Feature: Status Desktop Wallet Section Wallet Account Management

    As a user I want to add edit remove different types of wallet accounts

        Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key
        Given the user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
        And the user lands on the signed in app
        And the user opens the wallet section
        And the user accepts the signing phrase

    Scenario Outline: The user can edit the default wallet account
        When the user selects wallet account with "<name>"
        And the user edits an account with "<name>" to "<new_name>" with color "#<new_color>" and emoji "<new_emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<new_name>" and "#<new_color>" and emoji unicode "<new_emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
            | name      | new_name         | new_color | new_emoji  | new_emoji_unicode |
            | Account 1 | MyPrimaryAccount | 216266    | sunglasses | 1f60e             |

    	Scenario Outline: The user can add, edit and remove a watch only account
        When the user adds a watch only account "<address>" with "<name>" color "#<color>" and emoji "<emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user edits an account with "<name>" to "<new_name>" with color "#<new_color>" and emoji "<new_emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<new_name>" and "#<new_color>" and emoji unicode "<new_emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user removes account "<new_name>"
        Then the account with "<new_name>" is not displayed
            | address                                    | name      | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode | new_name        | new_color | new_emoji | new_emoji_unicode |
            | 0xea123F7beFF45E3C9fdF54B324c29DBdA14a639A | AccWatch1 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | AccWatch1edited | 216266    | thumbsup  | 1f44d             |

        Scenario Outline: The user can add, edit and remove generated account with default derivation path
        When the user adds a generated account with "<name>" color "#<color>" and emoji "<emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user edits an account with "<name>" to "<new_name>" with color "#<new_color>" and emoji "<new_emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<new_name>" and "#<new_color>" and emoji unicode "<new_emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user removes account "<new_name>" with agreement
        Then the account with "<new_name>" is not displayed

            | name    | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode | new_name      | new_color | new_emoji | new_emoji_unicode |
            | GenAcc1 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | GenAcc1edited | 216266    | thumbsup  | 1f44d             |

        Scenario Outline: The user can add, edit and remove an account, imported with private key
        When the user adds a private key account "<private_key>" with "<name>" color "#<color>" and emoji "<emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user edits an account with "<name>" to "<new_name>" with color "#<new_color>" and emoji "<new_emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<new_name>" and "#<new_color>" and emoji unicode "<new_emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user removes account "<new_name>" with agreement
        Then the account with "<new_name>" is not displayed

            | private_key                                                      | name        | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode | new_name          | new_color | new_emoji | new_emoji_unicode |
            | 2daa36a3abe381a9c01610bf10fda272fbc1b8a22179a39f782c512346e3e470 | PrivKeyAcc1 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | PrivKeyAcc1edited | 216266    | thumbsup  | 1f44d             |

		Scenario Outline: The user can add, edit and remove generated account with custom derivation path
        When the user adds a custom generated account with "<name>" color "#<color>" emoji "<emoji>" and derivation "<path>" "<address_index>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user removes account "<name>" with agreement
        Then the account with "<name>" is not displayed

            | address_index | path                           | name                 | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode |
            | 5             | Ethereum                       | Ethereum             | 216266 | sunglasses | 1f60e         |
            | 10            | Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten)     | Ethereum Testnet     | 7140fd | sunglasses | 1f60e         |
            | 15            | Ethereum (Ledger)              | Ethereum Ledger      | 2a799b | sunglasses | 1f60e         |
            | 20            | Ethereum (Ledger Live/KeepKey) | Ethereum Ledger Live | 7140fd | sunglasses | 1f60e         |
            | 95            | N/A                            | Custom path          | 216266 | sunglasses | 1f60e         |

		Scenario Outline: The user manages can add, edit and remove an account, imported with seed phrase of 12, 18 and 24 words
        When the user adds an imported seed phrase account "<seed_phrase>" with "<name>" color "#<color>" and emoji "<emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user edits an account with "<name>" to "<new_name>" with color "#<new_color>" and emoji "<new_emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<new_name>" and "#<new_color>" and emoji unicode "<new_emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user removes account "<new_name>" with agreement
        Then the account with "<name>" is not displayed

            | seed_phrase                                                                                                                                                   | name    | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode | new_name      | new_color | new_emoji | new_emoji_unicode |
            | elite dinosaur flavor canoe garbage palace antique dolphin virtual mixed sand impact solution inmate hair pipe affair cage vote estate gloom lamp robust like | SPAcc24 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPAcc24edited | 216266    | thumbsup  | 1f44d             |
            | kitten tiny cup admit cactus shrug shuffle accident century faith roof plastic beach police barely vacant sign blossom                                        | SPAcc18 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPAcc18edited | 216266    | thumbsup  | 1f44d             |
            | pelican chief sudden oval media rare swamp elephant lawsuit wheat knife initial                                                                               | SPAcc12 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPAcc12edited | 216266    | thumbsup  | 1f44d             |

