’re displaying your ENS username in chats At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. Pelo menos 4 caracteres. Usando letras minúsculas e números. Letters and numbers only. Apenas letras e números. Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth Digite o nome de usuário inteiro, incluindo o domínio personalizado, como nomedeusuario.domínio.eth Your username Seu nome de usuário ✓ Username available! ✓ Nome de usuário disponível! Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. Continuar conectará esse nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo. Username doesn’t belong to you :( O nome de usuário não pertence a você :( Username already taken :( Nome de usuário já utilizado :( (edited) Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. O nome de usuário já está conectado à sua chave de bate-papo e pode ser usado dentro do Status. This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. Continuar exigirá uma transação para conectar o nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo atual. Custom domain Domínio personalizado I want a stateofus.eth domain Eu quero um domínio stateofus.eth I own a name on another domain Eu possuo um nome em outro domínio Terms of name registration Termos de cadastro de nome Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. Os fundos são depositados por 1 ano. Seu SNT será bloqueado, mas não será gasto. After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e receber seu depósito de volta ou não fazer nenhuma ação para manter o nome. If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. Se os termos do contrato mudarem — por exemplo, o Status fizer atualizações do contrato — o usuário tem o direito de liberar o nome de usuário, independentemente do tempo de espera. The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. O controlador do contrato não pode acessar seus fundos depositados. Eles só podem ser movidos de volta para o endereço que os enviou. Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. Seus endereços serão publicamente associados ao seu nome no ENS. Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. Os nomes de usuários são criados como nós de subdomínio stateofus.eth e estão sujeitos aos termos do contrato inteligente do ENS. You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. Você autoriza o contrato a transferir o SNT em seu nome. Isso só pode ocorrer quando você aprovar uma transação para autorizar a transferência. These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: Estes termos são garantidos pela lógica do contrato inteligente nos endereços: %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> %1 (ENS Registry). Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. 10 SNT 10 SNT Deposit Depósito Not enough SNT SNT insuficiente Register Cadastro Get a universal username Obter um nome universal ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. Os nomes do ENS transformam esses endereços compridos e malucos em nomes de usuário exclusivos. Customize your chat name Personalize seu nome de chat An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. Simplify your ETH address Simplifique seu endereço ETH You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). Você pode receber fundos em um nome ENS fácil de compartilhar, em vez do seu endereço hexadecimal (0x ...). Receive transactions in chat Receba transações no chat Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. Outras pessoas podem enviar fundos para você pelo chat em um único passo. 10 SNT to register 10 SNT para se cadastrar Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. Cadastre-se uma vez para manter o nome para sempre. Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e recuperar seu SNT. Already own a username? Já possui um nome de usuário? You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. Você pode verificar e adicionar qualquer nome de usuário que você possui nos próximos passos. Powered by Ethereum Name Services Desenvolvido com Ethereum Name Services Start Only available on Mainnet Disponível apenas na Mainnet ENS Registration failed Para cadastrar o nome de usuário, tente novamente. ENS Registration completed Updating ENS pubkey failed Updating ENS pubkey completed Warning! Atenção! Change fleet to %1 Glossary Glossário Account Conta A This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet Chat Key Chave de bate-papo C This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. As mensagens no protocolo de bate-papo Status são enviadas e recebidas usando chaves de criptografia. A chave de bate-papo público é uma sequência de caracteres que você compartilha com outras pessoas para que elas possam enviar mensagens para você no Status. Chat Name Nome no chat Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. Três palavras aleatórias, derivadas algoritmicamente da sua chave de bate-papo e usadas como pseudônimo padrão no bate-papo. Os nomes de bate-papo são completamente únicos; nenhum outro usuário pode ter as mesmas três palavras. ENS Name Nome ENS E This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. Pseudônimo personalizado para sua chave de bate-papo que você pode cadastrar usando o Ethereum Name Service. Os nomes do ENS são nomes de usuário descentralizados. Mailserver Nó de mensagem Status A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. Um nó na rede Status que encaminha e armazena mensagens por até 30 dias. Peer Par P