import QtQuick 2.15 import QtTest 1.15 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import Models 1.0 Item { id: root width: 600 height: 400 Component { id: componentUnderTest StatusButton { anchors.centerIn: parent } } SignalSpy { id: signalSpy target: controlUnderTest signalName: "clicked" } property StatusButton controlUnderTest: null TestCase { name: "StatusButton" when: windowShown function cleanup() { if (!!controlUnderTest) controlUnderTest.destroy() signalSpy.clear() } function test_defaults() { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: "Hello" }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) verify(controlUnderTest.width > 0) verify(controlUnderTest.height > 0) verify(controlUnderTest.interactive) verify(controlUnderTest.enabled) verify(!controlUnderTest.loading) verify(!controlUnderTest.loadingWithText) verify(!controlUnderTest.isRoundIcon) } function test_text() { const textToTest = "Hello" controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: textToTest }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) const buttonText = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonText") verify(!!buttonText) verify(buttonText.visible) compare(buttonText.text, textToTest) // verify the icon is not visible const buttonIcon = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonIcon") verify(!!buttonIcon) compare(buttonIcon.item, null) } function test_textLeftRight() { const textToTest = "Hello" controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: textToTest, "": "gif" }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) compare(controlUnderTest.textPosition, StatusBaseButton.TextPosition.Right) const leftTextLoader = findChild(controlUnderTest, "leftTextLoader") verify(!!leftTextLoader) verify(! const rightTextLoader = findChild(controlUnderTest, "rightTextLoader") verify(!!rightTextLoader) verify( // set the text to appear on the right, verify the text position controlUnderTest.textPosition = StatusBaseButton.TextPosition.Left verify( verify(! } function test_elideText() { const textToTest = "This is a very long text that should be elided" controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: textToTest }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) controlUnderTest.width = 100 // verify the text is visible and truncated (elided) const buttonText = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonText") verify(!!buttonText) verify(buttonText.visible) verify(buttonText.truncated) } function test_icon_data() { return [ { tag: "empty", name: "", iconVisible: false }, { tag: "gif", name: "gif", iconVisible: true }, { tag: "invalid", name: "bflmpsvz", iconVisible: false }, { tag: "blob", name: ModelsData.icons.status, iconVisible: true }, { tag: "fileUrl", name: ModelsData.assets.snt, iconVisible: true }, ] } function test_icon(data) { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { "": }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) const buttonIcon = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonIcon") verify(!!buttonIcon) if (data.iconVisible) verify(buttonIcon.item.visible) // verify the button is square with rounded edges compare(controlUnderTest.width, controlUnderTest.height) verify(controlUnderTest.radius != controlUnderTest.width/2) // verify the text is not visible const buttonText = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonText") compare(buttonText, null) } function test_roundIcon() { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { "": "gif", "isRoundIcon": true }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) const buttonIcon = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonIcon") verify(!!buttonIcon) verify(buttonIcon.item.visible) // verify that the button is rounded compare(controlUnderTest.width, controlUnderTest.height) compare(controlUnderTest.radius, controlUnderTest.width/2) } function test_emoji() { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: "Hello" }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) const buttonEmoji = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonEmoji") verify(!!buttonEmoji) verify(!buttonEmoji.visible) // set some emoji, verify it's visible controlUnderTest.asset.emoji = "💩" verify(buttonEmoji.visible) // unset the emoji, verify it's not visible controlUnderTest.asset.emoji = "" verify(!buttonEmoji.visible) } function test_textAndIcon_data() { return test_icon_data() } function test_textAndIcon(data) { const textToTest = "Hello" controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: textToTest, "": }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) const buttonIcon = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonIcon") verify(!!buttonIcon) if (data.iconVisible) verify(buttonIcon.item.visible) // verify the button is not square/round verify(controlUnderTest.width > controlUnderTest.height) // verify the text is visible too const buttonText = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonText") verify(!!buttonText) verify(buttonText.visible) compare(buttonText.text, textToTest) } function test_interactiveAndEnabled_data() { return [ { tag: "enabled", enabled: true, interactive: true, spyCount: 1, tooltip: true }, { tag: "not enabled + interactive", enabled: false, interactive: true, spyCount: 0, tooltip: false }, { tag: "enabled + not interactive", enabled: true, interactive: false, spyCount: 0, tooltip: true }, { tag: "not enabled + not interactive", enabled: false, interactive: false, spyCount: 0, tooltip: false }, ] } function test_interactiveAndEnabled(data) { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: "Hello", "tooltip.text": "This is a tooltip" }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) controlUnderTest.enabled = data.enabled controlUnderTest.interactive = data.interactive // verify the tooltip is visible in interactive or enabled when hovered const buttonTooltip = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonTooltip") verify(!!buttonTooltip) mouseMove(controlUnderTest, controlUnderTest.width/2, controlUnderTest.height/2) waitForItemPolished(buttonTooltip.contentItem) tryCompare(buttonTooltip, "opened", data.tooltip) // verify the click goes thru (or not) as expected mouseClick(controlUnderTest) compare(signalSpy.count, data.spyCount) } function test_loadingIndicators() { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: "Hello", "": "gif", "asset.emoji": "💩", "tooltip.text": "This is a tooltip" }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) const buttonIcon = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonIcon") verify(!!buttonIcon) compare(buttonIcon.visible, true) const buttonText = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonText") verify(!!buttonText) compare(buttonText.visible, true) const buttonEmoji = findChild(controlUnderTest, "buttonEmoji") verify(!!buttonEmoji) compare(buttonEmoji.visible, true) const loadingIndicator = findChild(controlUnderTest, "loadingIndicator") verify(!!loadingIndicator) compare(loadingIndicator.visible, false) compare(controlUnderTest.contentItem.opacity, 1) // verify when the overall indicator is running, nothing else is visible controlUnderTest.loading = true compare(loadingIndicator.visible, true) compare(controlUnderTest.contentItem.opacity, 0) // the loading indicator is above the contentItem // stop the loadingIndicator, verify icon, emoji and text are visible again controlUnderTest.loading = false compare(loadingIndicator.visible, false) compare(controlUnderTest.contentItem.opacity, 1) compare(buttonIcon.visible, true) compare(buttonText.visible, true) compare(buttonEmoji.visible, true) // start the loadingWithText indicator, verify it and text are visible, icon and emoji not const loadingWithTextIndicator = findChild(controlUnderTest, "loadingWithTextIndicator") verify(!!loadingWithTextIndicator) verify(!controlUnderTest.loadingWithText) compare(loadingWithTextIndicator.visible, false) controlUnderTest.loadingWithText = true compare(loadingWithTextIndicator.visible, true) compare(buttonIcon.visible, false) compare(buttonText.visible, true) compare(buttonEmoji.visible, false) } function test_outlineButton_data() { return [ { tag: "normal", type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Normal }, { tag: "danger", type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger }, { tag: "warning", type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Warning }, { tag: "success", type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Success }, { tag: "primary", type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Primary }, ] } function test_outlineButton(data) { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root, { text: "Hello", "": "gif", isOutline: true, type: data.type }) verify(!!controlUnderTest) expectFail("primary", "Primary button can not be outline") verify(Qt.colorEqual(controlUnderTest.normalColor, "transparent")) verify(Qt.colorEqual(controlUnderTest.disabledColor, "transparent")) compare(controlUnderTest.borderWidth, 1) verify(Qt.colorEqual(controlUnderTest.borderColor, Theme.palette.baseColor2)) } } }