import QtQuick 2.13 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.popups.addaccount 1.0 import "../../stores" import "../../controls" import "../../popups" Column { id: root property WalletStore walletStore property var emojiPopup signal goToNetworksView() signal goToAccountOrderView() signal goToAccountView(var account) signal goToManageTokensView() signal goToSavedAddressesView() signal runRenameKeypairFlow(var model) signal runRemoveKeypairFlow(var model) signal runMoveKeypairToKeycardFlow(var model) signal runStopUsingKeycardFlow(var model) spacing: 8 Connections { target: walletSection function onDisplayAddAccountPopup() { = true } function onDestroyAddAccountPopup() { = false } } QtObject { id: d property bool propertyReevaluation: false readonly property int unimportedNonProfileKeypairs: { d.propertyReevaluation let total = 0 for (var i = 0; i < keypairsRepeater.count; i++) { let item = keypairsRepeater.itemAt(i) if (item == undefined || item == null) { continue } let kp = item.keyPair if (kp.migratedToKeycard || kp.pairType === Constants.keypair.type.profile || kp.pairType === Constants.keypair.type.watchOnly || kp.operability === Constants.keypair.operability.fullyOperable || kp.operability === Constants.keypair.operability.partiallyOperable) { continue } total++ } return total } readonly property int allNonProfileKeypairsMigratedToAKeycard: { d.propertyReevaluation for (var i = 0; i < keypairsRepeater.count; i++) { let item = keypairsRepeater.itemAt(i) if (item == undefined || item == null) { continue } let kp = item.keyPair if (!kp.migratedToKeycard && kp.pairType !== Constants.keypair.type.profile && kp.pairType !== Constants.keypair.type.watchOnly && kp.operability !== Constants.keypair.operability.nonOperable) { return false } } return true } } component Spacer: Item { height: 8 } Loader { id: addAccount active: false asynchronous: true sourceComponent: AddAccountPopup { store.emojiPopup: root.emojiPopup store.addAccountModule: walletSection.addAccountModule } onLoaded: { } } Separator {} StatusListItem { objectName: "networksItem" title: qsTr("Networks") height: 64 width: parent.width onClicked: goToNetworksView() components: [ StatusIcon { icon: "next" color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } ] } Separator {} StatusListItem { objectName: "accountOrderItem" title: qsTr("Account order") height: 64 width: parent.width highlighted: accountOrderBetaTag.hovered onClicked: goToAccountOrderView() components: [ StatusIcon { icon: "next" color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } ] StatusBetaTag { id: accountOrderBetaTag anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 125 tooltipText: qsTr("Under construction, you might experience some minor issues") cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor } } Separator {} StatusListItem { objectName: "manageTokensItem" title: qsTr("Manage Tokens") height: 64 width: parent.width highlighted: manageTokensBetaTag.hovered onClicked: goToManageTokensView() components: [ StatusIcon { icon: "next" color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } ] StatusBetaTag { id: manageTokensBetaTag anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 135 tooltipText: qsTr("Under construction, you might experience some minor issues") cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor } } Separator {} StatusListItem { objectName: "savedAddressesItem" title: qsTr("Saved Addresses") height: 64 width: parent.width onClicked: goToSavedAddressesView() components: [ StatusIcon { icon: "next" color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } ] } Separator {} Spacer { visible: root.walletStore.walletModule.hasPairedDevices width: parent.width } Rectangle { visible: root.walletStore.walletModule.hasPairedDevices && !d.allNonProfileKeypairsMigratedToAKeycard height: 102 width: parent.width color: Theme.palette.transparent radius: 8 border.width: 1 border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor5 Column { anchors.fill: parent padding: 16 spacing: 8 StatusBaseText { text: qsTr("Import key pairs from this device to your other synced devices") font.pixelSize: 15 } StatusButton { text: qsTr("Show encrypted QR of key pairs on device") "qr" onClicked: { root.walletStore.runKeypairImportPopup("", Constants.keypairImportPopup.mode.exportKeypairQr) } } } } Rectangle { visible: root.walletStore.walletModule.hasPairedDevices && d.unimportedNonProfileKeypairs > 0 height: 102 width: parent.width color: Theme.palette.transparent radius: 8 border.width: 1 border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor5 Column { anchors.fill: parent padding: 16 spacing: 8 StatusBaseText { text: qsTr("%n key pair(s) require import to use on this device", "", d.unimportedNonProfileKeypairs) font.pixelSize: 15 } StatusButton { text: qsTr("Import missing key pairs") type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Warning "download" onClicked: { root.walletStore.runKeypairImportPopup("", Constants.keypairImportPopup.mode.selectKeypair) } } } } Spacer { width: parent.width } Column { width: parent.width spacing: 24 Repeater { id: keypairsRepeater objectName: "generatedAccounts" model: walletStore.originModel onItemAdded: { d.propertyReevaluation = !d.propertyReevaluation } onItemRemoved: { d.propertyReevaluation = !d.propertyReevaluation } delegate: WalletKeyPairDelegate { width: parent.width keyPair: model.keyPair hasPairedDevices: root.walletStore.walletModule.hasPairedDevices userProfilePublicKey: walletStore.userProfilePublicKey onGoToAccountView: root.goToAccountView(account) onRunRenameKeypairFlow: root.runRenameKeypairFlow(model) onRunRemoveKeypairFlow: root.runRemoveKeypairFlow(model) onRunImportViaSeedPhraseFlow: { root.walletStore.runKeypairImportPopup(model.keyPair.keyUid, Constants.keypairImportPopup.mode.importViaSeedPhrase) } onRunImportViaPrivateKeyFlow: { root.walletStore.runKeypairImportPopup(model.keyPair.keyUid, Constants.keypairImportPopup.mode.importViaPrivateKey) } onRunExportQrFlow: { root.walletStore.runKeypairImportPopup(model.keyPair.keyUid, Constants.keypairImportPopup.mode.exportKeypairQr) } onRunImportViaQrFlow: { root.walletStore.runKeypairImportPopup(model.keyPair.keyUid, Constants.keypairImportPopup.mode.importViaQr) } onRunMoveKeypairToKeycardFlow: { root.runMoveKeypairToKeycardFlow(model) } onRunStopUsingKeycardFlow: { root.runStopUsingKeycardFlow(model) } } } } }