This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices Seed Phrase Frase-semente A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. Frequently asked questions Perguntas frequentes Submit a bug Relatar um bug Request a feature Solicitar um recurso Language Idioma Muted chats Unmute Ativar som The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used A conta será desconectada. Quando você a desbloquear novamente, a rede selecionada será usada Add network Adicionar rede You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL Invalid URL You need to enter the network id Should be a number Invalid network id RPC URL RPC URL Specify a RPC URL Especifique um URL RPC Network chain Cadeia de rede Main network Rede principal Ropsten test network Rede de teste de Ropsten Rinkeby test network Rede de teste Rinkeby Custom Personalizado Network Id ID de rede Specify the network id Main networks Redes principais Test networks Redes de teste Custom Networks Redes personalizadas Under development NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed sticker packs will be removed and will need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker packs will not need to be re-purchased. Notification preferences Preferências de notificação Security Segurança Backup Seed Phrase Allow new contact requests Sync settings Configurações de sincronização Add mailserver Adicionar nó do Status You need to enter the enode address History node address You need to enter an account name Enter an account name... Account name Nome da conta Type Tipo Watch-only Somente exibição Off Status tree Árvore Status desativada On Status tree Árvore Status ativada Derivation path Caminho de derivação Storage Armazenamento This device Este dispositivo Delete account Remover conta Add custom token Adicionar token personalizado This needs to be a valid address Invalid ERC20 address Enter contract address... Contract address Endereço do contrato The name of your token... ABC Symbol Símbolo Decimals Decimais To From At Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. No transactions found Load More Total value Valor total Receive Receber Buy / Sell Back up your seed phrase Fazer backup da frase-semente Recipient Destinatário Transaction failed Falha na transação Set Currency Definir moeda Signing phrase Frase de assinatura This is your signing phrase Esta é a sua frase de assinatura You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction Você deve ver essas três palavras antes de assinar cada transação If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out Se você ver uma combinação diferente, cancele a transação e finalize a sessão Remind me later Mostrar isso novamente Manage Assets Account Settings Configurações da conta Collectibles Colecionáveis Generate an account Gerar uma conta Add a watch-only address Adicione um endereço somente leitura Enter a seed phrase Digite uma frase-semente Enter a private key Digite uma chave privada Add account from private key Adicionar conta a partir de chave privada You need to enter a password Password needs to be 6 characters or more You need to enter a private key Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) Enter your password… Password Senha Paste the contents of your private key Private key Chave privada Loading... Carregando... Add account Adicione uma conta Add account with a seed phrase Adicionar conta com uma frase-semente Seed phrase Frase-semente Add a watch-only account Adicionar uma conta somente para exibição You need to enter an address This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) Enter address... Account address Endereço da conta Token details Detalhes do Token Remove token Remover token Transaction Details Detalhes da transação When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. Quando a transação tiver 12 confirmações, você poderá considerá-la liquidada. Block Bloquear Hash Hash Gas limit Limite de gás Gas price Preço do gás Gas used Gás usado Nonce Nonce Something went wrong Algo deu errado Reload Maximum number of collectibles to display reached View Visualizar Unnamed ID Description Descrição US Dollars Euros United Arab Emirates dirham Afghan afghani Argentine peso Australian dollar Barbadian dollar Bangladeshi taka Bulgarian lev Bahraini dinar Brunei dollar Bolivian boliviano Brazillian real Bhutanese ngultrum Canadian dollar Swiss franc Chilean peso Chinese yuan Colombian peso Costa Rican colón Czech koruna Danish krone Dominican peso Egyptian pound Ethiopian birr British Pound Georgian lari Ghanaian cedi Hong Kong dollar Croatian kuna Hungarian forint Indonesian rupiah Israeli new shekel Indian rupee Icelandic króna Jamaican dollar Japanese yen Kenyan shilling South Korean won Kuwaiti dinar Kazakhstani tenge Sri Lankan rupee Moroccan dirham Moldovan leu Mauritian rupee Malawian kwacha Mexican peso Malaysian ringgit Mozambican metical Namibian dollar Nigerian naira Norwegian krone Nepalese rupee New Zealand dollar Omani rial Peruvian sol Papua New Guinean kina Philippine peso Pakistani rupee Polish złoty Paraguayan guaraní Qatari riyal Romanian leu Serbian dinar Russian ruble Saudi riyal Swedish krona Singapore dollar Thai baht Trinidad and Tobago dollar New Taiwan dollar Tanzanian shilling Turkish lira Ukrainian hryvnia Ugandan shilling Uruguayan peso Venezuelan bolívar Vietnamese đồng South African rand View Community Browser Navegador Timeline Linha do tempo Status Desktop Open Status Quit Create a password Crie uma