import QtQuick 2.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import "../../../../../imports" import "../../../../../shared" Item { property url collectibleIconSource: "../../../../img/collectibles/CryptoKitties.png" property string collectibleName: "CryptoKitties" property bool collectiblesOpened: false property var collectiblesModal property string buttonText: "View in Cryptokitties" property var getLink: function () {} property var collectibles: { if (error) { return [] } try { var result = JSON.parse(collectiblesJSON) if (typeof result === "string") { return JSON.parse(result) } return result } catch (e) { console.error('Error parsing collectibles for:', collectibleName) console.error('JSON:', collectiblesJSON) console.error('Error:', e) return [] } } // Adding active instead of just using visible, because visible counts as false when the parent is not visible property bool active: !!loading || !!error || collectibles.length > 0 id: root visible: active width: parent.width height: visible ? collectiblesHeader.height + collectiblesContent.height : 0 CollectiblesHeader { id: collectiblesHeader collectibleName: root.collectibleName collectibleIconSource: root.collectibleIconSource collectiblesQty: collectibles.length isLoading: loading toggleCollectible: function () { root.collectiblesOpened = !root.collectiblesOpened } } CollectiblesContent { id: collectiblesContent visible: root.collectiblesOpened collectiblesModal: root.collectiblesModal buttonText: root.buttonText getLink: root.getLink collectiblesHeader.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding collectibles: root.collectibles } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;autoSize:true;height:480;width:640} } ##^##*/