#****************************************************************************** # Status.im #*****************************************************************************/ #/** # * \file test.feature # * # * \test Status Desktop - Community # * \date January 2023 # ** # *****************************************************************************/ Feature: Status Desktop community navigation As an admin user I want to create a community and be able to leave it. The feature start sequence is the following (setup on its own `bdd_hooks`): ** given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key ** when user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00" ** and the user lands on the signed in app @mayfail Scenario Outline: User creates and leaves community # Create a community Given the user opens the community portal section And the user creates a community named "", with description "My community description", intro "Community Intro" and outro "Community Outro" And the user lands on the community named "" Then the count of communities in navbar is 1 # Leave a community When the user opens app settings screen And the user opens the communities settings And the user leaves "" community # Switch back to portal to ensure that leaving procedure finished When the user opens the community portal section Then the count of communities in navbar is 0 Examples: | community_name | | My community 1 |