library 'status-jenkins-lib@v1.2.19' pipeline { agent { label 'linux' } options { timestamps() disableConcurrentBuilds() /* Prevent Jenkins jobs from running forever */ timeout(time: 35, unit: 'MINUTES') /* Limit builds retained */ buildDiscarder(logRotator( numToKeepStr: '10', daysToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10', )) } parameters { booleanParam( name: 'PUBLISH', description: 'Trigger publishing of build results to GitHub.', defaultValue: getPublishDefault(params.PUBLISH), ) } stages { stage('Build') { parallel { stage('Linux') { steps { script { linux = jenkins.Build('status-desktop/platforms/linux') } } } stage('Windows') { steps { script { windows = jenkins.Build('status-desktop/platforms/windows') } } } stage('MacOS') { steps { script { macos = jenkins.Build('status-desktop/platforms/macos') } } } } } stage('Archive') { steps { script { sh('rm -f pkg/*') jenkins.copyArts(linux) jenkins.copyArts(windows) jenkins.copyArts(macos) sha = "pkg/${utils.pkgFilename('sha256')}" dir('pkg') { /* generate sha256 checksums for upload */ sh "sha256sum * | tee ../${sha}" archiveArtifacts('*') } } } } stage('Upload') { steps { script { /* object for easier URLs handling */ urls = [ /* mobile */ Linux: utils.pkgUrl(linux), Windows: utils.pkgUrl(windows), MacOS: utils.pkgUrl(macos), /* upload the sha256 checksums file too */ SHA: s3.uploadArtifact(sha), ] /* add URLs to the build description */ jenkins.setBuildDesc(urls) } } } stage('Publish') { when { expression { params.PUBLISH } } steps { script { github.publishReleaseFiles(repo: 'status-desktop'); } } } } } /* Helper that makes PUBLISH default to 'false' unless: * - The build is for a release branch * - A user explicitly specified a value * Since release builds create and re-create GitHub drafts every time. */ def Boolean getPublishDefault(Boolean previousValue) { if (env.JOB_NAME.startsWith('status-desktop/release')) { return true } if (previousValue != null) { return previousValue } return false }