import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import "../../../../shared" import "../../../../imports" import "../components" Rectangle { property string name: "channelName" property string lastMessage: "My latest message\n with a return" property string timestamp: "20/2/2020" property string unviewedMessagesCount: "2" property int chatType: Constants.chatTypePublic property string searchStr: "" id: wrapper color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? Theme.lightBlue : Theme.transparent anchors.right: parent.right anchors.left: parent.left radius: 8 // Hide the box if it is filtered out property bool isVisible: searchStr == "" || name.includes(searchStr) visible: isVisible ? true : false height: isVisible ? 64 : 0 MouseArea { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { chatsModel.setActiveChannelByIndex(index) chatGroupsListView.currentIndex = index } } ChannelIcon { id: contactImage height: 40 width: 40 topMargin: 12 bottomMargin: 12 channelName: channelType: wrapper.chatType channelIdenticon: identicon } SVGImage { id: channelIcon width: 16 height: 16 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: "../../../img/channel-icon-" + (wrapper.chatType === Constants.chatTypePublic ? "public-chat.svg" : "group.svg") anchors.left: contactImage.right anchors.leftMargin: Theme.padding anchors.topMargin: Theme.smallPadding visible: wrapper.chatType !== Constants.chatTypeOneToOne } StyledText { id: contactInfo text: wrapper.chatType !== Constants.chatTypePublic ? Emoji.parse(, "26x26") : "#" + anchors.right: contactTime.left anchors.rightMargin: Theme.smallPadding elide: Text.ElideRight font.weight: Font.Medium font.pixelSize: 15 anchors.left: channelIcon.visible ? channelIcon.right : contactImage.right anchors.leftMargin: channelIcon.visible ? 2 : Theme.padding anchors.topMargin: Theme.smallPadding color: "black" } StyledText { id: lastChatMessage text: lastMessage ? Emoji.parse(lastMessage, "26x26").replace(/\n|\r/g, ' ') : qsTr("No messages") anchors.right: contactNumberChatsCircle.left anchors.rightMargin: Theme.smallPadding elide: Text.ElideRight anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.smallPadding font.pixelSize: 15 anchors.left: contactImage.right anchors.leftMargin: Theme.padding color: Theme.darkGrey } StyledText { id: contactTime text: { let now = new Date() let yesterday = new Date() yesterday.setDate(now.getDate()-1) let messageDate = new Date(Math.floor(wrapper.timestamp)) let lastWeek = new Date() lastWeek.setDate(now.getDate()-7) let minutes = messageDate.getMinutes(); let hours = messageDate.getHours(); if (now.toDateString() == messageDate.toDateString()) { return (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes) } else if (yesterday.toDateString() == messageDate.toDateString()) { return qsTr("Yesterday") } else if (lastWeek.getTime() < messageDate.getTime()) { let days = [qsTr('Sunday'), qsTr('Monday'), qsTr('Tuesday'), qsTr('Wednesday'), qsTr('Thursday'), qsTr('Friday'), qsTr('Saturday')]; return days[messageDate.getDay()]; } else { return messageDate.getMonth()+1+"/"+messageDate.getDay()+"/"+messageDate.getFullYear() } } anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Theme.padding anchors.topMargin: Theme.smallPadding font.pixelSize: 11 color: Theme.darkGrey } Rectangle { id: contactNumberChatsCircle width: 22 height: 22 radius: 50 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.smallPadding anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Theme.padding color: visible: unviewedMessagesCount > 0 StyledText { id: contactNumberChats text: wrapper.unviewedMessagesCount < 100 ? wrapper.unviewedMessagesCount : "99" font.pixelSize: 12 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter color: "white" } } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;formeditorColor:"#ffffff";height:64;width:640} } ##^##*/