senha New password... Confirm password… At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. Create password Error importing account An error occurred while importing your account: Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Enter seed phrase Inserir frase-semente This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. Esta frase-semente não é compatível com o nosso dicionário. Verifique se há palavras com erros ortográficos. Start with the first word Invalid seed phrase Frase-semente inválida Choose a chat name Escolha um nome de bate-papo Truly private communication Comunicação verdadeiramente privada Secure crypto wallet Carteira criptográfica segura Decentralized apps Aplicativos descentralizados I understand Get your keys Obtenha suas chaves A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them. Enter password Digite a senha Connecting... Enter passwordConnecting... Conectando... Login failed: %1 Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Your keys Suas chaves Add another existing key You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys Você terá que definir um novo código ou senha para recriptografar suas chaves Re-encrypt your keys Recriptografe suas chaves ENS Username not found Paste Colar You need to request the recipient’s address first. Assets won’t be sent yet. Invalid source Insufficient balance Must be greater than 0 Priority Use suggestions use-suggestions Use custom Low Gas amount limit Per-gas overall limit Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. Must be greater than or equal to 0 This needs to be a number Please enter an amount The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. Balance: Asset & Amount Account color Cor da conta Confirm Confirmar Please select a contact Select a contact Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. No contact selected Copied! Optimal Advanced Avançado Gwei Gwei Apply Aplicar Not enough ETH for gas Não há ETH suficiente para o gás Copied Copiado Pasted Copy Copy to clipboard Copiar Invalid ethereum address Address Endereço My account Contact Contato Search Procurar Messages Mensagens Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. View on Etherscan Asset Ativo Amount Quantia Data field Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. Enter the password you use to unlock this device Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. Send transaction Enviar transação Request transaction Solicitar transação Public chat Conversa pública Not a contact Não é um contato Image files (%1) Your message is too long. Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. Type a message Mensagem Bold Italic Strikethrough Code No recent emojis Buy for %1 SNT Uninstall Install Instalar Free ↓ Grátis Pending... Update Atualizar You don't have any stickers yet Recently used stickers will appear here Os adesivos usados recentemente aparecerão aqui Get Stickers Obter Adesivos Search engine Revoke access Recuperar acesso Show more Mostrar mais All Todos Mentions Replies Contact requests Mark all as Read Show read notifications Show read notificationsHide read notifications Hide read notifications Notification settings Configurações de notificação You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your request Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat Access existing community Community private key Chave privada da comunidade Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. Import Importar Back up community key Back up Cópia de segurança Community members will appear here No contacts found Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first Sua comunidade é livre para participar, mas novos membros são obrigados a ser aprovados pelo criador da comunidade primeiro Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members Sua comunidade só pode ser acessada por convite de membros existentes da comunidade Your community is free for anyone to join Sua comunidade é livre para que qualquer pessoa possa participar You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community You can also use this key to import your community on another device Decline all contacts Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests Accept all contacts Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests Decline all Accept all Pin limit reached Limite de mensagens fixadas atingido. Desafixe uma mensagem anterior primeiro. Unpin a previous message first %1 messages %1 message Pinned messages will appear here. Language Idioma Before you get started... I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. Terms of Use Termos de uso Get Started Começar Format not supported. Upload %1 only You can only upload %1 images at a time Max image size is %1 MB TODO NOW Agora %1M %1H %1D Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Jan Feb Mar Apr Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 Join the %1 community Join the %1 group chat words Mainnet with upstream RPC POA Network xDai Chain Goerli with upstream RPC Rinkeby with upstream RPC Ropsten with upstream RPC You need to repeat your password Passwords don't match You need to enter a %1 The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel View Profile Ver perfil Decline and block AccountView Type Tipo Watch-Only Account Generated by your Status seed phrase profile Imported Account Storage Armazenamento On Device Derivation Path Remove from your profile Confirm %1 Removal