		Scenario Outline: The user can add, edit and remove an account, generated with new master key
        When the user adds a generated seed phrase account with "<name>" color "#<color>" emoji "<emoji>" and keypair "<keypair_name>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user edits an account with "<name>" to "<new_name>" with color "#<new_color>" and emoji "<new_emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<new_name>" and "#<new_color>" and emoji unicode "<new_emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user removes account "<new_name>" with agreement
        Then the account with "<name>" is not displayed

            | keypair_name | name  | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode | new_name     | new_color | new_emoji | new_emoji_unicode |
            | SPKeyPair    | SPAcc | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPAcc_edited | 216266    | thumbsup  | 1f44d             |

        Scenario Outline: The user can cancel generated account deletion
        When the user adds a generated account with "<name>" color "#<color>" and emoji "<emoji>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user start removing account "<name>" and cancel it
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
            | name    | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode |
            | GenAcc1 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         |

    	# Test should be changed to reflect balance change instead of accounts list, will be done after it is changed in the app
 		Scenario Outline: The user can hide and show watch only account by clicking Hide / Show button
        When the user adds a watch only account "<address>" with "<name>" color "#<color>" and emoji "<emoji>" via "<add_via_context_menu>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user opens All accounts view
        And the user clicks Hide / Show watch-only button
        Then the account with "<name>" is not displayed
        When the user opens All accounts view
        And the user clicks Hide / Show watch-only button
		Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list

            | address                                    | name      | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode | add_via_context_menu |
            | 0xea123F7beFF45E3C9fdF54B324c29DBdA14a639A | AccWatch1 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | yes                  |
		# Test should be changed to reflect balance change instead of accounts list, will be done after it is changed in the app
    	Scenario Outline: The user cancel deleting watch only account
        When the user adds a watch only account "<address>" with "<name>" color "#<color>" and emoji "<emoji>" via "<add_via_context_menu>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user start removing account "<name>" and cancel it
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
            | address                                    | name      | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode |
            | 0xea123F7beFF45E3C9fdF54B324c29DBdA14a639A | AccWatch1 | 2a4af5 | sunglasses | 1f60e         |

		# Test should be changed to check that adding more accounts to the keypair reflects in settings, otherwise it is almost a duplicated test
        Scenario Outline: The user manages an account created from the imported seed phrase
        When the user adds an imported seed phrase account "pelican chief sudden oval media rare swamp elephant lawsuit wheat knife initial" with "SPAcc12" color "#2a4af5" and emoji "sunglasses"
        Then the account with "SPAcc12" is displayed
        When the user adds to "pcsomrselw" a custom generated account with "<name>" color "#<color>" emoji "<emoji>" and derivation "<path>" "<address_index>"
        And the user removes account "<name>" with agreement
        Then the account with "<name>" is not displayed

            | address_index | path                           | name          | color  | emoji      |
            | 5             | Ethereum                       | CustomGenAcc1 | 216266 | sunglasses |
            | 10            | Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten)     | CustomGenAcc2 | 7140fd | sunglasses |
            | 15            | Ethereum (Ledger)              | CustomGenAcc3 | 2a799b | sunglasses |
            | 20            | Ethereum (Ledger Live/KeepKey) | CustomGenAcc4 | 7140fd | sunglasses |
            | 95            | N/A                            | CustomGenAcc1 | 216266 | sunglasses |

		# Test should be changed to check that adding more accounts to the keypair reflects in settings, otherwise it is almost a duplicated test
        Scenario Outline: The user manages an account created from the generated seed phrase
        When the user adds a generated seed phrase account with "SPKeyPair" color "#<color>" emoji "<emoji>" and keypair "<keypair_name>"
        Then the account with "SPKeyPair" is displayed
        When the user adds to "<keypair_name>" a custom generated account with "<name>" color "#<color>" emoji "<emoji>" and derivation "<path>" "<address_index>"
        Then the account is correctly displayed with "<name>" and "#<color>" and emoji unicode "<emoji_unicode>" in accounts list
        When the user removes account "<name>" with agreement
        Then the account with "<name>" is not displayed
            | address_index | path                           | name          | color  | emoji      | emoji_unicode | keypair_name |
            | 5             | Ethereum                       | CustomGenAcc1 | 216266 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPKeyPair    |
            | 10            | Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten)     | CustomGenAcc2 | 7140fd | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPKeyPair    |
            | 15            | Ethereum (Ledger)              | CustomGenAcc3 | 2a799b | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPKeyPair    |
            | 20            | Ethereum (Ledger Live/KeepKey) | CustomGenAcc4 | 7140fd | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPKeyPair    |
            | 95            | N/A                            | CustomGenAcc1 | 216266 | sunglasses | 1f60e         | SPKeyPair    |

        Scenario: The user adds an account and then decides to use a Keycard
        When the user adds new master key and go to use a Keycard
        Then settings keycard section is opened