import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import AppLayouts.Onboarding2.pages 1.0 import utils 1.0 Item { id: root readonly property string existingPin: "111111" KeycardEnterPinPage { id: page anchors.fill: parent state: KeycardEnterPinPage.State.Idle remainingAttempts: remainingAttemptsSpinBox.value unblockWithPukAvailable: ctrlUnblockWithPUK.checked onAuthorizationRequested: (pin) => { console.log("authorization requested:", pin) } onUnblockWithSeedphraseRequested: console.log("unblock with seed phrase requested") onUnblockWithPukRequested: console.log("unblock with puk requested") onKeycardFactoryResetRequested: console.log("factory reset requested") } ColumnLayout { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.margins: 15 spacing: 15 Label { text: "Hint: %1".arg(root.existingPin) } CheckBox { id: ctrlUnblockWithPUK text: "Unblock with PUK available" checked: true } RowLayout { Label { text: "Remaining attempts: " } SpinBox { id: remainingAttemptsSpinBox from: 0 to: Constants.onboarding.defaultPinAttempts value: Constants.onboarding.defaultPinAttempts } } RowLayout { id: statesRow ButtonGroup { buttons: statesRow.children } Button { checkable: true checked: true text: "Idle" onClicked: page.state = KeycardEnterPinPage.State.Idle } Button { checkable: true text: "InProgress" onClicked: page.state = KeycardEnterPinPage.State.InProgress } Button { checkable: true text: "Success" onClicked: page.state = KeycardEnterPinPage.State.Success } Button { checkable: true text: "WrongPin" onClicked: page.state = KeycardEnterPinPage.State.WrongPin } } } } // category: Onboarding // status: good // // // // //