You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. Remove Account ActivityCenterMessageComponentView Mark as Read Mark as Unread AddAccountModal color Advanced Avançado AddEditSavedAddressPopup Edit saved address Add saved address Enter a name Name Nome Name must not be blank This is not a valid account name Address Endereço Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address Save Salvar Add address AddFavoriteModal URL URL Paste URL Paste Colar Pasted Please enter a valid URL Name Nome Name of the website Please enter a name Add Favorite AddShowTokenModal Changing settings failed AddWakuNodeModal Waku nodes The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} AdvancedView Application Logs Multi network Keycard WakuV2 mode Developer features Full developer mode Download messages Telemetry Debug Auto message Stickers/ENS on ropsten Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. disable enable AppMain A new version of Status (%1) is available Download Your version is up to date Close Where do you want to go? AppSearch No results Anywhere AppearanceView Change Zoom (requires restart) BeforeGetStartedModal I accept Status Privacy Policy Política de privacidade BlockContactConfirmationDialog Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. BrowserView Show Favorites Bar Connected DApps BrowserWebEngineView Add Favorite ChangePasswordModal Change password Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. Change Password ChangePasswordSuccessModal <b>Password changed</b> You need to sign in again using the new password. Sign out & Quit ChatContentView Blocked ChatContextMenuView View Members Edit name Download Delete Channel Leave group Sair do grupo Save Salvar Download messages Delete #%1 Delete Excluir Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? Are you sure you want to delete this chat? Are you sure you want to leave this chat? ChatView Members Membros CollectibleCollectionView No collectibles available CollectibleDetailView Properties Levels Stats CollectibleDetailsHeader Send Enviar CollectibleModal unnamed id description View in Opensea CollectiblesStore Collectibles Colecionáveis CollectiblesView Collectibles will appear here CommunitiesPopup Communities Comunidades Create a community Criar uma comunidade Search for communities or topics CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel Expand your community by adding more channels and categories Add categories CommunityDetailPopup Pending Pendente Unknown community CommunityEditSettingsPanel Community name A catchy name Um nome atraente community name Description Descrição What your community is about community description Pick a color CommunityMembersSettingsPanel Members Membros Member name Ban Kick CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel Overview Edit Community This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. CommunityProfilePopup Members Membros CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel Copied! Contacts Contatos CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel Member name CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel Copied! CommunitySettingsView Overview Members Membros Notifications Notificações Settings Configurações Open legacy popup (to be removed) Back to community Enabled CommunityUserList Members Membros ConfirmAppRestartModal Application Restart Please restart the application to apply the changes. Restart ConfirmPasswordView Passwords don't match Have you written down your password? You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. Confirm you password (again) Finalise Status Password Creation Keys for this account already exist Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase ConfirmationDialog Confirm Confirmar Reject Cancel Cancelar Are you sure you want to do this? Confirm your action Do not show this again Constants Username must be at least 5 characters Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed 24 character username limit Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username ContactPanel View Profile Ver perfil Send message Enviar mensagem Rename ContactsColumnView Public chats & communities Start chat Iniciar bate-papo ContactsListAndSearch Enter a valid chat key or ENS username ContactsListPanel Contact Request Sent Contact Request Rejected ContactsView Send contact request to chat key Search by a display name or chat key Contacts Contatos Pending Requests Blocked Identity Verified Contacts Received Sent CreateCategoryPopup Category title category name CreateChannelPopup Channel name Nome do canal Name the channel channel name Channel colour Description Descrição Describe the channel Descreva o canal channel description CreateChatView To: USER LIMIT REACHED Contacts Contatos You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. CreateCommunityPopup Edit Community Create New Community Name your community Dê um nome para sua comunidade A catchy name Um nome atraente This is not a valid community name Give it a short description Dê uma breve descrição What your community is about Community colour Cor da comunidade Pick a colour Community history service Request to join required CreatePasswordModal Store password Current password... Incorrect password CreatePasswordView Create password CryptoServicesModal Buy / Sell crypto Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto CurrenciesStore Ethereum Bitcoin Status Network Token Dai DefaultDAppExplorerView Default DApp explorer DemoApp