import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import Models 1.0 import Storybook 1.0 import utils 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 import 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0 Item { id: root property string mixpanelToken: "" component MethodsPicker: StatusListPicker { id: methodsPicker multiSelection: true inputList: ListModel { ListElement { key: 0 name: "personal_sign" shortName: "personal_sign" category: "" selected: true } ListElement { key: 1 name: "eth_signTypedData" shortName: "eth_signTypedData" category: "" selected: false } ListElement { key: 2 name: "eth_sign" shortName: "eth_sign" category: "" selected: false } ListElement { key: 3 name: "eth_sendTransaction" shortName: "eth_sendTransaction" category: "" selected: false } } function getSelection() { var selection = [] for (var i = 0; i < inputList.count; i++) { if (inputList.get(i).selected) { selection.push(inputList.get(i).name) } } return selection } } DAppsMetrics { id: metrics metricsStore: MetricsStore { id: metricsStore function addCentralizedMetricIfEnabled(eventName, eventValue = null) { if (root.mixpanelToken !== "") { var http = new XMLHttpRequest() var url = ""; eventValue.token = root.mixpanelToken const strEvent = JSON.stringify(eventValue) var event = `[{"properties":${strEvent},"event":"${eventName}"}]`"POST", url, true); // Send the proper header information along with the request http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); http.setRequestHeader("accept", "text/plain"); http.onreadystatechange = function() { // Call a function when the state changes. if (http.readyState == 4) { if (http.status == 200) { console.log("ok") } else { console.log("error: " + http.status) } } } logs.logEvent("Sending Mixpanel event", ["eventName", "eventValue"], arguments) http.send(event); return } logs.logEvent("Mixpanel simulated event", ["eventName", "eventValue"], arguments) } } } Logs { id: logs } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent ColumnLayout { z: 10 spacing: 10 Pane { Layout.fillWidth: true background: Rectangle { border.width: 2 border.color: "black" } ColumnLayout { Label { text: "Warning! Configuring the mixpanel token will send the events to Mixpanel" font.bold: true } RowLayout { Label { text: "Mixpanel Config" } TextField { id: mixpanelToken placeholderText: "Mixpanel Token" } Button { text: "Set Mixpanel Token" onClicked: root.mixpanelToken = mixpanelToken.text } Button { text: "Remove Mixpanel Token" onClicked: root.mixpanelToken = "" } } } } Pane { Layout.fillWidth: true background: Rectangle { border.width: 2 border.color: "black" } ColumnLayout { Label { text: "DApps Health Events" } RowLayout { spacing: 10 Button { id: logHealthEvent text: "Log Health Event" onClicked: metrics.logHealthEvent(healthState.currentIndex, error.text) } ComboBox { id: healthState model: ["WC Available", "WC Unavailable", "Chains Down", "Network Down", "Pair Error", "Connect Error", "Sign Error", "undefined"] } TextField { id: error placeholderText: "Error" } } } } Pane { Layout.fillWidth: true background: Rectangle { border.width: 2 border.color: "black" } ColumnLayout { Label { text: "DApps Navigation Events" } RowLayout { spacing: 10 Button { id: logNavigation text: "Log Navigation Event" onClicked: metrics.logNavigationEvent(navigationAction.currentIndex, connector.currentIndex) } ComboBox { id: navigationAction Layout.fillWidth: true model: ["DApp List Opened", "DApp Connect Initiated", "DApp Disconnect Initiated", "DApp Pair Initiated", "undefined"] } ComboBox { id: connector currentIndex: 1 model: ["undefined", "WalletConnect", "BrowserConnect"] } } } } Pane { id: connectionProposal z: 10 Layout.fillWidth: true background: Rectangle { border.width: 2 border.color: "black" } ColumnLayout { Label { text: "Connection Proposal" } RowLayout { spacing: 10 z: 10 TextField { id: dappProposal text: "" } ComboBox { id: proposalConnector currentIndex: 1 model: ["undefined", "WalletConnect", "BrowserConnect"] } NetworkFilter { id: networkFilter flatNetworks: NetworksModel.flatNetworks } MethodsPicker { id: methodsPicker } } RowLayout { spacing: 10 Button { id: logConnectionProposal text: "Log Connection Proposal" onClicked: metrics.logConnectionProposal(, methodsPicker.getSelection(), dappProposal.text, proposalConnector.currentIndex) } Button { text: "Log SIWE Connection rejected" onClicked: metrics.logSiweConnectionProposal(, dappProposal.text, proposalConnector.currentIndex) } Button { text: "Log Connection accepted" onClicked: metrics.logConnectionProposalAccepted(dappProposal.text,, proposalConnector.currentIndex) } Button { text: "Log Connection rejected" onClicked: metrics.logConnectionProposalRejected(dappProposal.text, proposalConnector.currentIndex) } Button { text: "Log dapp connected" onClicked: metrics.logDAppConnected(dappProposal.text, proposalConnector.currentIndex) } Button { text: "Log dapp disconnected" onClicked: metrics.logDAppDisconnected(dappProposal.text, proposalConnector.currentIndex) } } } } Pane { Layout.fillWidth: true background: Rectangle { border.width: 2 border.color: "black" } ColumnLayout { Label { text: "DApps Sign Events" } RowLayout { spacing: 10 TextField { id: dappSign text: "" } ComboBox { id: connectorSign currentIndex: 1 model: ["undefined", "WalletConnect", "BrowserConnect"] } NetworkFilter { id: networkFilterSign flatNetworks: NetworksModel.flatNetworks multiSelection: false } MethodsPicker { id: methodsPickerSign multiSelection: false } } RowLayout { spacing: 10 Button { id: logSignEvent text: "Log Sign Event" onClicked: metrics.logSignRequestReceived(connectorSign.currentIndex, methodsPickerSign.getSelection()[0], networkFilterSign.singleSelectionItemData.chainId, dappSign.text) } Button { text: "Log Sign Request Accepted" onClicked: metrics.logSignRequestAccepted(connectorSign.currentIndex, methodsPickerSign.getSelection()[0], networkFilterSign.singleSelectionItemData.chainId, dappSign.text) } Button { text: "Log Sign Request Rejected" onClicked: metrics.logSignRequestRejected(connectorSign.currentIndex, methodsPickerSign.getSelection()[0], networkFilterSign.singleSelectionItemData.chainId, dappSign.text) } } } } } Pane { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true background: Rectangle { border.width: 2 border.color: "black" } LogsView { id: logsAndControlsPanel anchors.fill: parent logText: logs.logText } } } } // category: Wallet