Feature: Status Desktop Transaction As a user I want to perform transaction Background: Sign up & Enable wallet section & Toggle test networks Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and navigates to import seed phrase When The user inputs the seed phrase pelican chief sudden oval media rare swamp elephant lawsuit wheat knife initial And user clicks on the following ui-component seedPhraseView_Submit_Button When user signs up with username "tester123" and password "qqqqqqqqqq" Then the user lands on the signed in app When the user opens app settings screen And the user activates wallet and opens the wallet settings And the user toggles test networks And the user opens wallet screen And the user accepts the signing phrase @mayfail Scenario Outline: User sends a transaction When the user sends a transaction to himself from account Status account of on with password qqqqqqqqqq Then the transaction is in progress Examples: | amount | token | chain_name | | 1 | ETH | Goerli | | 0 | ETH | Goerli | | 1 | STT | Goerli | | 0 | STT | Goerli | @mayfail Scenario: User registers a ENS name When the user registers a random ens name with password qqqqqqqqqq Then the transaction is in progress