Invite People Convide pessoas View Community Edit Community Leave Community DerivationPathsPanel Derivation Path DerivedAddressesPanel No activity Has Activity No Activity Account Conta DisplayNamePopup Edit Editar Display Name Ok OK DownloadPage Thanks for using Status You're curently using version %1 of Status. There's new version available to download. Get Status %1 EditCroppedImagePanel Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg, *.jfif, *.png *.tiff *.heif) EnsDetailsView Wallet address Endereço da carteira Copied to clipboard! Key Chave Connect username with your pubkey Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 EnsReleasedView Username removed The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined EnsSearchView Connect username with your pubkey EnsTermsAndConditionsView Copied to clipboard! ExemptionNotificationsModal %1 exemption Mute all messages Personal @ Mentions Global @ Mentions Other Messages Clear Exemptions Done Concluído FetchMoreMessagesButton before--%1 GasSelector Min 21000 units Not enough gas Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei The average miner tip is %1 Gwei Current base fee: %1 %2 Low High Per-gas tip limit GroupInfoPopup %1/%2 members HomePageView System default Other Example: duckduckgo.com ImageCropperModal Finish Terminar ImportSeedPhrasePanel Use 24 word seed phrase Use 12 word seed phrase InsertCard Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation Cancel Cancelar InsertDetailsView Your profile Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. Display name Chatkey: Next Próximo Your emojihash and identicon ring This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. InviteFriendsPopup Copy to clipboard KeycardCreatePINModal Create PIN New PIN Confirm PIN Create a 6 digit long PIN KeysMainView Connect your keys Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. Enter a seed phrase Digite uma frase-semente Get your keys A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them. Generate new keys Import a seed phrase Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. LanguageView Set Display Currency Search Currencies Language Idioma Search Languages Date Format DD/MM/YY MM/DD/YY Time Format 24-Hour Time 12-Hour Time Change language Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. Close the app now Layout Invite People Convide pessoas View Community Edit Community Leave Community LeftTabView Settings Configurações Sign out Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. Sign out & Quit Saved addresses LoginView Ok OK Welcome back Add new user Add existing Status user MainView Manage Assets & List DApp Permissions Networks Accounts Generated from Your Seed Phrase Imported Watch-Only MenuPanel Apps Settings Configurações About & Help MessageContextMenuView Copy image Download image Copy Message Id Jump to Please choose a directory MessagingView Show My Profile Picture To Everyone Contacts Contatos No One See Profile Pictures From Open Message Links With Status Browser System Default Browser Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users Display Message Link Previews Fine tune which sites to allow link previews Image unfurling All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed Message syncing Waku nodes For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. MyProfileView ENS username Nome de usuário ENS Copy to clipboard Chat key Chave de bate-papo Share Profile URL NetworkFilter All networks NetworksView Layer 2 Add Custom Network NicknamePopup Nickname Apelido NoImageUploadedPanel Upload Wide aspect ratio is optimal NodeLayout Bloom Filter Usage NotificationSelect Send Alerts Deliver Quietly Turn Off NotificationsView Community 1:1 Chat Group Chat Muted Off Quiet Personal @ Mentions %1 Global @ Mentions %1 Alerts Other Messages %1 Multiple Exemptions Enable Notifications in macOS Settings To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> Sync your devices to share notifications preferences Syncing > Allow Notifications Messages Mensagens 1:1 Chats Group Chats Personal @ Mentions Messages containing @%1 Global @ Mentions Messages containing @here and @channel All Messages Others Contact Requests Identity Verification Requests Notification Content Show Name and Message Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... Name Only You have a new message Anonymous Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification Volume Send a Test Notification Exemptions Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats Most recent PINModal Authenticate PIN PIN Insert your 6-digit PIN Authenticate PairingModal Insert pairing code Pairing code Insert the Keycard pairing code Pair PasswordView Create a password Crie uma senha Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: Passwords don't match This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used This password is a common word and shouldn't be used Password must be at least %1 characters long Current password New password Very weak Weak So-so Good Great Lower case Upper case Numbers Symbols Confirm password PermissionsListView Disconnect All Disconnect PinnedMessagesPopup Unpin Desafixar PrivacyView Change password Store pass to Keychain Store Never Not now ProfileLayout Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. Contacts Contatos ProfilePopup Blocked ENS username Nome de usuário ENS Username Copy to clipboard Chat key Chave de bate-papo Share Profile URL Chat settings Configurações do chat Nickname Apelido None Nenhum Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? Unblock User Block User Remove Contact Add to contacts Adicionar aos contatos ProfileSectionStore Profile Perfil ENS usernames Nomes de usuário ENS Messaging Wallet Carteira Browser Navegador Privacy and security Appearance Aparência Language & Currency Notifications & Sounds Devices settings Advanced Avançado Help & Glossary About Sign out & Quit RateView Bandwidth Upload Kb/s Download ReceiveModal Your Address Copy Copiar RenameAccontModal Rename %1 This is not a valid account name color Change Name Changing settings failed RootStore You Você SavedAddressesView Saved addresses Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? Cancel Cancelar Delete Excluir No saved addresses SeedPhraseInputView Keys for this account already exist Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase Error importing seed Enter seed phrase Inserir frase-semente %1 words Invalid seed Restore Status Profile Next Próximo Import Importar SelectGeneratedAccount Import new Seed Phrase Import new Private Key Imported Add new Origin SendContactRequestModal Send Contact Request to chat key Paste Colar Enter chat key here Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... who are you Send Contact Request SendModalFooter Unknown Desconhecido Estimated Time: Max Fees: SendModalHeader Please enter a valid amount Max: No balances active To Para Enter an ENS name or address SettingsPageLayout Changes detected! Cancel Cancelar Save changes SignTransactionModal Send Enviar Continue Continuar Error estimating gas: %1 StatusAddressOrEnsValidator Please enter a valid address or ENS name. StatusAddressValidator Please enter a valid address. StatusAppCommunityView Members Membros StatusAsyncEnsValidator ENS name could not be resolved in to an address StatusAsyncValidator invalid input StatusBadge 99+ StatusChatInput Send Enviar Unblock StatusChatListAndCategories Add channel inside category More mais StatusChatListCategoryItem Add channel inside category More mais StatusChatListItem Unmute Ativar som StatusChatToolBar Search Procurar Members Membros More mais Activity StatusETHTransactionModal Contract interaction StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage Back up seed phrase Fazer backup da frase-semente Not Implemented StatusFloatValidator Please enter a valid numeric value. StatusGifColumn Remove from favorites Add to favorites StatusGifPopup Search Tenor TRENDING FAVORITES RECENT Enable Tenor GIFs? Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. Enable Favorite GIFs will appear here Recent GIFs will appear here Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. Retry StatusIntValidator Please enter a valid numeric value. StatusListPicker Search Procurar StatusListPickerPage Search Languages Search Currencies StatusMacNotification My latest message with a return Open Abrir StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator Very weak Weak So-so Good Great StatusSearchListPopup Search... StatusSearchLocationMenu Anywhere StatusSearchPopup No results Anywhere In StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems Add to dictionary Disable Spellchecking StatusStickerMarket This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. I understand StatusTagSelectorPage To: USER LIMIT REACHED StatusTokenInlineSelector Hold or OU to post StatusUrlValidator Please enter a valid URL StatusValidator invalid input StatusWalletColorSelect Account color Cor da conta StatusWindowsTitleBar Status StoreToKeychainSelectionModal Store pass to Keychain Store Not now Never Would you like to store password to the Keychain? TabAddressSelectorView Saved My Accounts Recent Search for saved address No Saved Address No Recents TabNetworkAndFees Simple Advanced Avançado Custom Personalizado Networks The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. Fees Slow TouchIDAuthView Biometrics Yes, use Touch ID I prefer to use my password TransactionBubbleView Token not found on your current network TransactionModal confirmation(s) TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup Are you sure? Você tem certeza? Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. Current base fee %1 Gwei Current minimum tip Current average tip Your tip limit Suggested minimum tip Your price limit Suggested minimum price limit Change Limit Continue anyway TransferOwnershipPopup Community private key Chave privada da comunidade Copy Copiar Copied Copiado UploadProfilePicModal Upload profile picture Choose an image for profile picture Profile picture Make this my profile picture Remove Remover Upload Done Concluído UserList Members Membros UserListPanel Offline Online Do not disturb Idle UserStatusContextMenu View My Profile Online Offline UsernameLabel You Você Utils You need to enter a PIN The PIN must contain only digits The PIN must be exactly 6 digits You need to repeat your PIN PIN don't match You need to enter a %1 Value has to be at least %1 characters long years ago year ago months ago month ago weeks ago week ago days ago day ago hours ago hour ago mins ago min ago secs ago sec ago now WakuNodesModal Waku nodes Use Waku nodes Select node automatically Waku Nodes Node %1 Add a new node WalletView Wallet Carteira Networks DApp Permissions Testnet Mode WelcomeView Welcome to Status Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. I am new to Status I already use Status main StatusQ Documentation App